FBI Is Stalling The Release Of Audrey Hale Manifesto

FBI Is Stalling The Release Of Audrey Hale Manifesto

FBI Is Stalling The Release Of Audrey Hale Manifesto

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is stalling the release of the Manifesto of Audrey Hale, the woman who wanted to identify as a man and shot her way into The Covenant School in Nashville on March 27, 2023, brutally murdering six people.

Why? Why is the FBI stalling this release? And are they delaying it, or will they ever release it? Is it surprising that this is another cover-up from Joe Biden’s FBI?

We have a lot of questions that are going unanswered.

Just days after the shooting, Merrick Garland told us it was too early to say whether this would be investigated as a hate crime. However, it is obvious to the rest of us that this is a hate crime against Christians, which means Biden’s good fellas are enacting their code of silence.

Do you mean to tell me that the FBI cannot determine the motivation by now? They know; they just don’t want to release it because it will validate what most of America already knows. The bubbling up of hate against Christians is growing.

The transgender Audrey Hale left a lot of information behind.

Twenty journals, five laptops, a suicide note and various other notes written by Hale were seized from the house she shared with her parents as well as two memoirs, five Covenant School yearbooks and seven cellphones, according to a search warrant. – from the New York Post

That’s more than a “screed,” Anderson. That’s about Anderson Cooper trying to downplay the Manifesto.

The FBI knows, and they are refusing to tell the truth. Instead, the narrative quickly pivoted towards sympathy for the trans community.

A few days ago, Laura Ingram illuded to the media’s silence on this story.

Of course, the state/government media remains silent on this story. It totally affirms the left’s scheme to destroy all Christian values.

Joe Biden has knelt before the altar of transgenderism, and Audrey Hale is a massive problem in their plan. He can’t have the trans community looking bad in front of the nation and the agenda to push forward Christian value inhalation.

So keep it quiet at all costs.

Metro Nashville Police Department hasn’t updated its website on the investigation since April 3, 2023. All they have so far is that she acted alone, planned this over several months, and her motive has not yet been established. 


The FBI will have you believe that if they release the Manifesto, there may be a backlash toward the trans community.

You know full well that if she had writings of pro-Trump-this and pro-MAGA-that, it would be all over the news, and every single word of the Manifesto would be emblazoned on all channels. But instead, she figuratively wore the pink and blue stripes of the trans-flag, which means her motives are being protected and covered up by the United States government and its media.

Don’t be naive to think that dark forces of the government’s deep state are not working to destroy America and fundamentally change America by going after Christians and our values. And they can’t have the public revelation of Audrey Hale’s Manifesto stopping them.

Feature Image: Michael Kotter/old paper/(CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)



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  • Scott says:

    We’ll get the truth about this the day after we get the truth about the Vegas shooter… The deep state is a threat to the foundations of this nation, and are closer than ever to bringing it all down. They need to be stopped, and stopped soon before it’s too late.

    Of course kevin will be here soon to blame President Trump and Christians, while praising the delusional murderer… (ooh, and he’ll probably blame guns, the NRA, and all gun owners too… anything but the mentally ill trans cult!)

  • NTSOG says:

    “He can’t have the trans community looking bad in front of the nation…”

    It’s too late! It seems to me that Dylan Mulvaney [aided and abetted by Anheuser-Busch] and Audrey Hale have been wonderful assets – Not! – for the trans ‘sect’ by their deviant and murderous behaviour respectively. Both are/were suffering significant mental health issues yet reasonable people are expected to regard them as normal and truly valuable people in society to the point that Society as a whole must abandon the customs, practices, language, courtesies and roles [especially of ‘real’ Women] developed over millennia and worship at the altar of their self-centred sexual deviance.

  • bill says:

    You nailed it. The sinister agenda to push this insanity on America is on a roll and the globalists are going to ride this horse into the ground. This is why they can’t allow President Trump to be number 47 because as number 45 he severely derailed the globalists agenda of the attack on christian values which is part and parcel of the plan.

  • Cameron says:

    Courtesy of The Epoch Times:

    “What I was told is, her manifesto was a blueprint on total destruction, and it was so, so detailed at the level of what she had planned,” Metro Nashville Council Member Courtney Johnston told the NY Post, without elaborating. “That document in the wrong person’s hands would be astronomically dangerous,” she added.

    Translation: It makes a troon into the villain and that must be stopped at all costs.

  • Bruce says:

    It takes time to do the “creative writing”, then to type it up in “Times New Roman”, scrunch up the print-out and run several generations of photocopying, for that “authentic” stressed”look.

    Then redact the bulk of the text, “to protect the public”.

    C’mon, man!

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