Google’s Learning On The Loo With Jewglers

Google’s Learning On The Loo With Jewglers

Google’s Learning On The Loo With Jewglers

Good googling grief, is there no end to stupidity and ignorance in this world? Google is trying to create a learning series for their employees to try to teach about Jewish colleagues by putting up posters in their bathrooms. It’s called Learning on the Loo at Google.

Google and their bathroom learning series for ‘Jewish Allyship’ is their way to help fight anti-Semitism.

Yes, Google apparently has had a long-standing learning series called Learning on the Loo.

Learning on the Loo (LotL), a volunteer-driven series of one-page lessons that show up in Google bathrooms in every office across the globe. The “episodes,” as they’re called, hang inside each restroom and cover subjects from productivity tips for Gmail to avoiding bias in decision-making. – Google Blog

I don’t know if they got this idea from airports putting up human trafficking posters in their stalls or not, and Google can certainly do whatever they want with their Learning on the Loo series. But putting up posters in the crapper to teach you about what a Jewish person is and isn’t? Ya’ll stop.

The bathroom fliers, which instructed Google employees that “every Jew is different” and to “avoid assuming a Jewish colleague represents the Israeli government,” come as the tech company has faced criticism over anti-Israel and anti-Semitic comments by employees. Google was forced to reassign its diversity chief in 2021, after the Free Beacon reported that he had accused Jews of having an “insatiable appetite for war.” – Free Beacon

So, number 1,  Google apparently has a problem with the Israeli government.

And, number 2, Google hires anti-Semitic employees.

But I guess putting up these so-called “learning” fliers in the toilet rooms makes everything okay again.

The flier also gives Google’s Jewish colleagues a very special nickname – Jewglers. I mean, really. Does Google even have a Human Resources department? This is abhorrent.

The flier noted,

“Antisemitism (discrimination, hostility, and prejudice against Jewish people) has been on the rise in the world. This historical moment when your Jewish colleagues (a.k.a. ‘Jewglers’) are feeling especially vulnerable is an important time to practice allyship.”

The Israel Guys on YouTube claims that Google had to correct their definition of what a Jew is about 9 months ago:

Meanwhile, at the White House

While Google is hosting its Learning on the Loo series for Jewish colleagues, we have the White House senior staff holding wellness check-in meetings for their Arab, Muslim, and Palestinian aids.

The White House senior staff reportedly held wellness meetings for aides who may be struggling with Israel’s defensive measures taken against the Hamas terror group. – Breitbart

Jake Sullivan and Chief of Staff Jeff Zients hosted these “listening sessions” and phone calls with its Arab, Muslim, and Palestinian staff, trying to calm everyone down or to check in to make sure everyone was doing okay. They did include Jewish staff members, too, but the way the article reads, it was like an afterthought.

The meetings come as many Democrats are unhappy about President Joe Biden’s approach to supporting Israel. – Breitbart

People have shown their true colors in the last few weeks, and I tend to believe them when they show me who they are.

Feature Image: Jorge Barrios, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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  • GWB says:

    LOL, Carol. That sort of thing has been going on in the military for decades, at least. Oftentimes it is security related. I actually do remember some of the items in our alert facility were related to Emergency War Orders (though never classified that I recall), I actually don’t hold Google to be that nutty for doing this.

    What’s sad is they think “allyship” is what Israel and Jews need, instead of a strong defense against the evil lurking in the hearts of the other folks.

  • Scott says:

    Google is Google.. can’t expect much.. As for the Whitehouse, if any of their aids have issue with Israel defending themselves against a terrorist state, then maybe they shouldn’t work for our government..

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