Exhausted – The Latest Trump Narrative From The Democrats

Exhausted – The Latest Trump Narrative From The Democrats

Exhausted – The Latest Trump Narrative From The Democrats

Ya know, if you are going to a story, a big fat hairy story, there should at least be a kernel of truth in the story. The Democrat Media Industrial Complex has tried racist, fascist, Nazi and Hitler for Donald Trump and now they’re going for EXHAUSTED. Maybe they themselves believe the stories they tell. They are delusional enough. They’ve been telling stories (lies) on Trump since June of 2015. This exhaustion stuff is beyond pale. A look at Trump’s schedule should put paid to that lie, but they run with it anyway. Kamala’s campaign is entirely built on lies.

Kamala’s staff is inept or despises her…or both. Scary. The campaign thinks because Trump is 78 years old they can sell that he is exhausted. Laughably stupid. Apparently, this started with a Politico article. Consider the source:

The Trump campaign had spent weeks in conversations with The Shade Room, a site that draws a largely young and Black audience — a demographic where Trump has been making inroads. It hosted an interview with Kamala Harris just last week.

Yes, Kamala did The Shade Room the other day. The host, the guest, the interview were not impressive. Very small ball. Skip that one. More:

But no interview has materialized. As Shade Room staff began feeling that feet were being dragged inside Trump’s campaign, they pressed earlier this week to set a date for a sit-down.

In response, a Trump adviser told Shade Room producers that Trump was “exhausted and refusing [some] interviews but that could change” at any time, according to two people familiar with the conversations.

Two people? Conversations? No receipts. Color me skeptical. Kamala’s got nothing, so she ran with, “He’s too exhausted.”

Okay guy. The day before the Politico article, Trump visited a Bronx Barbershop, killed at the Al Smith Dinner where Kamala was a no show, and after Smith did a sit down with Tyrus. So, he did a sit down interview after he left Al Smith? Yes. Here is a brief clip:

The next morning, he did 45 minutes on the Curvy Couch with Fox & Friends and then headed over to Dan Bongino where the exhausted theme popped up again. The Raw Story posted the deets:

Donald Trump was scheduled to appear with former Fox News personality Dan Bongino for an interview on Friday, but a few minutes into their discussion, the ex-president abruptly ended the questioning.

Bongino, who has been supportive of Trump in the past, appeared to be confused.

“Can I get, Dan, off the rec–, I gotta get going,” Trump said.

“They’re going crazy,” Trump said, pointing off camera.


Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign posted the video asking if Trump was “okay,” and calling the ex-president “exhausted.”

The super PAC No Dem Left Behind implied that Trump looked tired in the interview. They called him “Drowsy Don,” saying he “needs a nap.”

John Laprise, Ph.D. researcher who studies cyber warfare, among other things, posted on X, “Trump is unsuited to competing against Harris’s high tempo campaign, and it is accelerating his decline. Remember: the presidency ages people. How long would he be president? It’s looking doubtful that he could complete a full term in office.”

Ha, ha, ha, ha! Right? Bongino begs to differ:

Former Secret Service agent and talk show host Dan Bongino called the allegations against ex-president Donald Trump leaving his podcast due to exhaustion ‘bullsh*’ and claimed that he stayed longer than planned.

This statement came after vice president Kamala Harris’s campaign which claimed that the former President looked visibly fatigued, and ended the session after about 30 minutes, fatigued, and ended the session after about 30 minutes, raising concerns about his health and stamina.


Bongino came to Trump’s defence took to X and said, “Vote for or against him, for whatever reasons you choose, it’s a Republic and you have a choice. But don’t bull**** people. “Exhaustion”? Really? Is that all you lib dip***ts got?”

Dipsh*ts! Perfect. Trump’s not exhausted. Trump’s exhilarated. And, Trump also did an interview with Kane and the Undertaker. I hate to correct Dom Lucre but, Kane (Glenn Jacobs) is Mayor of Knox County where I live. The City of Ktown has a sh*t lib mayor:

Yeah, Trump is exhausted. First, we win and then he gets busy. Ha, ha, ha.

Featured Image: Grok/X/cropped

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  • rbj1 says:

    And I just now saw a Commiela Harris ad claiming Trump is going to cut Social Security.
    Now, we have long since needed entitlement reform, but that’s one area (a very large area) that Trump is on record saying he’s not going to touch it.
    Kamala Harris is reduced to outright lies.

    • If all he does is make it tax-free – that’s $1,300 more in my budget. And I took early retirement, so that is nowhere near the amount that people who are on the full amount are being taken for.

      Not to mention that with the San Francisco whore in office, I’m going to lose a minimum of 3% more in the future to income taxes. Along with the 50% boost in Medicare Part B that is expected to come next year. That’s ANOTHER $1,000.

      Looking at all of the things that are coming down the pike with the whore and the poof in office, it’s a difference of AT LEAST $5,000 a year. Which I broke down the other day for the two Democrats in my household – and I think I now have two more Trump votes for him.

    • Lloyd says:

      Not at all surprising…Lying is what the Dems. do. Unfortunately. the bulk of their supporters believe them and then spread the same lies!!

  • I look at his schedule – and someone a THIRD of his age would be exhausted. He has to have completely perfected the art of napping on Trump Force One.

    A Presidential campaign is exhausting (with the exception of the Biden Basement campaign). That is why I don’t mock things like “57 States.”

    (It’s nice when the whore and the poof get slightly tired and accidentally tell the truth. It doesn’t take much to do that, though – keeping lies together is MUCH harder than just telling the truth at every stop.)

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