Did Jealousy Drive Don Lemon To Drag Melania Trump

Did Jealousy Drive Don Lemon To Drag Melania Trump

Did Jealousy Drive Don Lemon To Drag Melania Trump

Clearly, if there is a rake in a yard somewhere, Don Lemon will go out of this way to step on it. His career is a cavalcade of rake moments. This time,
fired CNN anchor Don Lemon took to TikTok to drag former First Lady Melania Trump’s video about her husband’s attempted assassination. What could be the reason for this latest rakefest? Jealousy, maybe?

Why on Earth would a formerly respected (not by me) anchor make an asinine video to Melania Trump’s video regarding questions about the assassination attempt on her former President husband’s life? It wasn’t clever. It was ugly. It was mean. It was not necessary. If you haven’t seen it, behold:

That was flat bitchy jealousy. So Don Lemon. Fox News captured some of the online reactions:

Lemon received backlash from conservatives, with some calling the former CNN host “attention-starved.”

Conservative commentator Paul Szypula asked, “Hey @donlemon, so can you have empathy for a human without considering politics for once in your life?”

“We should all be distressed when someone tries to kill a former president and actually kills an innocent man in the crowd. Do better Don Lemon,” radio host Stacy Washington wrote.

Journalist Ian Miles Cheong remarked, “What a sick freak.”

Sky News host Rita Panahi commented, “Really @donlemon you’re going to mock a woman distressed by an assassination attempt against her husband & the many unanswered questions that remain to this day. Classy.”

“There can’t be a more pathetic, attention-starved human being on the planet. What person in their right mind would ever mock a wife over an assassination attempt against her husband? Don Lemon, everyone!,” Fox News contributor Joe Concha wrote.

To answer Joe Concha, Don Lemon is not in his right mind, he has a failure wish and so looks for rakes everywhere and he is filled with misogyny and jealousy. Remember when Lemon said Nikki Haley was “past her prime”.

Oy vey! What a bitchy girl!

Lemon was always looking for rakes throughout his career. Check out this 2014 memory from USA Today:

In 2014, Lemon suggested to actress Joan Tarshis who alleged sexual assault by Bill Cosby during an interview how she might’ve avoided being raped.

“You – you know, there are ways not to perform oral sex if you didn’t want to do it,” he told her on air.

Tarshis responded: “Oh. Um, I was kind of stoned at the time, and quite honestly, that didn’t even enter my mind. Now I wish it would have.”

Lemon later apologized.

EEEEEuw! Don Lemon is an 8th grade Mean Girl consumed with jealousy. He needs to go far, far away and commune with nature and avoid rakes. He also owes former First Lady Melania Trump an apology.

Featured Composite: WhiteHouse.gov/Wikimedia Commons.org/cropped/Creative Commons 3.0/fuzzheado/Wikimedia Commons.org/cropped/Creative Commons 4.0

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  • Scott says:

    I say cage match between Bitch Boi Lemon and Melania.. she’d kick his ass seven ways to Sunday and leave him crying like the little girl he wishes he was..

  • Cameron says:

    he is filled with misogyny and jealousy

    OK, I think we know the identity behind the Kevin person that posts here.

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