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dick cheney makes liberal heads explode

dick cheney makes liberal heads explode

just a few thoughts on yesterday’s tv appearance by dick cheney. is there any other conservative that can make liberals actually correctly report their words and positions (because they are so incredibly outraged mind you) while simultaneously causing their heads to explode? the man is not only a patriot but a genius!

dick cheney has really been the only one in the bush administration to come out swinging at the lies and chronic accusations by the obamabots. he isn’t afraid to deal with all of the lamestream media, both in print and on the telly. the latest was the cheney/biden matchup. no contest!

he seems to see his job, post public service, as one who says reasonable, winsome things in very reasonable, winsome ways — to defend the bush administration & its efforts as well as the greatness of america. this simply causes liberal leftists, who hate this country, to become apoplectic.

cheney’s enemies have no real arguments; just squealing, squalling, head exploding outrage – especially when he says that obama should be thanking president bush not blaming him. even when cheney praises obama for increased efforts in afghanistan, liberal leftists scream bloody murder. clearly nothing makes a leftist happy, especially dick cheney.

so yes, dick cheney makes liberal heads explode. it’s truely a gift.

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  • micky says:

    “so yes, dick cheney makes liberal heads explode. it’s truely a gift.”

    And I’m so glad hes making sure that Biden and the rest arent being allowed to get away with spewing this absolute bullsht that Iraq will be one of Obamas great successes.
    These two a$$clowns have absolutely no scruples whatsoever when it comes to what they’ll say.

  • PenniePan says:

    A Toast! To the hope we’ll all see Dick Cheney frog marched to prison for war crimes! Cheers!

  • micky says:

    But Penny, I thought there was no war .
    You guys cant say the war is illegal or a “man made disaster” yet try someone for war crimes, can you ?
    Of course you can ! You’re opportunistic hypocrites !
    Since Obama is following thru with Bushs drone attacks and Biden is saying Iraq is Obamas victory then they have to go down as well, dont they ?

    Try again Einstein

  • Ken says:

    “A Toast! To the hope we’ll all see Dick Cheney frog marched to prison for war crimes! Cheers!”

    Nice to have a dream.

    Hey, how are those “torture” investigations coming along?

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