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An article crossed the Victory Girls news feed that caused a collective WTF?!! among us. This is the title of the vomit inducing dreck:
The 5 Types of ‘Becky’
This chap in all his blackmansplaining glory goes off the racist discriminatory deep end.
According to Michael Harriot, there are five types of white women who, by their very existence—who they admire, where they shop, who they date or marry, what they drive, and the music they do or don’t listen to—totally indicates their racism.
Becky:(noun); a white woman who uses her privilege as a weapon, a ladder or an excuse. Ex: “A random Becky hit me up on Twitter to explain why not all white women are racist
Not all white women are Beckys, but all Beckys are white women.
So, in other words, on any given day ALL white woman he encounters are some type of privileged racist Becky. ALRIGHTY THEN!
What are the 5 Becky categories?
Harriot has decreed that Taylor Swift and Megyn Kelly shall henceforth be called “Rebecca.”
Beccas were the white women who sat on plantation porches teaching their slaves how to read but still had slaves.
WOW, DUDE!! Hate much? Discriminate much? Stuck in the past that you never experienced much?
Becca’s voted for Obama. Katy Perry and Hillary Clinton are Becca’s. Ok, look, I’m not a fan of Katy and REALLY not a fan of Hillary, but that’s just funny right there! In fact, what do you wanna bet Mikey voted for Hillary? Heh
Beckeisha’s are nasty culture appropriators. As in dating a black man, liking and singing along to rap music, dropping the N word whenever they get a chance, and ghetto is cool. In other words, people such as the Karashian’s, Miley Cyrus, and Rachel Dolezal are vultures just because they, at one time or another, possibly had sex with a black guy.
Reba’s are white privilege all the time. They don’t care about equality and are those white women who kicked all blacks under the bus by voting for Trump. Famous Rebas include Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer. Which is funny since Mikey either didn’t realize or forgot that both women were totally in the tank for Hillary!
Wanna bet that if he ever said any of that to Reba McIntyre, she would’ve handed his ass to him in a split second accompanied by a very emphatic Bless. Your. Heart!?
All Beckzillas know that white womanhood is a credit card with an unlimited balance. After all, if you are born with the ultimate privilege of white womanhood, why not use it to your advantage?
What the hell is wrong with this guy? His craptastic diatribe makes it abundantly clear that he spends 24/7 hating white people and all white women in particular. He must be a REAL joy to hang around with.
This twitter comment in response to his pile of flaming poo made me chuckle.
Wait until the Beckys read "the 5 Types of Becky." Get ready for denials, name calling, whataboutery and hopefully, some soul searching.
— Carrie D. Eepstate❄️ (@Mayne1Carrie) August 30, 2017
What Carrie doesn’t seem to grasp is that by his definition SHE is a Becky, specifically a Beckeisha! The lack of self awareness is strong with Carrie.
Written by a black male about white women… imagine if it was the other way around. Wow.
— Alex (@Spartacus4175) August 30, 2017
The World Would Implode. So who is this Michael Harriot person jackass?
Ok, so he doesn’t really dress like Huggy Bear in real life, at least I don’t think so. But what he DOES do is advocate violence against cops, thinks Michael Brown was just the sweetest little thug EVER!, expects the government to hand him everything, and has decided he can spout hate speech and be as racist as he wants.
Basically his entire rant boils down to this: All white women are racist trash and he has defined the classes of trash. Yet if a WHITE person wrote that?? The earth would reverse its spin in about .00003 seconds from all the nuclear meltdowns.
Needless to say, there was pushback. So his response? More bullying, more flinging of hate-filled speech and lingo. Go ahead and read it if you dare…don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Michael Harriot is likely one of the first in line to scream But RACIST!! if someone dares use the wrong word or phrase to describe any black person. But he thinks it’s laugh-out-loud funny to promote and condone the racist trash he wrote yesterday. Can we say HYPOCRITE? Why, yes, we can and do.
I wonder how he would react to an article about several types of Tyrone that includes the gold chain and gold tooth sporting crack dealer, and the plaid and designer hipster eyeglass-wearing hipster, who is desperately trying to fit into his gentrified neighborhood.
