Democrat Congressman Says Joe Needs To Go

Democrat Congressman Says Joe Needs To Go

Democrat Congressman Says Joe Needs To Go

The Democrats were supposed to be in lockstep and protect Joe. Well, today some Democrats have had enough, and are calling for Joe to go.

Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) on Tuesday became the first House Democrat to publicly urge President Biden to remove himself from the 2024 race following his poor performance at last week’s debate.

Doggett — who has served in the House since 1995 — said he had hoped the debate against former President Trump would “provide some momentum” to turbocharge Biden’s poll numbers.


“President Biden has continued to run substantially behind Democratic senators in key states and in most polls has trailed Donald Trump. I had hoped that the debate would provide some momentum to change that. It did not,” Doggett said in a statement. “Instead of reassuring voters, the President failed to effectively defend his many accomplishments and expose Trump’s many lies.”

No, any momentum the Biden campaign had literally cratered within the first two minutes of the debate. And it got worse from there. By the next morning, after Jill treated Joe like a toddler on stage and then drug him to a Waffle House, the panic was very real among Democrats and donors. Yet Biden wants to stay in the race and can’t figure out why people wanted him to drop out. 

One of those calls came from Tom Harkin, the former Democratic senator from Iowa, who wrote a note to friends Friday describing the debate as “a disaster from which Biden cannot recover.” He called on Democratic lawmakers to jointly encourage the incumbent to drop out of the race.

“I think the president should step aside and let the convention pick a new candidate,” Harkin, who served alongside Biden for more than two decades in the Senate, said in an interview. “He has a great legacy, and now it’s time to pass the torch.”

Of course, the speculation ramped up to eleventy with discussions about Joe being replaced by Kamala, Newsom, or Gretchen Whitmer. A call to top as in MAJOR Democrats across the country did NOT go well this weekend. Evidently the gaslighting was real and on fire. 

“I was hoping for more of a substantive conversation instead of, ‘Hey, let’s go out there and just be cheerleaders,’ without actually addressing a very serious issue that unfolded on American television for millions of people to see,” said Joe Salazar, an elected DNC member from Colorado, who was on the call. “There were a number of things that could have been said in addressing the situation. But we didn’t get that. We were being gaslit.”

That’s a huge and I mean HUGE admission from Joe Salazar. And that tells me that major Colorado politicos such as Bennett, Hickenlooper, and Polis are privately freaking out. 

Joe’s lecture to the nation last night was a dud. Who the hell thought bronzing the crap out of him would help matters??!! 

Well today it seems that some Democrats have had enough.

It wasn’t just Congressman Doggett who is making the call. While he didn’t come right out and say it, Congressman Mark Quigley’s point was very clear. 

Here’s what is notable about these two stepping out of the prescribed Democrat lane. While Lloyd Doggett has held a solid safe seat for decades now, he’s reading the tea leaves in Texas and beyond when it comes to voter confidence in the Democrat party. And it’s looking pretty dismal right now per a CNN poll released earlier today. 

Furthermore, Mark Quigley’s seat is RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF CHICAGO. His district is front and center for the DNC convention in August, and elects Democrat Presidents by massive margins. Yet Mark is realizing that if the situation continues, the vote turnout could be impacted negatively and future races could have serious problems. 

The Biden campaign itself continues to keep digging all the holes. 

Sen. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) told Semafor that the Biden campaign’s dismissive approach to squashing questions about the president’s age, especially by calling people with those concerns “bed-wetters,” is “inappropriate.”

“I really do criticize the campaign for a dismissive attitude towards people who are raising questions for discussion. That’s just facing the reality that we’re in,” Welch said in the article published Tuesday. “But that’s the discussion we have to have. It has to be from the top levels of the Biden campaign to precinct captains in the southside of Chicago.”

Democrats rely upon VERY BIG DONORS. It’s looking like many are considering dumping Joe. At the very least there are some who are asking for refunds, and I’m not talking about a thousand dollar refund. It’s more like $250,000 per. It doesn’t help that, during a Monday night donor call, the campaign wouldn’t allow the donors to directly ask questions! Wow.

That said, it’s obvious the panic is continuing. Why else would there suddenly be a meeting scheduled with Joe and the Democrat governors? The same governors who just held a meeting w/o Joe or anyone in the DNC or campaign. It seems they aren’t happy and Joe hasn’t reached out to …ANY OF THEM since the debate.

By the way, as of this writing, Joe has yet to speak personally with Chuck Schumer or Hakeem Jefferies. That is…not a good sign either. 

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  • Cameron says:

    “Instead of reassuring voters, the President failed to effectively defend his many accomplishments”

    All none of them.

    “and expose Trump’s many lies.”

    Which still haven’t been posted yet. Annnnny day now they’ll get around to it.

  • Scott says:

    Salazar is upset that he’s being gaslit??? Gee, that’s a freaking shame! He has no problem when it’s him, polesmoker and chickenpooper doing the gaslighting… Colorado has become a blue cesspool, and it’s awesome to see them panic..

    As for the “bedwetters” comment.. funny coming from Joe.. as it’d be him if not for his depends..

    And the dems that said they thought the debate would “provide some momentum” are they really that stupid, or are they just lying to us again???

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