Elise Stefanik In Israel: Inexcusable That Biden Blocked Aid

Elise Stefanik In Israel: Inexcusable That Biden Blocked Aid

Elise Stefanik In Israel: Inexcusable That Biden Blocked Aid

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik in a speech to Knesset, Israel’s Parliament, bluntly stated that it was inexcusable that Biden has and is blocking aid.

“There is no excuse for an American president to block aid to Israel – aid that was duly passed by the Congress, or to ease sanctions on Iran, paying a $6 billion ransom to the world’s leading state sponsor of terror, or to dither and hide while our friends fight for their lives,” The New York congresswoman and House GOP conference chairwoman said.

She’s absolutely correct. It is inexcusable and unconscionable that the Biden Administration has been working since October 7 to put ALL the restrictions on Israel, while placing very few if any conditions on Hamas or the Palestine government. 

What the Biden Administration has done instead is work to send aid, and build a pier (putting our soldiers and Israelis in harms way) to deliver aid to Palestinians. What they’ve done instead is play intelligence games while Israel has been doing their damndest to go after the Hamas terrorists and find the hostages, hopefully still alive.

Except the four souls recovered this last week in the Rafah tunnels had perished on October 7.

It is inexcusable and outright evil Hamas purposefully kept their bodies from Israel as part of their heinous strategy. A strategy that shows every sign of working in Palestine’s favor. Why else would the U.N. essentially grant them membership? Why else would the Biden Administration spend millions of our taxpayer dollars sending aid to Palestine and build a floating pier? 

All while telling Israel to play nice and not hurt any innocent civilians or we will “pause” military aid. 

A pause means things are no longer moving forward, or being shipped. But sure, let’s play asinine word games while lecturing Israel on how to conduct war and appeasing Hamas at the same time. 

This was an interesting thought experiment I ran across while researching the Congresswoman’s speech before Knesset. What incentives are in place for Israel to agree to the Biden Administration’s demands? 

1. No matter what steps Israel implements to protect civilians (not arguing the success of those attempts here) they are accused of genocide.


2. Despite the fact that Hamas started the war, and continues to hold dozens of civilian hostages, the incentives presented to Israel are punitive while Hamas receives the promise of more benefits.


3. Lastly, with Hamas stating that they will repeats the October 7th attacks as many times as necessary why would Israel stop short of their total destruction?

Given all that, plus the fact that Hamas willfully and PURPOSEFULLY kept the bodies of the hostages from Israel for eight months, I too see zero reason for Israel to stand down. 

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik has been steadfast in her support for Israel, and does not hesitate to call out, university presidents, Joe Biden or Chuck Schumer for their weaselly words and actions. 

On Israel, the lack of leadership we’re seeing from the Democrat Party led by Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer is disgraceful. They have turned their backs on supporting our most precious ally Israel in a time of existential need, instead choosing to placate the Far Left Democrat radicals who are now the antisemitic political base of their Party. Schumer, time and time again, vehemently blocked our Israel aid package and publicly rebuked Prime Minister Netanyahu, the leader of an ally at war. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has done everything in his power to give Iran and its terrorist proxies the green light to escalate attacks, withholding critical aid, pressuring Israel to surrender, and continuing a failed foreign policy of appeasement.

At every opportunity, Joe Biden has failed to support Israel. Under Joe Biden, our adversaries no longer fear us, and our allies cannot rely on us. If Joe Biden wanted to ensure Israel could defend itself, he would, yet he refuses. The American people will judge Joe Biden for this failure, and history will judge Joe Biden for this failure as well.

Yes, Joe Biden has utterly failed this country when it comes to foreign policy. He’d rather appease Iran, give comfort to Hamas, and lecture Israel while ignoring the fact that Americans are being held hostage by terrorists. The Administration would deign to order Israel to stand down while appeasing the virulently anti-Israel/anti-semitic protesters around the United States. 

Keep in mind, the Biden Administration has “reasons” for ‘pausing’ the weapons transfer to Israel. 

Speaking at a session dedicated to combatting antisemitism worldwide, Stefanik vowed to help with “crushing antisemitism at home and providing Israel what it needs when it needs it, without conditions.”

She was referring to Biden’s decision to hold up the delivery of some 3,500 bombs of up to 2,000 pounds each, and his refusal to provide offensive weapons for a long-promised Israeli invasion of the southern city of Rafah. The administration fears such an operation would plunge Gaza into an even more severe humanitarian catastrophe.

As we know now much of the issues within Gaza are because of Hamas, and the U.N. playing footsie with the same terrorists. NOT Israel. Meanwhile aid and taxpayer dollars flow freely to Ukraine, WITHOUT conditions of any kind.

So yes, the Congresswoman is correct. It is absolutely inexcusable that the Biden Administration is withholding aid to Israel. 

Feature Photo Credit: Representative Elise Stefanik (R-NY), official Congressional portrait, cropped, public domain

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  • Scott says:

    unless biden and the dims are thrown out in Nov, we are screwed… the best we can hope for at that point is enough patriots stand up in civil war…

    That being said, I put some of the blame for the current situation on Israel… they’ve been playing this game long enough to know that it’s likely that all the hostages are dead, or if not, they will be as soon as IDF forces get near, and as such, should have gone full out shock and awe as soon after Oct 7th as they could marshal their forces to do so… by waiting and trying to gain world approval, they have allowed the useful idiots here and elsewhere to gain momentum. They were going to be condemned for doing what needs to be done regardless, they should have known that delaying would only make it worse..

    The palis and their stooges keep screaming ” from the river to the sea… Israel should do exactly .. eradicate the infestation that is preventing them from living in peace, and gain some nice beachfront real estate in the process…

  • Taylor says:

    Avenge Shani Louk!

  • Edward Lunny says:

    Well traitor Joe the pedo is a vile, disgusting, turd pperson.No one remotely familiar with his record should surprised in the slightest by his behavior in this situation. It is what he has done forever. And it is indicative of exactly what kind of person he is. Geez, look at the family as a whole, each of them is equally vile.

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