Bet he would screech like a cat stuck in a dark closet!
Bahahahaha! *body slam*
Like Undercover Brother?
He doesn’t say Rebas are Trump voters, he says you can knock Rebas off their woke pedestals by reminding them that white women voted 53% for Trump.
I’m so ready for this bit of slang to die.
Actually he did. Here’s the direct quote from his vile little diatribe under the Reba definition: “Remind her of the 53 percent of white women who kicked black people under the bus by voting for Donald Trump.”
Did you just seriously just call Michael Brown a “thug” in the same article complaining about how unfair and racist Michael Harriot is? Let’s get one thing straight, only when black people are killed do we call in to question the content of their character to justify their murder. THAT is racism, and you need to check yourself. I don’t care if Michael Brown was a “thug” by whatever your definition of that term is, he was a teenager and he did not deserve to be murdered.
That said, as a white woman myself, Harriot’s article made me laugh. It is social commentary through satire, don’t take it so literally or personally. The fact that you’re getting so outraged does more to prove Harriot’s point than any word he wrote in that article. It’s almost funny, because you’re so concerned with calling out hypocrisy, yet you are a hypocrite too. You falsely claim that his argument is that “all white women are racist trash” when he specifically states not all white women are Beckys in the 2nd paragraph. You use his race to downplay his credibility, to make racially-charged assumptions about him leeching off the government, you photoshop his face onto a suit with different animal prints (would you have chosen that ridiculous outfit if he were not a black man?). How can you sit there and call out his “vile” and “vomit-inducing” article and think that your behavior is acceptable?
As white people the least we can do is listen to people of color and try to understand and empathize with what it’s like to be a POC in America today. Where you can be a shot in the back by the people who are paid to protect you, and then have your murder dismissed as one less “thug” on the street (but how DARE black people distrust police officers, right?!?). If you’re so concerned with fairness, consider the fact that how white people and people of color have been treated has literally never been fair. Sure, we don’t have explicitly racist laws anymore (they’ve been “tastefully” rewritten), but if you actually believe that people of color as a whole have access to the same opportunities and wealth as white people as a whole, then you need to educate yourself and you need to hold yourself accountable too.
Find other things to be outraged about than an article teasing certain types of white women. Let this dude make a fucking joke. I know some Beckys. I have some Becky in me too. If you don’t want to be lumped in with the racist trash, then try not being racist trash.
Wow, try coming into the 21st century… the “racism ” you claim is mostly manufactured, the fact that crime is disproportionally committed by a minority of the population is not racist, it’s fact. As for Michael Brown, he was a THUG! He committed a strong arm robbery, was stopped because he matched the description of the perp, and then attacked the police officer (who was half his size), striking him in the head while he was restrained by his seatbelt, and trying to grab the officers gun. If all of that doesn’t fit your definition of a THUG, you really need to relook at your definition.. As for the BS narrative about the cop shooting him in the back (or the many other claims of such), you have to be a racist yourself to believe it’s that prevalant. Do a little research, and you’ll find that experts on the subject (not emotion driven leftists) have proven that there are a number of factors involved, such as the fact that a person being shot at reflexively turns from the shooter, and that it happens more than quick enough for the bullets to strike them in the back, even though they were facing the shooter when they pulled the trigger. Add in adreneline (how amped up would you be if you were trapped by your seatbelt, and hit in the face multiple times by someone twice your size, while he was trying to take your gun???) that results in multiple rapid pulls of the trigger, sometimes after the target is no longer a threat… it’s human physiology, not racism… but I know it’d be too much to ask an emotional leftist to understand such logic, when FEELZ are much easier… But anyway, thanks for playing! It’s always entertaining when a clueless person decides to come around and demonstrate their ignorance.
Nina, you protest too much. In light of all the despicable articles, books, shows and other demeaning words that have been written by whites about blacks this is small stuff. Your response highlights your racism. You own it and own it well.
all the despicable articles, books, shows and other demeaning words that have been written by whites about blacks
You really need to back that up. And I’m pretty sure you can’t – at least not with anything written in, say, the last half century, by anyone of consequence, read by any large group of people.