Comics For Kamala Fundraiser – Funny?

Comics For Kamala Fundraiser – Funny?

Comics For Kamala Fundraiser – Funny?

I have said it a million times: Democrats love sorting and slotting people. Democrats categorize your identity, put you in a box and you will stay there. This season, their identity politics game is strong. They have Black Women for Kamala, White Women for Kamala, Never Trump Eunuchs for Kamala, Republicans for Harris, Demifluid Drummers for Kamala and, yes, Comics for Kamala. But, are they funny?

Are the Comics for Kamala funny is what I meant. The other groups are not funny. The White Women and Never Trumps are portentous and ponderous. But comics surely can make politics and a candidate funny, right. Even while supporting her. This wasn’t spontaneous. This was a planned Zoom for August 5 at 8:00 p.m.. These comics had time to choreograph their acts. Try them out in the neighborhood. It’s a fundraiser. Be funny. Erm….

Oh fark. This is going to be portentous and ponderous. Kathy Griffin and Eric Swalwell, according to Deadline:

The Monday evening event, to start at 8 p.m. ET, was inspired by a series of virtual calls that have raised huge sums for the Harris campaign since it was launched in July 21. A White Dudes for Harris call on Monday raised more than $4 million, and featured celebrities including Jeff Bridges and Joseph Gordon Levitt, and political figures including Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) and Gov. Roy Cooper (D-NC).

Also on that call was Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), who said that he was inspired to reach out to friends and contacts in the comedy world for a standup-oriented virtual event. He said that he reached out to Dani Zoldan, owner of Stand Up New York, and producer Jamie Patricof to organize the event.

Sounds like a barrel of laughs. Did Kathy Griffin show off her severed Trump head again?

Ben Stiller Zoomed in to Comics for Kamala. He insisted that he is an actor, not a comic. We can believe that because he wasn’t funny AND not every White, Jewish guy wishes he was Black, of that I am sure:

Real comic D.L. Hughley was not funny and nearly incoherent:

Actor Nick Offerman was on the Zoom. Most people will know him from Parks & Recreation, but I loved him in Episode 3 of The Last of Us. Now, I know he just is another brainless actor who can read a script from a script. He penned words slamming “Proud to be an American”. Offerman’s offering is “Proud to be a Kamala Man”.

The couch story about J.D. Vance is made up of whole cloth, and Donald Trump’s 34 felonies were made up by a ham-handed Prosecutor. Finally, it’s just not funny. Why don’t these people realize that dragging half your audience isn’t a good business plan. Do they think their “talent” makes them bullet-proof? The reality is that it certainly doesn’t. They should be grateful they don’t have to fry eggs at Waffle House or repair high-tension wires. Both require a work ethic and respect for others and nature.

Next time the Left wants to do something like Comics for Kamala make it funny. Republicans have good senses of humor. We like funny. Boring, mean and ugly aren’t funny.

Featured Image: Double-M/ Commons

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