FDNY: Firefighters Forced To Remove Thin Red Line Flag

FDNY: Firefighters Forced To Remove Thin Red Line Flag

FDNY: Firefighters Forced To Remove Thin Red Line Flag

As we celebrate this Resurrection Day in America (because we’re still allowed), New Yorkers are calling the finest of New York’s firefighters (FDNY) a bunch of racists.

The story goes something like this, according to The New York Post. A man on a bicycle goes cycling past the East 2nd Street firehouse and sees the American Flag with the thin red line. My stars! Man on a bicycle is triggered. Besides himself with the “fascist” symbol that was shoved in his face, this man walks in and confronts the Ladder Co. 11 firefighters.

BOY! Would I have loved to been in on THAT altercation. While I hope some of the finest of FDNY wiped the floor with this schmuck, it’s a curious story. The man claimed to be a staffer for Democratic Manhattan Councilwoman Carlina Rivera. This story goes back a couple of weeks:

On March 19, the FDNY received an email from Lisander Rosario – a staffer for Rivera – saying a constituent had contacted the office twice to complain about the ladder company’s flag and ask if it violated any rules.”-The Daily Mail

I mean, it’s bad enough that some think members of FDNY need to be “reeducated“…but this?

[FDNY staff] claimed it was to honor deceased firefighters, however, [the constituent] brought up that they could’ve used an FDNY flag rather than a politically charged symbol.”-Lisander Rosario

Really, Lisander? Lisander Rosario is a self-described “political science and history graduate” and “an avid researcher and writer, putting the skills (he has) learned in the classroom to use on a daily basis” according to his LinkedIn page. That explains sooooo much. Everything he’s learned in the classroom from his woke, clueless poli-sci professors. Is this he/him guy even old enough to remember 9/11? Since today is a day of reverence and celebration of Our Lord and Savior, I’ll refrain from any profanities on here. Lisander? On behalf of myself, my family (cousin is retired FDNY) and some of the brave souls of FDNY: Go.Suck.An.Egg.

The irony in all of this? FDNY brass ordered the firehouse to take the flag down. FDNY Deputy Chief Joseph Schiralli visited firefighters there and said the flag must come down “because it violated a department prohibition of ‘altered’ versions of the American flag”.One loser on a bicycle has this power.

The fire stations in “The Village” and “Alphabet City” were some of the VERY first responders to the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

In all, 26 firefighters from the East Village’s four stations died on 9/11, according to department memorial pages. Across the city 343 members of the fire department lost their lives.

In January, Roy Chelsen, an Engine 28 and Ladder 11 firefighter who was at the World Trade Center on 9/11, died after a battle with bone-marrow cancer. His disease was linked to working in the toxic rubble of the collapsed towers.”-The Local East Village

While today is a happy and joyous day, I would like to remind those who consider the think blue line and the thin red line flags as “fascist” symbols of WHY some individuals may not see them in this light. Reminder Number 1:

Reminder Number 2 (and I encourage those who say this was an “inside job” and those who currently sympathize with terrorists to watch the whole thing):

A bunch of fascists, they are.

Hey, “Bicycle Boy” and Mr. Rosario and all of your Democrat constituents? You’re so educated? Here’s some further reading. You can read about the health impacts and eventual deaths of FDNY and other First Responders here. You can read even more accounts here.

Somebody “did something” and they ran towards the burning buildings. They found bodies and limbs of unknown persons in the rubble. Some of them did not come out and home to their families as those buildings crumbled to the ground as they hauled themselves and their equipment up stairwells in attempts to rescue those who were trapped. But, we cannot expect those of you with sub-par, State-funded educations in watered-down history to understand that. The Thin Red Line Flag and Ladder 11’s choice to fly it is fascist. Roger that. They are trying to make a “politically charged” statement.

Could the same be said of the LGBTQWXYZ, Pride, Progress, Resist, whatever flag displayed on the storefronts and brownstones in the East Village and throughout all of Manhattan on Joe Biden’s “Transgender Day of Visibility Easter Sunday“?

Don’t want to honor someone’s sexual proclivities? Don’t worry. You will be made to today and the whole month of June.

Take ’em down, you, bigoted fascists.

Photo Credit: Alberto-g-rovi, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons/Cropped

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  • Cameron says:

    From the Post:

    Hours later, now-Commissioner Kavanagh and Chief of Department John Hodgens reversed the decision and allowed the flag back on the truck.

    Normal people are finally punching back. This needs to happen more often. In a better world, the complainer would have been told to stop bothering the firefighters and go on with his life.

  • Scott says:

    FDNY is suffering from a SEVERE case of toxic leadership currently, from the commissioner to her hand picked staff. She got rid of effective Chiefs, and replaced them with ones that would follow her “lead”… Sad state for a great organization..

  • 911 transcript that I would like to see: “Councilzit Rivera? You’re reporting that there’s a crazed psychopath in your offices, and your house is on fire? Well, we obviously can’t send any of our fascists out for that, lest we trigger your staff and family. Let me give you the number for your Kamerads in Social Services.”

  • capJ says:

    If a young, individual, unarmed bicyclist, feels empowered enough to confront 11 fit and strong men about their “Fascism,” well… it isn’t really fascism is it?

    Fascism is using the force of government or corporations to only allow a single viewpoint, and silence dissenters. You know, exactly like the staffer crying fascism did.

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