Ending Gerrymandering by Gerrymandering

Ending Gerrymandering by Gerrymandering

Ending Gerrymandering by Gerrymandering

The Democratic machine is at it again. Eric Holder and Obama have enhanced their partisan partnership ahead of the 2020 census, with the goal of reshaping the electoral maps and minting a Democrat stronghold over America. 

Gerrymandering is wrong. Both sides do it, they need to stop. Looking at some districts is like trying to decipher string art. It makes no sense, and truly cuts out a large percentage of the directly affected population. A grid system would be better, but when have politicians ever chosen fair over beneficial? Most don’t.

Blurred Lines

The connection with the census and the districts is first figuring how many representatives each state is allowed. That is mandated by the Constitution with a census every 10 years. Eric Holder set his sights on using the census as a means of increasing Democrat victory at every level of government. According to Influence Watch the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) is,

The NDRC serves as a “strategic hub for a comprehensive redistricting strategy” for Democrats in congressional elections in response to Republican control of the U.S. House of Representatives following the 2010 through the 2018 midterm elections. The PAC’s leadership claims these Republican victories are the result of what it deems Republican “gerrymandering” efforts in congressional districts, meaning congressional districts that are intentionally drawn to favor one political party over another.

So Eric Holder and Obama have an PAC that is opposed to Republican Gerrymandering, but not Democrats Gerrymandering…. Uh got it. The NDRC website talks up “fair maps”, but is woefully short on substance when it comes to displaying or even addressing what constitutes “fair” in mapping districts. Their entire basis for this PAC is the 2010 election.

These gerrymandered districts have had disastrous policy consequences, leading to  some of the most right-wing legislation in decades both in Congress and at the state level, including assaults on women’s health, suppressing the vote for people of color, failing to address climate change, and refusing to stand up to the epidemic of gun violence.  These policies don’t reflect the majority of voters, but because Republicans have rigged the system in their favor, voters are limited in their ability to do anything about it.

It takes a HUGE leap of logic to buy into the idea that the loss of Democrats control was related to Republican Gerrymandering. The Republicans just lost the house, and the SAME maps were used. The exact same maps that awarded control of the House to the Democrats, are the maps NDRC wants to redraw. In a “fair” way. That isn’t available for review. Seems pretty shady to me.

Remember, when they go low…. We kick them!

That Was History, This is Now

In the recent interview with The Hill, Eric Holder highlighted the advantage of his recent merger with the Obama PAC “Organizing for America“….Oh wait!!! They changed the name of the Obama PAC to “Organizing for Action.” Good thing they don’t have to change the monogram…. but then again it’s the same letters as when it was “Obama for America” before the 2008 election. Sweet Jesus these people are like Russian Nesting dolls. Regardless of the name, this is the benefit for NDRC with the merger.

The integration of OFA with NDRC, into our redistricting effort, is going to help us have activists all over the country who are fighting for fair maps and more representative democracy,” Holder told The Hill in an interview. “The integration of OFA with NDRC is an organizational action, and it’s really just designed to effectuate that which OFA has always stood for, which is to engage citizens at the local level.

The organization that wants to effect “fair districts” (for Democrats), just aligned with the political arm of the greatest political machine of the 21st century. A machine that changed the dynamics of data gathering and targeted information to increase voter participation. The PAC that made the Clinton’s take a backseat is now working with a group that wants to gather bodies for the 2020 census to reshape government at every level. This is a formidable threat.

Especially when the man heading it is, as of right now, an undecided Presidential Candidate. Holder is still considering a run for president, and the merger is not an indication that he is leaning one way or the other.

“This is not about any one person’s political objectives or anything like that,” Holder said. “I think I’m going to make a decision about what I’m going to do with regard to a potential run for the presidency in the next three weeks or so.”

Bye, Bye, Bye Booker

If Eric Holder announces a run for POTUS 2020, he has a political machine at his disposal. The data contained in the OFA (pick the definition, it’s all the same people) system is electoral gold. Obama has all but anointed Holder as his choice by sharing this data with him before Holder has decided against running. Booker will be an afterthought. He lacks for the charisma that an Obama endorsement carries with Democrats. In fact, he’s already an afterthought, let’s get to the point.

Another Brick in the Non-Wall

The Constitutional requirement for a census places no restriction on the citizenship of those who are counted. Seriously, if you don’t believe me read it for yourself. Every person residing within that state is counted.

Are undocumented residents (aliens) in the 50 states included in the apportionment population counts?

Yes, all people (citizens and noncitizens) with a usual residence in the 50 states are to be included in the census and thus in the apportionment counts.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the means that every person who has overstayed a visa, or snuck across a border is tabulated as part of the formula to determine Electoral College votes, and seats in the House. According to the Feb 20, Washington Examiner,

America’s foreign-born population has reached its highest level in over 100 years, driven by immigrants from Latin America, according to new Census Bureau data. The analysis from Pew showed that the last 50 years have seen the biggest surge in immigration into the U.S. since before the Civil War. There are currently 44-45 million foreign-born in the U.S., 14 percent of the total population. Today, immigrants from Latin America make up more than half of the roughly 45 million immigrants living in the country, including the majority of unauthorized immigrants … What’s more, the immigrant share of the U.S. population is just below what it was during the great migrations at the turn of the 19th Century.

All Together Now…

We have a huge political machine working to increase participation in the 2020 Census. There is a large percentage of the US population who is undocumented or foreign born from Latin America (who according to PEW research tend to vote Democrat). The goal of this PAC is to get and keep Democrats in control of as much of government as possible on every level. Their agenda is the same as always: More abortion, fewer firearms, and less freedom from government intervention.

These gerrymandered districts have had disastrous policy consequences, leading to  some of the most right-wing legislation in decades both in Congress and at the state level, including assaults on women’s health, suppressing the vote for people of color, failing to address climate change, and refusing to stand up to the epidemic of gun violence.  These policies don’t reflect the majority of voters, but because Republicans have rigged the system in their favor, voters are limited in their ability to do anything about it.

Their plan to attack what they see as a problem (Democrats losing) is to change the field. It worked for Obama in 2008, and they are hoping it works again. The focus on the big swing states is their priority. AZ, TX, FL, VA all carry weight with House seats, and Electoral College votes. Those states are also experiencing an influx of native born Americans to increase their numbers. Add this to the large population of immigrants (legal or not) and the odds of their success are frighteningly good.

How you see the issues largely determines your political stance. To accomplish their agenda, they need more Democrats. Making them in the census and gerrymandering (ahem, sorry) “fair districts” is a solid approach to success.

I hope they fail.


Featured Image: Pixabay By: Free-Photos   License: Free  Image cropped

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"CC" to her friends. Recent escapee from Northern VA to the Great State of Texas. I'm a Pro-LIfe, Pro-Gun, Libertarian type... There is very little that fresh lime juice and good tequila can't fix.

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