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In the midst of a news cycle filled with the soap-operaesque implosion of the Democrat Administration of Virginia, Elizabeth Warren is being shoved off-stage.
The Washington “Democracy is Dark or Something” Post conveniently stumbles over a 1986 registration card for Ms. Warren, where in her own handwriting she identifies as “American Indian” …
Using an open records request during a general inquiry, for example, The Post obtained Warren’s registration card for the State Bar of Texas, providing a previously undisclosed example of Warren identifying as an “American Indian.”
Warren filled out the card by hand in neat blue ink and signed it. Dated April 1986, it is the first document to surface showing Warren making the claim in her own handwriting. Her office didn’t dispute its authenticity….
This is not good. Elizabeth Warren listed her race as “American Indian” on a State Bar of Texas registration card.
WAPO’s @AnnieLinskey @AmyEGardner scoop
Full Story:
— Yashar Ali
(@yashar) February 6, 2019
For all of Warren’s coyness about her high cheek bones and family lore, the questions (and mocking) over her Native American claims have haunted her steps since 2012. Democrat-lap-dog Mainstream media did play its part – never following up on her oft repeated denials of using a Native American status “for anything.”
So what changed?
Fauxahontas has made some unforgettable missteps as of late. First we had DNA-gate, not only proving Warren had less Native American ancestry than the average American but also angering the Cherokee Nation. Then there was the cringe-worthy, I’m gonna get me a beer video, in which an oaky-Chardonnay-drinking resident of Cambridge, MA, tried to act according to the caricature of regular folk she carries in her head.
The bar card document drop has Warren admitting there might be more …
there likely are documents Warren signed falsely representing herself to be an American Indian or Native American that have not yet surfaced. Warren admitted to this possibility when questioned about the Texas State Bar fiasco…
What you have is one of the early favorites for the Democrat 2020 Presidential Candidate nod who has become too damaged to support. Additionally, the fickle heart of the DNC is now focused on Kamala Harris. The DNC is just cleaning up, getting rid of obstacles like they did to Bernie for Hillary. Warren is merely the first casualty of the Desperate Donkey Delegation. Word went out to WaPo and …
…they pounced.
Princess Wampum has been sent to her wigwam.
featured image artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click
Coyness? I don’t see how claiming to be Native American in order to get special consideration at Harvard can be called coy.
Yeah, this is just the MSM/DNC culling the herd before the primaries get started.
Besides sleeping her way to the top, I wonder what else Kamala Harris has in her closet?
(MSM: “Closet? What closet? I don’t see any closet.”)