Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! And a most blessed Easter Sunday. Mimosas all around and grab a plate for a wonderful brunch on this bright spring morning with all the hope and gratitude of the day. For all the joy, the Left is poised to suck it all away. From “Dr” Jill’s Bowdlerizing Easter eggs, to her demented husband’s proclamation that Easter and Christians are OUT and the TQ+ cult is IN, we need to keep up our vigilance and be ready to push back wherever possible. So hang on to your slice of pavlova and let’s get to it! L’Chaim!


The “racist” pay gap that doesn’t exist

For decades now the noxious weed of bad or cherry-picked statistics in service of mendacious ideology has yet to be stamped out. Every year the same old hoary chestnut that women earn 78 cents for the dollar that men earn is trotted out as proof of the nefarious oppression of The Patriarchy(tm). No matter how many times it is shown to be a myth, it persists.

So when Forbes trots out an article of the The Highest-Paid Actors of 2023 to note there was only one black actor in the top ten (Denzel Washington) as just proof Proof of Hollywood’s whiteness. And on the heels of Forbes comes a writer to cry about marginalized groups, pay inequities and yte-peepo-bad cuz Denzel made only $24,000,000.

(Denzel’s) singular representation only makes the absence of other Black actors, particularly Black women, more evident that the ideology for them to make less income is still apparent

Oh, really? One year’s earnings when even Forbes admitted that many other melanin-enriched actors were either involved in other projects or didn’t have any movie releases is apparent of … what exactly? Certainly not racism in an industry that is actively discriminating against white males per policy. Ooooo… those top 10 (9 pale) actors earned a combined $449 million. How dare they!!!

Oops … let’s not look at the top ten earning NBA players (also entertainers) where there is only one pale face among the shades of brown with a combined income of $960 million. Where are the cries of the apparent racism there?

But that’s different!! Sure, Jan. Sure.


Wait, what? Isn’t this cultural appropriation?

Black woman wants to decolonize the mental health industry with breathing while black.

(Jasmine Marie) is also now working to transform and decolonize the mental health industry at large. She has pledged to impact 1 million Black women and girls by 2025 through breathwork, which is defined as the regulation of the breath through certain techniques and exercises to relieve stress and enhance the mental state. What’s more, Black girls breathing is working to fill the research gaps in mental health, a space that—like so many others—has not centered the Black experience in research, practice, or care.

Breathwork? Now where have we heard that term before? Oh, yeah, back about 10 or more years ago when the Left went on a jag tut-tutting and finger-wagging at yte women who dared to practice yoga. If shameless yte hussies were culturally appropriating Eastern spiritual woo-woo with all the poses and breathwork, where does Jasimine get off centering black experience in it?

Or maybe she feels it was invented in Wakanda.


Remember, Gavin Newsom is running for President

Ah, a greater Big Brother system but absolutely no move to actually prosecute crime. Identifying criminals in California isn’t the problem, dears. It’s the years of pro-criminal laws and policies coupled with Soros’ puppet District Attorneys who will not (1) file charges on a whole list of “lifestyle” crimes (2) limit use of enhancements to crimes (e.g. gang terms) (3) ask for the least amount of jail/prison time allowable after conviction.

Nice, we’ll be able to see even more crime than the mob-shoplifting and vandalism videos and still nothing will be done.


Your Easter Sunday inspiration


Your Sunday palate cleanser


Your Sunday Smile

In spite of the pressing insecurities of today, Americans … those great unwashed, masses of ordinary, still step up to the plate and engage in generosity, in time and money, for the benefit of their fellow citizens.

Almost eight in 10 Americans believe that karma is real. And, perhaps inspired by that notion, 84% say they will go out of their way to “pay it forward” whenever possible. (snip)

the respondents reported they are “paying it forward” in a number of ways, including:

*treating their loved ones to something special (50%)
*giving generous tips (48%)
*helping out a neighbor by carrying their groceries or shoveling snow (46%)
*donating money to organizations or charities (40%)

Almost four in ten said they volunteered their time to help friends and family, or supported locally-owned businesses.

The average adult engages in five generous acts per week, which adds up to 260 random acts of kindness each year.

Ladies and gents? Bravo!


I certainly enjoyed our time together today. I send you on your way with a full belly and my best wishes that the rest of your Easter Sunday be filled with family, friends and joy. See you next week! Cheers!

featured image, original graphic, by Darleen Click

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  • Wfjag says:

    What? How can you post a column today that completely ignores the true meaning of today, March 31, 2024?

  • […] Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage. […]

  • Scott says:

    “Almost eight in 10 Americans believe that karma is real. And, perhaps inspired by that notion, 84% say they will go out of their way to “pay it forward” whenever possible. (snip)

    the respondents reported they are “paying it forward” in a number of ways, including:

    *treating their loved ones to something special (50%)
    *giving generous tips (48%)
    *helping out a neighbor by carrying their groceries or shoveling snow (46%)
    *donating money to organizations or charities (40%)

    Almost four in ten said they volunteered their time to help friends and family, or supported locally-owned businesses.

    The average adult engages in five generous acts per week, which adds up to 260 random acts of kindness each year.”

    Now split those numbers according to party lines, and I’ll bet you have a MASSIVE change in the numbers…

  • Cameron says:

    I spent today at my mother-in-law’s house having ham and potatoes along with the cupcakes that my wife made. Why is this important?

    Because things like that mean more to me than political stupidity today. Happy Easter everyone. Don’t let recent actions from the current Administration poison this day. Just pity them for being lost and offer to help when asked.

  • GWB says:

    The “racist” pay gap that doesn’t exist
    Well, I’ve been receiving ads on my phone (through a couple of games I play) where Intuit (you know, the people who do so many folks’ taxes every year?) has been insulting me by stating the “gender pay gap still exists.” That’s just the text on the screen; I keep my games and such muted, so I don’t hear the rest of whatever malarkey they’re selling.

    Savannah banana baby race
    That was silly and cute. One or two of the moms should have backed up from the tape a little.

    And, yes, yesterday I was eschewing politics and news mostly, opting for cooking Easter Dinner (after attending Sunrise Service and the breakfast at church) and before watching Ben Hur (for the 25th time or more). We ate the Easter Bunny (hasenpfeffer) and a leg of lamb. (I did NOT bake a shoe for the end of the leg as I had threatened to do after the Bakersfield story.) And BlueBell brought back their Tin Roof ice cream just in time for Easter!

    He is Risen!

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