Congressional Navy Seals Too Loud About Their Service?

Congressional Navy Seals Too Loud About Their Service?

Congressional Navy Seals Too Loud About Their Service?

Politico has swallowed all of the Insane Sixth Wave Feminism. The editors abhor the idea of manly men doing manly things in a manly fashion. It’s not “make me a sammich, woman” manliness. No, it is a recognition that there are bad people and things in our world and that sometimes that calls for manly men to step up and remove them. Navy Seals, Air Force Pararescue, Marines Marsoc and Army Rangers, Delta and Green Berets, all are emblematic of this idea. Because the folks at Politico only get their ideas of the military from the Special Operators from movies, the magazine has focused on the idea that there are too many Seals being too loud in elected office. What’s more, the Seals are clearly MAGA shock troops, according to the article.

The article is “How the Navy SEALs Conquered Congress — And Became the Shock Troops of the MAGA Revolution” with the subtitle of “There’s a record number of ex-SEALs on Capitol Hill. Is politics at odds with the special forces’ ethos of working in the shadows?”. Yes, these people are that stupid. From the article:

Since their founding in the early 1960s, the Navy SEALs have made their presence felt in every corner of the globe, executing some of the most dangerous and celebrated missions in U.S. military history. But now, a decade after Zinke came to Washington, the elite unit has infiltrated a different kind of hostile territory: Congress.

When the 119th Congress was gaveled into session in January, Zinke counted six former SEALs as his colleagues, the most ever: Reps. Eli Crane of Arizona, Morgan Luttrell and Dan Crenshaw of Texas, Derrick Van Orden of Wisconsin, John McGuire of Virginia and freshman Sen. Tim Sheehy of Montana. All are Republicans who have aligned themselves, in varying fashions, with Donald Trump and the MAGA movement.


: to enter or become established in gradually or unobtrusively usually for subversive purposes
the intelligence staff had been infiltrated by spies
: to pass (troops) singly or in small groups through gaps in the enemy line

This makes no sense. If they entered the House or Senate unobtrusively, that would mean they were quiet about it, but they are too loud and are President Trump’s MAGA shock troops. Politico sounds angry that there are manly men in elected office. More:

It’s a small number overall, but — with ex-SEALs making up over 1 percent of Congress — markedly disproportionate to the SEAL population at large. And the consequences of the growing numbers of SEALs-turned-lawmakers on Capitol Hill have been quiet but significant. According to interviews with five of the current ex-SEALs in Congress, the swelling in their ranks has coincided with — and, in many respects, aided — a marked shift in the style of Republican politics on Capitol Hill.

That “marked shift in the style of Republican politics on Capitol Hill” wouldn’t have anything to do with a stiffening of an actual spine, would it?

A stiff spine would be a minimum requirement for the Navy Seals or any other Special Operator. Concrete/unshakeable beliefs would be important too. One must be sure of one’s path. One must believe in facts. Facts like a man cannot become a woman. Politico sees this as bucking the milquetoast Republican style. Fie. That was a 70’s thing. The Republican base has been begging for a more combative style for years. From the article:

This style takes its cues in part from the MAGA movement more broadly, but it draws on the combativeness at the heart of what several of the members called the SEALs’ “warrior mentality”: the sense the SEALs will do whatever it takes — short of opposing Trump outright — to achieve their objective, even if it means bucking Republican leadership or breaking congressional norms. This background, several of the former SEALs told me, has made them particularly effective proponents of the new style of Republican politics ushered in by the Trump revolution. As the MAGA revolution has remade Washington in its own image, the former Navy SEALs have dutifully served as its shock troops on Capitol Hill.

The author of this article makes a mistake of thinking that the Seals or Rangers or ODA lead the base. We, the base, brought them to Congress because they reflect OUR warrior mentality and the sense to do whatever it takes to win back our country.

A dozen years ago there was a movie about Navy Seals called “Act of Valor”. In that movie, Derrick Van Orden, now a Representative from Wisconsin play Otto, a Senior Chief in the Navy Seals. You just have to watch the first two minutes of this scene to see what I mean:

That’s the kind of “warrior mentality” Republicans have been looking for. We want every “Crisco” in the world to be afraid. Quiet service by the way, is only when you are in the service. There are things you can NEVER talk about but acknowledging that you served is not one of them. Every Seal is not a Ryan Zinke or Derrick Von Orden, some are like Dan Crenshaw and can stay home. Thank you very much.

Featured Image: Special Warfare Insignia/Wikimedia Domain

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