Energy Secretary Chatted With China Before Tapping Oil Reserves

Energy Secretary Chatted With China Before Tapping Oil Reserves

Energy Secretary Chatted With China Before Tapping Oil Reserves

Now why would Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm have at least one thirty minute chat with China just prior to the Biden Administration tapping U.S. strategic oil reserves?

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm engaged in multiple conversations with the Chinese government’s top energy official days before the Biden administration announced it would tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to combat high gas prices in 2021.

Granholm’s previously-undisclosed talks with China National Energy Administration Chairman Zhang Jianhua — revealed in internal Energy Department calendars obtained by Americans for Public Trust (APT) and shared with Fox News Digital — reveal that the Biden administration likely discussed its plans to release oil from the SPR with China before its public announcement.

According to the calendars, Granholm spoke in one-on-one conversations with Jianhua, who is a longstanding senior member of the Chinese Communist Party, on Nov. 19, 2021, and two days later on Nov. 21, 2021. Then, on Nov. 23, 2021, the White House announced a release of 50 million barrels of oil from the SPR, the largest release of its kind in U.S. history at the time.

This is the SAME Secretary of Energy who wagged her fingers at us and announced “how DARE WE” question China??!!

Yes indeed. She’s on record telling us that we didn’t and don’t have the moral authority to question any of China’s energy moves (or anything else for that matter), and in fact she thinks we can learn a great deal from China’s example!

Right. Here we have the Biden Administration draining our Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR), while keeping oil companies from building pipelines and drilling new wells. We were at a huge strategic advantage in the market until Joe Biden took office. 

Now, we find out that Jennifer Granholm had cozy little chats with China prior to the announcement of the first tap into the oil reserves. But that was ok. You see, China was going to tap their oil reserves also! Except they didn’t. They BOUGHT oil, as we’d reported last summer…from the United States. 

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said the following day that Beijing had arranged for the release of its own crude oil reserves, but reports later indicated that China had instead boosted its supply — even buying up fuel from the US.

Around 900,000 barrels of oil were sold to Unipec America, a subsidiary of the Chinese government-owned gas company Sinopec, which in turn had received billions of dollars from BHR Partners — a private equity firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, who held a 10% stake in BHR until at least late 2021.

Wait, what?? It’s been verified once again that there was indeed a Hunter Biden connection to these oil sales? You. Don’t. Say. 

Look at the dates of when the Biden Administration first tapped into our SPR. Just when did Hunter sell his stake in BHR? Isn’t that timing ever so interesting. 

By the time it was all said and done, the Biden Administration drained the SPR to the tune of 260 million barrels of oil. But don’t worry, they are going to refill it! 

Yes, well, at least three million barrels and up to six million barrels to replenish is something. But it’s a measly drop in the bucket when compared to needing to refill 260 million barrels worth! Except suddenly, the plans are coming to a screeching halt.

The Biden administration said it canceled its planned purchase of 6 million barrels of oil to help refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, leaving the nation’s emergency stockpile at its lowest level in 40 years as oil prices trend upward.


The department “remains committed to its replenishment strategy for the SPR,” a spokesperson told Reuters on Tuesday, which includes direct purchases, returns of oil loaned to companies following a hurricane or other natural disaster, and the cancellation of planned sales where drawdown is deemed unnecessary, in coordination with Congress.

Some commitment. Given the news that Granholm has had cozy little chats with her counterpart in China, one has to wonder what transpired in recent weeks for the Biden Administration to abruptly announce they are canceling their purchase? 

Oh sure, by LAW U.S. oil sold on the international market has to go to the highest bidder… But it’s just so interesting and not a coincidence at all that the highest bidder was a China firm with ties to Hunter Biden. 

Feature Photo Credit: barrels of oil, China flag via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • Lloyd says:

    Hey….Gotta make sure the “Big Guy” gets his cut, but that said….sleeping with the enemy is never good!

  • Jaw3 says:

    Didn’t they burn her by saying that they were releasing thier reserves and then buying our reserve oil?

  • Stephen C says:

    This Regime seems to have all of its substantive conversations with the CCP rather than with our Congress. Perhaps we should offer the Big Guy 15% to come work for us.

  • Gregory Brou says:

    50 year anniversary. of the 1973 oil embargo is eight weeks from now. Domestic inventory/production levels are at high risk . OPEC does not like the Biden Administration and will likely try to affect our next election. Look to a resumption of gas lines this winter

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