Conservative Uncle Barred From Wedding; Bridezilla Will Accept His Cash

Conservative Uncle Barred From Wedding; Bridezilla Will Accept His Cash

Conservative Uncle Barred From Wedding; Bridezilla Will Accept His Cash

Most of us have never written into an advice columnist, Dear Abby, Ann Landers or Ask Amy. In Great Britain, they are called Agony Aunts, which is perfect. The reason why we do not write in to the Agony Aunts is because we have friends, a therapist, a Pastor or a Rabbi who is far more qualified to answer our problems and will not subject us to public humiliation by pointing out what horrible human beings we are. The Mother of a Bridezilla was unfortunate enough to be without friends, a therapist, or spiritual advisor to keep her from being humiliated and going viral online after Ask Amy slagged her lack of proper human responses and common garden variety manners.

We must admit that this Mother of the Bridezilla deserves every bit of public humiliation she gets. Here is her letter to Ask Amy:

Dear Amy: Four months before my daughter’s wedding, she told me that her uncle (my brother, “Dave”) would make her feel unsafe if he was a guest. She asked me not to invite him.
My daughter is very politically progressive, as are many of her friends, and although she and Dave have always had a good relationship (I thought), he is a conservative voter and has supported candidates we all abhor. Dave has always been very nice, so my daughter’s request surprised me.
I wrote Dave a very nice note, telling him that we would not be comfortable with him at the wedding and that he would not be invited. Dave did not respond and did not attend.
Afterward, I sent him a card and pictures from the wedding, all in an effort to make him feel as if he was not being totally left out. I have not heard from Dave since then. When my siblings found out what I had done, they were angry with me. That is just one problem.
Another problem is that Dave has not sent my daughter and son-in-law a wedding gift. In the past, Dave has given family members wedding checks in excess of $1,000. She says she was counting on receiving the same type of gift.
My husband says I should drop it — but I can’t. Dave’s behavior is upsetting and embarrassing to me. How can I get my brother to recognize and change his petty behavior?

Please don’t tell me that I’m the one who started this by not inviting my brother to the wedding. After all, he’s a grown man, while my daughter is young and just starting out.
– Angry in Philadelphia

I don’t even care what Amy’s answer was. What are you willing to bet that “Angry in Philadelphia’s” real name is Karen? And, her little apple didn’t fall away from the tree at all. Really? You are not invited to the wedding, we are telling you we didn’t invite you because we are too fragile, we do, however, want your filthy, Conservative, Capitalist cash. AND, we are writing to tell you all this because we are not capable of empathy.

There is a lot of bad behavior associated with weddings, like cash smashing, dress trashing, flipping off Trump Tower (rather local), and the wedding gift grift, but this is heinous. It is cold, unfeeling, callous and comes with a side of gift grift.

This cake thing is disrespectful of your new partner. It’s very passive-aggressive. It’s also passive-aggressive to call your brother “petty” because you raised your daughter to be a myopic, fragile snowflake. No, that apple is lying right next to the tree. Mama Karen not only didn’t sit her snowflake down and say, Your Uncle Dave is a good man regardless of his voting record.” No, she aided and abetted by writing an incredibly rude and unfeeling letter to him.

And then after wounding him with her rudeness, she ripped the scab off and poured salt AND vinegar into the wound by sending him pictures of the ceremony he was not permitted to attend. From the New York Post:

“Another problem is that Dave has not sent my daughter and son-in-law a wedding gift,” she wrote, explaining that her brother has always given family members over $1,000 in cash as wedding gifts, and her daughter was upset she’d not received anything from him.
“Dave’s behavior is upsetting and embarrassing to me,” she wrote. “How can I get my brother to recognize and change his petty behavior?”
“Please don’t tell me that I’m the one who started this by not inviting my brother to the wedding. After all, he’s a grown man, while my daughter is young and just starting out.”

