Get the Girl?

Get the Girl?

Get the Girl?

I’m sure you’ve all seen this Twix commercial entitled “Get the Girl”:

I’ve seen it a few times, and I had to post it because it makes me laugh every time I see it. While of course we don’t know what that girl’s specific politics are, I think we all have a pretty good idea. Talking about “struggles” and “ideals”? Hmm. Anyway, watching it is funny because it’s just so typical of most young voters. You know which ones — the 18-24 year olds who always are predicted to finally turn out in record numbers this election (this election, they really will!), who blather on authoritatively while saying absolutely nothing of substance, and who usually possess no more than a surface understanding of the issues. Yet somehow, they know it all. They’re the victims of some kind of deep struggle, things for them are so hard, and no one will LISTEN TO THEM! I know, I know… I belong to this age group too. And sure, there are some intelligent, informed young voters. But you gotta face the facts. The majority of young voters are exactly this girl in this commercial, and it makes me laugh every time. Aside from reminding me of young voters, the girl in this video also reminded me of feminists. Watch that commercial, and then watch one of Jessica Valenti’s videos, and tell me they aren’t exactly the same. There’s the bossy, know-it-all attitude, the fake victimhood mentality, the faux outrage… it screamed feminist to me. What did it say to you?

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  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    What did it say to me?

    Liberal chix are EZ.

  • Kevin M says:

    The guy could care less what the woman has to say; he just wants to get into her pants.

    The woman is far too absorbed with public affairs (i.e., forces over which she has no individual control), and assuages her political impotence by raging against “the man!”

    Twix: The candy bar for people who have no life of their own.

  • physics geek says:

    Reminds me of that scene from “Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask”. The girl says something remarkably idealistic and obtuse, and the brain says “I don’t know if we’re gonna make it.” Then the girl says, I’m a graduate of NYU, to which the brain replies, grinning broadly, “We’re going to make it.”

    $50 says almost any guy could get into the pants of a girl at a party of liberals by simply working the words Hope! and Change! into the conversation. I’m not saying it’s a good thing to do-it isn’t- but I can almost guarantee it would work. Unless, of course, they were like me in college: a physics major. That right there provided an anti-girl force field much too strong for even fatuous bubble-headed comments to penetrate. But hey, I got to go home and paint my Ralk Parth D&D figures so, you know, win. ::sob::

  • Cylar says:

    I’m so tired of that commercial. I see it two or three times a day at work (the TV is on in the background).

    It’s funny that Cassy should blog about it today though, because just this afternoon my co-workers and I were making fun of it. “Oh…BLOGGING!” Sure, NOW she’ll go back to your apartment with you when she barely knows you, now that she thinks you want to write about politics. And of course, the computer will just HAPPEN to be located right next to the bed, with the condoms hidden under the keyboard. Not only is the girl easy, she’s also naive.

    I guess we’re supposed to think that we can stop the flow of time for a few seconds, munch a candy bar, RESUME the flow of time, and suddenly be quick-witted enough for a good comeback. All because of a Twix bar. Wow…what exactly is IN that caramel?

    One co-worker grinned and said, “Sure! Let’s go back to my apartment and BLOG!” I looked up at him and said, “Is THAT what they’re calling it now?”

    The only part of the ad that doesn’t make sense is where she goes, “WHAT?!” and he goes “Whaaaaaat…….” Why is he saying “what?” Is he confused?

    I actually hadn’t picked up on the chick being a virulent left-winger, but now that Cassy mentions it, I see her point clearly.

  • Flash says:

    And THAT is why so many young men fall down the lib hole.

    There are three reason people become libs:

    1)They are lazy and resentful people who feel that others owe them something.

    2)They want people to think they are intelligent and more interesting than they really are without actually knowing anything.

    3)They want to be liked (or laid).

    Being a lib is a very easy path to take.

  • StumpMan says:

    I will admit, back before I got married, I pretended to be a democrat just to get a girl. Once she learned I wasn’t she acted like I shot her dog.

    “OMG! What will my friends think when they learned I slept with a republican?”

    Yeah, she left and I never heard from her again.

    I feel like I am at confession. “forgive me father, for I have sinned. I was with a democrat”.

  • Every time I see it I wonder – who gets together to blog? Yeah she does seem like she’s the typical feminist.

  • Army of Dad says:

    It says what we already knew. That many of the young guys hanging with lefty girls are indeed doing it for ideals. Just a different ideal than the girls.

  • Sisyphus says:

    “the 18-24 year olds who always are predicted to finally turn out in record numbers this election (this election, they really will!), who blather on authoritatively while saying absolutely nothing of substance, and who usually possess no more than a surface understanding of the issues. Yet somehow, they know it all.”

    Isn’t that the truth.

    I was 20 when I first voted. Well before that day, I made sure I read and read and read as much as I could on both candidates.

    Unfortunately, the vast majority of young voters don’t think being informed is necessary.

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