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I really want to go to a political convention once. Just because it looks kind of fun from my couch. Of course the issue of being somewhere between indifferent and disgusted about the candidates for president might be a minor problem.
This year, the RNC and DNC look more like a coronation. Both have all sorts of pageantry (and behind the scenes drama). Here is a list of five things that are all but identical about Trump and Clinton (or for Potterheads Voldemort and Umbridge).
First thing: Ivanka and Chelsea introducing their parent. Both daughters are loyal supporters of dad and mom (respectively). The AP discusses that here:
Of course, Chelsea Clinton is not the only prominent daughter during this presidential campaign. Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, is a leading surrogate for her father and gave an emotional speech for him last week, pledging that the two will work on issues like pay equity and affordable childcare.
The next two points are well discussed by Victory Girls Nina and Jodi (the links are great)
Second thing: There is a rather vocal disaffected group who has not been silenced. #NeverTrump and #FeeltheBern. The Bernie fans are discussed here
Third thing: Utterly repulsive human beings as campaign spokespeople who did dubious things. Trump has Manafort. Hillary has Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The latter is discussed here
Fourth thing: “The Real Donald Trump” vs “The Real Hillary.” Hillary like Trump is going to talk the talk and try and sell herself as something tonight:
In the biggest moment of her nearly 25-year political career, aides say Clinton on Thursday evening will lay out a positive vision for the future and detail her proposals to improve the economy, boost the country’s security and unite a divided nation. She aims to strike a stark contrast with Republican nominee Donald Trump, who offered few policy specifics in a convention address that presented a picture of a diminished nation.
The irony burns. Burns like Benghazi one might say
Fifth thing: Both parties have an unenthusiastic base. They have 3 months to sell Hillary and Trump to a less than thrilled electorate.
The normal buzz of excitement has been muted at both conventions this year.
We saw the real Hillary Clinton and find it loathsome. The real Donald Trump is not much better. For some of us we are voting for the lesser of two evils and for others we are going off the board. All I can say for November 2016 is vote your conscience folks. And for me and my household, we are leaning more and more towards Libertarian. We hope the party grows up in the next four years.
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