Hillary Clinton Is Now Giving Debate Advice

Hillary Clinton Is Now Giving Debate Advice

Hillary Clinton Is Now Giving Debate Advice

Hillary giving debate advice was not on my bingo card this year. Yet here she is with a preachy column in the New York Times about her expectations.

I am the only person to have debated both men (Mr. Trump in 2016 and, in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary race, Senator Biden). I know the excruciating pressure of walking onto that stage and that it is nearly impossible to focus on substance when Mr. Trump is involved. In our three debates in 2016, he unleashed a blizzard of interruptions, insults and lies that overwhelmed the moderators and did a disservice to the voters who tuned in to learn about our visions for the country — including a record 84 million viewers for our first debate.

And she has whined incessantly about her debate performance and Trump’s “looming” over her ever since. Heck, she’s bitched and moaned about her loss nearly every damned day and has a very LOOOONG list of people to blame. Everyone except her that is.

Of course, her expectations involve claiming that it’s only Trump that is full of nonsense, blather, and is a bully. Joe, however, is a very wise and kind man, who will only be hindered by the fact that he won’t have as much time to prepare for the debate.

By contrast, Clinton said that Biden is disadvantaged by the precedent of poorer first debate performances for incumbents, which she attributed to the demands of the presidency taking away time for preparation. Biden will win if the “story comes through” of his sincere work to repair the American economy after the pandemic, lowering inflation, creating jobs and investing in efforts to combat climate change.

“Yes, he’s 81,” Clinton wrote. “That’s just three years older than Mr. Trump. And his lifetime of service and experience helps him get things done that make our country stronger and all of our lives better.”

The choice between either candidate is clear, she added: “a convicted criminal out for revenge and a president who delivers results for the American people.”

Yes, she wrote that with a straight face. I tell you, Hillary is the gift that just keeps on giving! This debate advice is something else!

Today, three years after Biden took office, costs for EVERYTHING are up 20% at a minimum. That’s not a record to be proud of no matter how the Biden team will try to spin it. 

Houthis are attacking ships constantly in the Red Sea, Israel is fighting for its very existence, and Ukraine and Russia are at loggerheads. Iran is, along with North Korea, flexing their muscles while we have a Defense Department far more concerned with freaking pride patches and ensuring nonbinary soldiers don’t get their widdle feelings hurt. 

Furthermore, let’s not forget Joe’s choices for government employees. Sam Brinton anyone?

How about Tyler Cherry?


Speaking of disastrous consequences, Joe keeps draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and waging war on oil and gas, while at the same time handing out government subsidies to wind and solar like its Christmas. 

Antisemitism is on the rise in this country and the violence is escalating under Joe Biden’s watch. The violent pogrom at the LA synagogue yesterday was a feature, not a bug. 

Our borders are non-existent, people are getting killed by the criminals here illegally, and we have no freaking idea how many terrorists are wandering the U.S. 

Yet Hillary claims it is TRUMP who will bring the chaos back? CHAOS is already here and the responsibility for it lies with Joe Biden whether his addled brain can handle that or not. 

Hillary claims that it is Joe who capped insulin costs. 

For his part, Mr. Biden is clearly eager to talk about his plans to lower costs. He has stood up to powerful pharmaceutical companies by capping the cost of insulin and signing a law to allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices for the first time. On Thursday, listen for plans to take on corporate price gouging and make gas, groceries and housing more affordable. The president has already helped one in 10 Americans with federal student loans get much-needed relief. He most likely will be ready to offer more ideas for how to help young people get a strong start and afford a middle-class life.

Keep in mind, it is President Trump who worked to lower and cap insulin prices. Joe stopped that cold twice before allowing the cap to be put in place. 

And let’s not forget Joe’s work to abolish Title IX in favor of letting MEN take over women’s sports. 

I could go on at great length about how misguided Hillary’s advice is. Will anyone in Joe’s 16 strong advisory team listen to her? Or are they too busy training Joe to stay upright for a full 90 minute stretch?

Hillary lost because she’s A. unlikeable. B. was condescending as hell towards regular Americans, gosh darn those Deplorables anyway! and C. totally ignored key states against advice and it cost her. 

So, for her to drop in with advice for Joe’s debate prep with swipes at Trump along with way, is pure arrogance on Hillary’s part. 

Feature Photo Credit: Hillary via Wikimedia by Aslan media on Flickr, cropped and modified

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  • Lloyd says:

    Damn…When will this woman just disappear? Probably never, I guess…with all those “femmynists” who adore her still singing her song. Shame on all who support this old hag !!!!!

  • Jeff A. says:

    America’s Ex-Wife doing what ex-wives do: bitch and moan.

  • American Human says:

    I’ve always thought that a great commercial against Hillary would be to have her screeching out her talking points. Then the camera pans over to a nice man who just turns the TV off and says, “Kinda sounds like your ex-wife doesn’t she!”

    People such as her never ever take responsibility for anything. The perfect example was her blaming the Benghazi tragedy on everyone else. She is the biggest unctuous snob on the planet (maybe tied with John F-ing Kerry) and I’ve always thought that Joe Biden is the most corrupt president in history only because she was never elected.

    Love or hate Trump, we have him to thank until the end of time that Hillary will NEVER be president of this wonderful country.

  • GWB says:

    Hillary claims that it is Joe who capped insulin costs.
    IOW, price controls. You know, that free market principle all conservatives love.

    isten for plans to take on corporate price gouging and make gas, groceries and housing more affordable.
    IOW, … ah, forget it, Jake. It’s Washington, DC.

    As to Hillary – Will no one rid us of this troublesome lawyer?

  • rbj1 says:

    Could it be that Hillary is just waiting for China Joe* to fall flat on his face at the debate (literally or figuratively) and just waiting to be ‘reluctantly” dragged in to be his replacement?

    • GWB says:

      There’s some argument that’s part of what’s happening.
      There are people very definitely against that, and they’re mostly fighting for Joe to stay in, I think. (Too afraid of opening the can of worms to try it.)
      I think there are also people trying to advance Kamala. I think many of them don’t think it’s a good thing, or it already would have happened. Probably still some Bernie bros mixing it up with them, too.

      All those times that you’ve thought “Oh, the media is going to finally throw the doddard under the bus” were that internal fighting getting to a point where someone other than the Biden puppet-masters got ahead in the game a bit.

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