Hamas Terror Rapes – Western Feminists Silent

Hamas Terror Rapes – Western Feminists Silent

Hamas Terror Rapes – Western Feminists Silent

For the last six weeks, feminists groups in the West have been strangely silent about the rapes committed by Hamas terrorists on, and maybe since, October 7, 2023. Israeli women were beaten, raped, paraded before jeering crowds, and brutally murdered. Some of them suffered all of that. Western feminists who are outspoken about everything else are dead-freaking-silent about the plight of the women. This hypocrisy has not gone unnoticed by some of us.

Today, a hero Member of the European Parliament spoke out about these terror rapes. Assita Kanko, was born in Burkina Fasso. Now, a Belgian citizen, Kanko works on outlawing Female Genital Mutilation, Human Trafficking and illegal immigration. She is not one of our coddled suburban feminists. She called out those hypocrites:

In case you don’t want to watch the video, here is the transcript:

Today, I have a question. A pressing question. For some Western feminists.
How can you remain silent, when women and girls are raped, tortured, their bodies carried around naked and spat on by bearded men shouting Allah Akbar?

Then you can never call yourself a feminist again.

Every day, including today, some Western hypocritical feminists should be ashamed of their silence on the horror that Hamas men inflicted to women and girls on 7 October.
And that includes big names we were once proud of.

Why are their lips sealed and their hearts of stone when it comes to the excruciating pain of Jewish women?
The MeToo movement and so-called intersectional feminists do not care about all women.

If they remain silent, it means they have lied to us about their commitment to women’s rights.
Their actions support the oppressor, not the victims.

Also the EU money does.

Those who say nothing about these women and the hostages, should not be standing here and speaking about human rights.

When you are under attack by terrorists, a cease fire is like raising your hands when you are being shot at.

Perhaps it is worth considering that a real lasting cease fire will start with bringing back all the hostages to their homes and the rapists to justice.

Assita Kanko

You can stand up and cheer. I am. Where is feminist icon Gloria Steinem. Last we heard from her she was crying in 2020 that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a bully. She is silent on the crimes against humanity committed by Hamas. Oprah Winfrey tried to thread the needle last month in her statement:

In a statement posted to her Oprah Insiders on Sunday, the 69-year-old television host addressed both Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel, as well as Israel’s ongoing bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which it occupies.

‘I am utterly heartbroken for the loss of life in Israel,’ Winfrey wrote, before condemning Hamas’ attack.

She also wrote that she was ‘heartbroken for the deaths of innocent children and civilians in Gaza.’

Not a word about the women brutalized by Hamas. Way to stick your neck out Oprah.

There are many others who are vile, like Susan Sarandon, who got fired for her idiot words. Read Lisa’s post here.

Michal Herzog, the wife of the Israeli President, wrote an op/ed for Newsweek where she recounted:

At the Nova music festival, where more than 350 young people were slaughtered and dozens kidnapped, witnesses hiding in the bushes saw terrorists gang-rape, then murder and mutilate women. A Hamas video from a kibbutz shows terrorists torturing a pregnant woman and removing her fetus. Our forensic scientists have found bodies of women and girls raped with such violence that their pelvic bones were broken. Those of us unlucky enough to have seen video evidence broadcast by the terrorists themselves witnessed the body of a naked woman paraded through Gaza, and another, still alive, in bloodied pants held captive at gunpoint being pulled into a jeep by her hair. This evidence, along with the explicit recorded confessions of captured terrorists, makes abundantly clear that mass rape was a premeditated part of Hamas’s plan.

And this crime is ongoing: The 240 hostages held in Gaza include many women and girls, and only when they are released will we know what they have endured.

Mass rape is terror just as a bomb is terror. The Feminist Outrage Choir is strangely silent. First Lady Herzog calls out the world groups who don’t condemn this violence:

It is not that condemnations of gender-based violence by Hamas have been weak or insufficient – there have been none at all. Statement after statement by organizations like UN Women, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) have failed to condemn these crimes. They failed us, and all women, at this critical moment.

Writer and historian John Robson wrote this in an article for the National Post:

The Oct. 7 genocidal Hamas/Islamic Jihad attack on Israel had the silver lining of producing moral clarity. Which might seem poor compensation but when things are bad and getting worse fast, it’s vital to see them as they are. Including the perplexing fact that so many western feminists went off the deep end, or revealed themselves as having long since done so, to the point of denying that the jihadis committed savage acts of rape and butchery not merely from general depravity but as a preplanned weapon of terrorist genocide.

When I say moral clarity, I don’t mean everybody suddenly learned to tell right from wrong. I mean we quickly and clearly found out who didn’t. There was widespread shock at the extent to which progressives rallied to Hamas right after an attack that killed more Jews for being Jewish than on any one day since the Holocaust. And that after taking time to reflect, so many doubled down. Especially those whose progressivism had led to privileged positions with the Canadian state, from academia to public sector unions to “anti-racist” consultants who rave about and openly threaten “Jewsaders.”

The terror rapes committed by Hamas did produce moral clarity. And, now we know that “Love Trumps Hate” means as much as any other bumper sticker thinking.

Featured Image: Valeri Pizhanski/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • Anna A says:

    When has Western feminists EVER spoke out for the problems of women elsewhere in the world? Right off hand, I can’t think of any.

  • Scott says:

    Western “feminists” gave been useless clowns for decades. They should be ignored and defunded in any case where our tax dollars are being wasted on them.
    As for the situation in Gaza, We need to stay out of the way, and allow Israel to do what’s needed. In my opinion, this would include doing whatever they need to do to get back as many of the surviving hostages as they can.. then wipe Gaza clean. There are no innocents there, they are all either involved or complicit, and they will only stop when they’re dead… they want to be martyrs and meet Allah??? Grant their wishes…

  • Mark F says:

    American feminists are just waiting to try on those new fangled burkas.

    • Scott says:

      From what I’ve seen of most “feminists”, wrapping a sheet around their head and face WOULD be an improvement…

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