Is it anyone wonder that these grifting snowflakes want us to pay off THEIR college loans? Ask Amy let Mama Karen have it:

Starting with a summation of the events, Amy didn’t hold back with her advice.
“Let’s recap: Your delicate daughter is too frightened to be near a conservative voter to allow her uncle ‘Dave’ to attend her wedding,” she wrote.
“She then asks you to do her dirty work for her, and (of course) you do!” Amy wrote, then explained that sending Dave the photos from the wedding was only rubbing his nose in his banishment.

“But it’s your second ‘problem’ which I believe will enter the Bridezilla Hall of Infamy,” Amy said.
“In short: Brides who are too afraid of family members to invite them to a family wedding don’t then get the pleasure of receiving their money.”
“You seem almost as afraid of your daughter as she is of your brother, but I hope you’ll find a way to courageously tell her that the Bank of Uncle Dave is closed, at least to your branch of the family.”

Mama Karen was probably one of the “Talk to the Hand” girls in the 1990’s. They thought they were powerful women, but they were just flat rude. Now, their progeny are even worse.

We need a return to manners. Everyone says “Be Kind”. But very few put it in practice. Especially Bridezillas and their Momzillas.

Featured Image: Marc Anthony Macon/ Commons

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  • SFC D says:

    Uncle Dave should’ve sent the bride a nice $10.00 Applebees gift card, just so she knows he didn’t forget.

  • NTSOG says:

    “Dave’s behavior is upsetting and embarrassing to me. How can I get my brother to recognize and change his petty behavior?”

    Whose behaviour is petty? Look in the mirror and see the culprit.

    Let’s pray that the union is childless. The world doesn’t need more entitled brats.

  • Cameron says:

    “Please don’t tell me that I’m the one who started this by not inviting my brother to the wedding.”

    Have a seat because I have some bad news for you.

  • GWB says:

    This cake thing is disrespectful of your new partner.
    Absolutely. I know it started as something funny, a joke, but the whole point of feeding your brand new spouse the cake is to demonstrate that commitment to taking care of each other – which demands trust.

    You want to know a great tradition? There are cultures (European, but I can’t recall where we got the glass from – likely Germany) where you have a goblet with a smaller goblet attached. They’re attached in such a way as to require careful handling filling both up and even more care to then both drink from it at the same time. It’s a way to again demonstrate that care for each other AND working as a team. Yes, the man drinks out of the woman’s dress.

    This bridezilla and her momzilla are examples of people who have thrown off all morals in favor of ME!. I pity the poor man marrying this witch.

    • Cameron says:

      Uncle Dave will probably invite him over for beer and a chance to have some peace and quiet.

    • NTSOG says:

      “I pity the poor man marrying this witch.”

      How about “I pity the ‘doormat’ marrying this witch. His life will be one of perpetual servitude until she finds an excuse to dump him.”

  • NTSOG says:

    Why do these progressive/Left fools feel ‘unsafe’ in the company of others who hold different views? It seems to be the ‘cop out’ explanation du jour for avoidance of any kind of reality in the world of people of all sorts. I can understand that walking at night on the streets of South Side of Chicago would make me feel very unsafe, but ‘unsafe’ is now weaponised to the point that it is almost in the same class of verbal attack and social discrimination as calling someone a terrorist or a paedophile. This is the behaviour I would expect from toddlers imagining a boogeyman under the bed and running to Mummy for cuddles and attention – as did this pathetic bride. In this case Uncle Dave is the one for whose welfare I have concerns; he should never allow himself to be alone with either of the mother-daughter pair lest false accusations be concocted against him just to prove he is ‘unsafe’.

    • GWB says:

      It’s a religious thing. Progressives have been led to see all others as heathens and apostates and they must not be allowed into their lives lest they be corrupted and not allowed into the heaven-on-earth the Progressives are building. So they shun those outside the doctrines of the fundamentalist Church of Progressivism.

      • Scott says:

        Add to that the fact that they’re snowflakes that can’t handle an honest discussion, and have never been told no in their lives, as well as needing “safe spaces” to handle normal issues of daily life..

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