Democrat slogan “Have you seen the other guys”

Democrat slogan “Have you seen the other guys”

Democrat slogan “Have you seen the other guys”

I seem to recall in the misty past being taught to get along with the other guys. It did not mean be friends but be civil to each other. The Democrats apparently were not raised with manners or common sense or even the ability to think through a slogan. They are using a slogan straight from the time out corner at preschool: “I mean, have you seen the other guys?” This is a joke, right? The Hill reports on this new special slogan here

The campaign arm for House Democrats on Wednesday tried out a new slogan: “I mean, have you seen the other guys?”

Somehow, I think they have scraped the bottom of the trash barrel and continue to dig. My mom would not have let us use that excuse and these are supposed to be grown people that other grown people want to vote for? Once again, Idiocracy was a parody not a template.

The sticker slogan, one of several floated as part of a fundraising effort by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), caused a stir on social media, where many wondered why the party would try out such a self-deprecating campaign line.

Good question. Are you telling me that the Democrats are unable to come up with anything other than “They did it too” which every five year old knows does not work? That really does not inspire me to vote for their candidates. And isn’t the election like buying a TV or sofa or computer or car (more like the latter).

Twitter Reaction

Twitter is not quiet and the howls of laughter can be heard for miles and miles.

This is not a right wing person.  In fact, he would be one of your voters DCCC.  But that does not matter does it.

LOL!  This sums it up nicely.  DCCC the word you want is Optics.  Yours suck to be blunt.

Hey,I get that you are trying to appeal to the voters. But how about trying this: Put your big kid pants on (no not the pullups) and actually talk about the issues your candidate would fix. This is not the Junior High class president or rep you are electing.

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  • Wfjag says:

    The NoKos just launched an ICBM capable of reaching Alaska, and possibly Hawaii and Guam, and are improving their nuclear warheads, and this is the best Dems have to offer.

  • GWB says:

    I mean, have you seen the other guys?

    Well, yes, I have. They’re in the WH. And both houses of Congress. And a majority of governorships and a LOT of state legislatures.
    Why do you ask?

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