Coming For Your Guns – Tim Walz’s Terrifying Manliness

Coming For Your Guns – Tim Walz’s Terrifying Manliness

Coming For Your Guns – Tim Walz’s Terrifying Manliness

You should be terror-stricken. You should be afeared. Tim Walz’s masculinity is so overwhelmingly awesome that it should strike fear in the hearts of Republican and Independent Men (I am inclusive.). Tim Walz is a Public Servant, Hunter, Sharpshooter, Teacher, Coach, Army Veteran and Icon of Manliness. He is Kamalalalala’s choice for Vice President. He is coming for your guns and you should quake. You piffle poseur men.

We may call Tim Walz a Blue Falcon because he abandoned his soldiers just before deployment. But, we focus far too much on honoring commitments, having integrity and taking care of those within your purview. Pish posh. We have it all wrong. We are too focused on our fears.

I read two articles recently that had to do with Tampon Tim, his masculinity and his gun grabbing. The first article was by Francis Wilkinson of Bloomberg Opinion:

Tim Walz’s masculinity is terrifying to Republicans

Oh stop. It’s too funny. Francis wrote:

At their packed campaign launch in Philadelphia on Tuesday, Harris lauded “Coach” Walz, honored his veteran status and beamed with pride that Walz “was known as one of Capitol Hill’s best marksmen, winning a bipartisan sharpshooting contest year after year.”

Those traditional manly traits are threatening enough on their own. But if such a marksman, state-title-winning football coach and regular guy can happily play second fiddle to a Black woman running for president, then what does that say about MAGA’s efforts to reverse-engineer the 21st century? After all, if a middle-aged, heterosexual White guy who likes to hunt doesn’t have to live in constant fear of losing status and doesn’t need traditional gender and racial hierarchies to validate his life choices, then what does he need Donald Trump and JD Vance for?

That’s a terrifying question for a Republican ticket that offers little beyond resentment, rage and a promise to restrict the freedom and democratic power of its opponents. It explains why Vance immediately began smearing Walz’s military record, claiming — without evidence, of course — that Walz had “abandoned” his unit when he ran for Congress before the unit was deployed to Iraq.


Francis ended with this cut:

In the late 1980s, GOP Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah called Democrats “the party of homosexuals.”

Remarkably, more than three decades later, it wouldn’t be a surprise to hear a GOP politician make a similar claim today. The Republican Party, fossilized, regressive, wallowing in lazy bigotry, is pointed to the past. Harris, running for the future, inflames the fears that govern MAGA.

Walz is dangerous to Trump and Vance precisely because he has the capacity to calm such fears. Yet if Harris openly inflames, Walz also subtly indicts. He’s not frightened of women, afraid of Black people or terrified of the future. Why are you?

I would submit that it is the Liberal/Progressive/Democrat Party that is “fossilized, regressive and wallowing in lazy bigotry”. I am bragging when I say my Husband is the most manly man I know. He doesn’t hunt, fish or sharpshoot. He doesn’t wear plaid shirts. He is steady and he honors his commitments. So nerts to Francis.

The second article I read is from The Federalist by John R. Lott:

Behind Tim Walz’s ‘Hunter’ Facade Is A Plan To Take Your Guns

Mr. Lott wrote:

“Ispent 25 years in the Army and I hunt,” Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn., declared in 2018. “I’ve been voting for common sense legislation that protects the Second Amendment, but we can do background checks, we can do CDC research, we can make sure that we don’t reciprocal carry among states. And we can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are allowed to be carried.” In just a few sentences, Walz made false claims about assault weapons, background checks, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) research, and reciprocal carry.

First, take his claims about “weapons of war.” Put aside that Walz never was in war, let alone carried a weapon in war. The term “assault weapon” is nonsensical. Even the Associated Press Stylebook, which carries water for Democrat narratives, recognizes that fact. As the AP acknowledges, the term conveys “little meaning” and is “highly politicized.”

Lott goes on to list items like CDC Research and Background Checks to show how these are myths. Let’s see how angry Tim Walz got last year in fear that the state legislators wouldn’t pass Background Checks and Red Flag Laws:

More like Joe Biden’s Angry Old Man Yelling at Clouds than a Manly Man. Manly Men doing Manly Things only unleash their cloaked violence when needed to protect their world. Just saying.

Last thoughts. Real Manly Men don’t terrify their fellow citizens. Not necessary. AND I don’t know anyone who owns guns. I have not met anyone in the last twenty years who ever owned guns. Maybe Tim Walz could take his terrifying manliness door to door looking for guns. Just saying.

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Featured Image: Darleen Click for Victory Girls

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  • Hate_me says:

    I don’t know anyone who owns guns, either. I do know a lot of people who had tragic boating accidents.

    I also know a lot of people who will take up scuba diving should Tim Walz ever have a day in their gun ownership.

  • Hate_me says:


    Ducking autocorrect!

  • I fear no human being, in the knowledge that any who harm or attempt to harm myself or my family will be taking a dirt nap.

    I do have pity for those who have lost (or never had) a grip on reality.


  • Fat says:

    Do not recommend making heavily armed citizens fearful…

  • GWB says:

    Tim Walz’s masculinity is terrifying to Republicans
    Lighten up, Francis!
    Oh, you said that. 😉

    one of Capitol Hill’s best marksmen…
    Those traditional manly traits

    Actually… women are often better marksman than men, except at the extremes. So, not really that manly – if you believe the science, anyway.

    state-title-winning football coach
    He was actually an assistant coach, based on what I’ve read. He was still part of the team, but he wasn’t the top guy, leading things.

    After all, if a middle-aged, heterosexual White guy who likes to hunt doesn’t have to live in constant fear of losing status and doesn’t need traditional gender and racial hierarchies to validate his life choices
    Are we sure David Frum didn’t write this? “The conservative case for cuckolding”?
    That’s exactly his brand of concern trolling.

    without evidence, of course
    Hoo boy. I’m guessing Francis wouldn’t know evidence if it came up and fondled his backside.

    Remarkably, more than three decades later, it wouldn’t be a surprise to hear a GOP politician make a similar claim today.
    Because… it’s true? They ARE the party of perversion, even three decades after trying to redefine it out of existence. Francis seems to relish his position as a prophet of perversion.

    Harris, running for the future, inflames the fears that govern MAGA.
    You mean the ones about imposing a (further) totalitarian state where we all must give lip service (at a minimum) to your grotesqueries and perversions to make mentally ill people happy in your utopia? Where most of us will end up in a re-education camp to be converted to the proper worship of the Glorious Leader? If you can’t see how abusive that is, then there is probably no hope for you to ever be anything but a religiously deluded psychopath.

    He doesn’t wear plaid shirts.
    Oh, Toni. You were doing so well. It’s flannel shirts that manly men wear. Or chamois. Plaid is really only necessary as a manly sartorial choice if you’re a lumberjack or Scots. 😉

    I do wish, though, that people who can’t define what a woman is would stop trying to tell us all what a man is.
    As I say frequently about Progressives, it’s a Christian heresy, where they take all the Christian virtues, take off the governor (moderation or appropriateness), then crank them to 11 and make them mandatory (via the gov’t).

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