“Corrective Rape” to Cure Lesbians vs. Radical Feminists

“Corrective Rape” to Cure Lesbians vs. Radical Feminists

“Corrective Rape,” defined as a hate crime aimed at converting lesbians to heterosexuality, is increasing at an alarming rate in South Africa.  Corrective rape is supposed to show the lesbians the error of their ways.  The absurdity of that premise, of course, shows that it’s just an excuse to justify the rape in the rapist’s mind.  The problem was first noticed in the early 2000s when charity workers became concerned at the growing number of attacks.  Some victims survive, but many of the victims don’t live after the brutal attacks.  Only a few cases go to trial, and 24 out of 25 of those end up with no conviction.  Victims hesitate to press charges since there is little hope that justice will be done and often the rapists are friends or family members.  The rapists become emboldened and the attacks increase since there is little fear of being caught or convicted.

One case in point:

Sizakele Sigasa, a women’s and gay rights activist, and her friend Salone Massooa, were outside a bar when a group of men started heckling and calling them tomboys.  The women were gang raped, tortured, tied up with their underwear and shot in the head.  Executed.  No one was ever convicted.

More sobering information:

Ever since a 1998-2000 report by the United Nations Office on Crime and Drugs ranked South Africa as highest for rapes per capita, it has repeatedly been described as the rape capital of the world: 500,000 rapes a year; one every 17 seconds; one in every two women will be raped in her lifetime. Twenty per cent of men say the victim “asked for it”, according to a survey by the anti-violence NGO, CIET. A quarter of men in the Eastern Cape Provinces, when asked anonymously by the Medical Research Council, admitted to raping at least once – three quarters of whom said their victim was under 20, a tenth said under 10. A quarter of schoolboys in Soweto described “jackrolling” – the local term for gang rape – as “fun”.

Apparently, corrective rape includes gay males and well as lesbians.  It is a horrible situation.  People have been fighting to turn the tide for at least a few years.

As I read about the inhumanity and horror of “corrective rape,” I was reminded of another article about rape that I read just yesterday.  Fellow Victory Girl, Catherine, wrote about radical feminists who consider any PIV (penis in vagina) sex as rape.  That includes PIV sex between husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends.  They say “consensual” isn’t really consensual because any enjoyment that women get from PIV sex is a result of conditioning by men to keep women under their control. Basically, to them, all men are bad, bad, bad. They don’t get the irony and absurdity of feminists vilifying half the population based on gender alone as they casually toss around the word “rape.”

Okay, radical feminists of the world, here’s your lesson for today:   “Corrective Rape” is real rape. Consensual sex is not rape – no matter how you craft your words.   When you so glibly use the term “rape” to describe consensual sex, it not only makes you look silly and hateful, it weakens the term and does further damage to the people who have already been horribly brutalized via real rape such as the “corrective rape” prevalent in South Africa.

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  • Kate says:

    GLAAD was unavailable for comment.

  • Ralph says:

    And yet those same radical feminists, who are by default, liberal, consider themselves to be progressive, open minded, tolerrant, and non-judgmental. Put another way, they consider themselves superior to those that don’t think as they do.

    It’s a pity really.

  • Jodi says:

    “When you so glibly use the term “rape” to describe consensual sex, it not only makes you look silly and hateful, it weakens the term and does further damage to the people who have already been horribly brutalized via real rape such as the “corrective rape” prevalent in South Africa.”


  • Ralph says:

    One thing to note, “corrective rape” in third world countries, in my opinion that includes Islamic countries, no matter how much money they have, is only one of many serious offenses against women.

    In my Sociology class, I did a paper on genital mutilation of women. Genital mutilation included what is commonly referred to as female circumsition, in which the labia minora is cut away, the clitoris is removed, or both. Another form of genital mutilation is sewing the vagina closed to “save” the woman for marriage. Sewing the vagina closed ensures and proves that the woman hasn’t had sex with another man, which makes her more valuable in these backward countries. The problem is obvious, but the unintended consequences results in infection, illness, and in a lot of cases death.

    It’s no secret that women are treated as second class citizens, and a commodity in third world countries, but this just goes to show that while the “progressive” radical feminists are banging on consentual sex, there are far more serious issues that should be addressed. So much for their priorities.

  • Merle says:

    Perhaps we should take up a collection to send those “feminists” to South Africa so they can learn first-hand what rape REALLY means!


    • Melanie says:

      No, I wouldn’t even jokingly suggest that. 🙂 I WOULD like for them to have to sit down with some real rape victims and get some perspective. If they don’t care for PIV sex (love that term!), then fine, but don’t demonize all men, and don’t consider women who do enjoy PIV sex as victims.

      • Merle says:

        I respect your opinion, but I have much harsher views on such things. Probably started way back when I had to deal with the VC and their cruelty. Anyone who would do such things, or even wish for them, falls into the category of not deserving of basic human rights. Sorry, but that’s the way I feel about it.


  • GWB says:

    I’m confused abot the “corrective rape” being used on male homosexuals. So, to straighten them out about PIA (to adapt a euphemistic abbreviation) you … commit PIA? WTF? Besides being … hypocritical (you’re upset about them being homosexuals so you commit a homosexual act on them *shaking head*), it is exactly counter to the argument for why they do it to lesbians. These people have to be liberals to argue this way.

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