FEMA Doesn’t Have The Funds, Or Do They?

FEMA Doesn’t Have The Funds, Or Do They?

FEMA Doesn’t Have The Funds, Or Do They?

FEMA’s problems with optics continues to grow. First we have Mayorkas telling us they’re broke, then the media along with the White House jump in to say that repeating that information is actually MISinformation.

Then we have FEMA arriving very late to the party at multiple levels to help, while Kamala grandly announces that the first round of funding is a mere $750 per household. That’s for immediate needs dontcha know, like food, toilet paper, water, gas for your vehicles, and such. How does that help if your home got flooded out and your car washed down the river? Not much, but I digress. 

FEMA supposedly doesn’t have money to help those displaced by Hurricane Helene, but they for darn sure had $12 million to spend on DEI horseshit. 

As FEMA fends off allegations about its disaster relief funding, a 2023 webinar hosted by the agency has resurfaced depicting panelists discussing the need to reshape FEMA’s policies to emphasize “equity” over those that benefit the greatest number of people.

The agency held the webinar in March 2023, and one the following month, featuring panelists from faith-based organizations, private non-profits, local and state governments, and others who work in disaster preparedness and relief.

Emergency Management Specialist Tyler Atkins, who moderated the discussion, lamented that disasters compound the disadvantages experienced by the LGBTQ community.

“LGBTQIA people, and people who have been disadvantaged are already struggling. They already have their own things to deal with. So you add a disaster on top of that, it’s just compounding on itself,” Atkins said.

Now, I don’t know about you, but when a hurricane makes landfall and then decides to park itself over an area for well over a day and dump billions of gallons of water onto everything, I’d venture a guess that it’s not considering EQUITY.

Mother Nature doesn’t give a rats ass if you are gay, trans, white, black, or purple with pink polka dots. Mother Nature will do what she does regardless of who is in her path. Period. The fact that current employees of FEMA refuse to recognize that in favor of “disaster equity” is infuriating. 

And FEMA is funding programs for illegal immigrants. 

“Funding is also available through FEMA’s Emergency Food and Shelter program to eligible local governments and not-for-profit organizations upon request to support humanitarian relief for migrants,” Jean-Pierre said of FEMA efforts to alleviate the immigration crisis.

A Democrat-run Congress that year later created the Shelter and Services Program (SSP) was to replace a similar program formerly run by DHS, which was directed to transfer $800 million of its appropriations in 2023 to the emergency management department. Though FEMA is a subagency of DHS, it represented a transfer of the core responsibility for illegal and legal immigrant support to the agency dedicated to disaster relief.

I’m wondering if that funding mechanism is one of the reasons some Republicans voted against the FEMA bill that gives the agency $30 BILLION for fiscal year 2024, which just started. 

What’s also interesting and enraging is that FEMA is sitting on a pile of money, and has been for years!! 

But DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari found in his Aug. 14 report that as of October 2022, FEMA had $8.3 billion in unliquidated funds meant to relieve declared disasters from 2012 or earlier.

More than $7 billion of that “could potentially be returned to the Disaster Relief Fund,” the report notes, referring to FEMA’s dedicated fund for natural calamities.

There is absolutely NO REASON why those funds can’t be moved back into the Disaster Relief Fund. NONE WHATSOEVER. Yes, I’m yelling. FEMA answers to the President, and if pudding head had any ounce of sense left, he’d order those funds to be put to use for Helene and Milton response immediately. But he won’t. 

Is it any wonder that many of the folks who’ve been helping since DAY 1 with search, rescue, and recovery don’t want FEMA around?? They just get in the way. Retired Green Beret Adam Smith has been there from the beginning. 

“This disaster has definitively proven without a shadow of a doubt FEMA’s incompetence and incapability,” he said, noting that the agency didn’t even show up until Thursday — almost a week after the storm that has killed at least 232, nearly half of them in the mountainous west of the Tar Heel State.

They’ve been out there saving lives while FEMA, when faced with a ‘road closed’ sign folds up their tents and leave. 

Again, Mayorkas insisted just days ago that FEMA is going to run out of money and resources. Yet, whistleblowers beg to differ.

Furthermore, if FEMA is running out of money, why did the Biden Harris Administration suddenly find $157 million to send off to the Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon? Peter Doocy completely triggered KJP over that. 

I really had to laugh when she claimed that over 1500 people were pre-positioned to help, yet somehow took over a week to arrive. I laughed even more when she claimed that Peter’s question was misinformation because of HOW he asked it. Unreal. 

Here’s the deal. FEMA does have funding, if and only if that funding is used solely for FEMA’s mission, which is to respond to communities impacted by NATURAL disasters. 

As if that will magically solve the current issues. Mayorkas along with the Biden-Harris Administration built this disaster, and it is the American citizens who will pay the price. 

Featured image via White House/Wikimedia Commons.org/cropped/Public Domain

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  • CDC says:

    Seems like 50 percent of the country’s population are being subsidized for their victim status, for life.
    Several new ways to be victims appeared in the last 4 years with more on the way and for some reason the victims are disproportionately democrats.Unfortunately the tax payers who do not have victim status are going to have pay more fiat money to fund all this,and are the only real victims in this whole charade being imposed.
    If unchecked this will destroy our nation,but Obama already told us that’s his intention.

    • Scott says:

      The one and only time Zero told the truth..

      The evil powers behind these puppets need to be exposed, and appropriate actions taken.

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