A congressional committee chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy may soon be graced with the presence of one half of the dead-broke Clintons. You see, Queen Hillary has “agreed” to answer questions on everything Benghazi, destroyed emails, and that pesky wiped server. Now I’ve never been “asked” to testify before Congress, but I imagine if I were, I’d not be given a choice to choose whether or not to show up. But then, my last name isn’t Clinton.
“What difference, at this point, does it make?” —Hillary Clinton (photo credit: Red State)
In his response, Mrs. Clinton’s attorney David Kendall wrote there was, “no basis, logic, or precedent for such an usual request,” saying Mrs. Clinton would be, “prepared to stay for the duration of the Committee’s questions on the day she appears.”
Hillary is not willing to further disclose correspondence, nor is she willing to allow a neutral third-party to inspect her email server(s).
Kendall offered the week of May 18th or a later date for Clinton’s catch all public appearance before the House Committee.
Well, isn’t it great to be Queen?
Oh, but wait one second, because there’s a hitch: Even though two separate meetings were requested by Rep. Gowdy—one for the emails and another for Benghazi—Chilly Hill has dictated to the committee that she will only speak with them once, and only once. She must be too busy not making herself available for press interviews or something.
Rep. Trey Gowdy (photo credit: The Washington Post)
Rep. Gowdy has yet to accept Clinton’s single appearance offer. Mr. Gowdy’s spokesman said they have the letter but didn’t say whether they will accede to Mrs. Clinton’s demand, saying only they will take it “into consideration.”
“As a result of the Benghazi Committee’s efforts, the American people now know about Secretary Clinton’s unusual email arrangement with herself, something that would not be known had the committee rushed to call the former secretary in November as committee Democrats pushed,” [said spokesman, Jamal Ware].
Not specified is whether Mrs. Clinton will be under oath during the hearing. Rep. Gowdy and Speaker Boehner have indicated they would be willing to involve the entire House if necessary to obtain documentation and server access from Mrs. Clinton.
Just like Hillary chose which of her shredded emails to provide them, she’s now telling Congress, and by extension, us, how many times she’ll appear. Or perhaps, since she’s prone to obnoxious outbursts, she’ll just send Bill on over to testify on her behalf, which seems to be her modus operandi. You’ll recall Susan Rice covering Hillary’s rear after the Benghazi attack:
Oh, I forgot. Hillary had a headache… And then, just yesterday—in an effort to quash criticism of their shady charitable foundation—She Who Wants to Be Prez trotted Slick Billy out to convince the masses that they have bills to pay, too, you know, just like the rest of us. Warning. You may need a shot of Pepto before you watch this:
What. An Elitist. Jackass. Surely his protestations have nothing to do with that blockbuster of a book whose release date is today, right? What’s Hillary going to do if—Lord, help us—she’s elected POTUS? Push Billy out in front of the cameras whenever the job gets too hard, or she has a postmenopausal headache? Oh, but he wasn’t done:
So there you have it, even if revealed unintentionally. It’s not exactly an epiphany, but the Clintons see themselves as above the law, American royalty who answer to no one. Here’s hoping Trey Gowdy sees it otherwise, because Hillary Clinton has much to answer for. Grab some popcorn, and a lie detector app, because if Rep. Gowdy’s his usual self, this should be a very interesting little chat.
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