Chris Christie Is Biden’s Man

Chris Christie Is Biden’s Man

Chris Christie Is Biden’s Man

Chris Christie is Biden’s man, alright. Christie now has a campaign ad saying he is the only man to beat Trump. Not Biden. But Trump.

What in the world? Is he going to pick Liz Cheney as his VP, too? Well, thankfully, we won’t have to worry about any of this because Christie won’t be the candidate. I type that last sentence with some trepidation because, in today’s political climate, who knows. Not the voters anymore.

So Christie hates Trump with every single cell in his body. That’s an illness, for sure. If you are a Chris Christie supporter, please tell me why in the comments. Please convince me why I should vote for him. It’s not because he has an R beside his name.

Do you think he is fair? Do you think he is open to negotiations with the Democrats? Maybe he could deliberate with the left to arrange concessions for the good of America? Or that perhaps he is a tough guy and might get things done? What sorts of things would he get done after he beats Trump and possibly becomes President of the United States?


Why is he beating up on Trump right now? What is it he is hoping to do? Why is Christie not focusing on Biden and his administration’s abominations and the myriad of mental illnesses run astray?

The fact that he has turned his focus on Trump and ignores Biden is telling. Or maybe he’s still holding grudges from 2016.

It looks like Christie is the first candidate to come out with a hard stance on the controversial Texas abortion court case of one Kate Cox.

Christie, a former New Jersey governor, said Wednesday night that the high court “got it wrong.”

“Now, look, I’m pro-life and I believe that we should try to save every life that we can, because I believe every life is a precious gift from God, but there was no saving this life,” Christie told a packed town hall in New Hampshire, opening his remarks to the crowd by talking about Cox’s case. –

I guess Christie is a doctor now? And while Kate’s doctor also told her that her child would more than likely not live very long, there is such a thing as a second opinion.

Look, I know this case is a tough one. But sometimes, we have to do the hard things. Or we used to anyway. Others have done it before. And I know Republicans should probably step away from such a hard stance that we have on abortion to make some sort of small progress towards life.

It’s complicated, I understand.

And getting back to the I-Hate-Trump campaign ad by Chris Christie that was just released.

Christie’s six-figure TV ad buy comes just weeks before the New Hampshire GOP primary on Jan. 23. –

In the ad, he does say negative things about Nikki and Ron, but he also touts that he (Christie) is the only one who can beat Trump. Huh? I know, I know. He means in the primary. Who is he talking to with this attitude? If, and that’s a big IF, the polls are correct, that would be a tiny percentage there, Chris.

Honestly, I don’t get the animosity towards Trump. Yes, Trump seems even more bombastic and unhinged in his social media presence. We’ve all known he has always been outspoken, but it has worsened after his Presidency. But, it’s just words. Right?

So, is this what Christie wants to stop or beat? I don’t know.

Snippets from his CNN Townhall from back in June:

The most forceful critic of Trump has long been Christie, who at his June town hall warned that if Trump wins another term, he would spend those four years focused on “settling scores” with his political enemies.

“He has shown himself, particularly in his post-presidency,” Christie said, “to be completely self-centered, completely self-consumed and doesn’t give a damn about the American people, in my point of view.” – CNN

That’s it, Chris? That’s all you’ve got?

Sure, I get it. You must make some noise and stink against the front-runner to get your name up in the polls. But I think Christie really does hate Trump.

You must defeat the other candidates before you can get to the Big Guy. But I’d also like to see more focus on what candidates would do differently from The Big Guy. We need to see more finger-pointing and calling out of the Big Guy and his atrocities as the leader of the free world.

If Christie could focus on the enormities of The Big Guy’s erroneous ways, it might go better for him.

Feature Image: Chris Christie/Flickr/Gage Skidmore/CC BY-SA 2.0

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  • John Shepherd says:

    Don’t get your panties in a bunch. It is the primary and every Republican hopeful is running against the alternatives including Trump. Trump spends more time attacking other Republicans than he does attacking Biden. Don’t be a snowflake. “Politics ain’t beanbag.”

    • Carol Marks says:

      I know. Just wanted to give Christie some time. Ron DeSantis, who I do like, has said the exact same thing.

      Thanks for reading and commenting.

  • Scott says:

    Christie is a Jersey politician, nothing more.. that “R” after his name just means he’s slightly less “progressive” than the dems in that state, it DAMN sure does not mean he’s a conservative. I say let him run his suck, not many people are listening to him anyway, and he primarily just beclowns himself with his stupid commentary..

  • Taylor says:

    I share his disadain for Donald Trump but I remember that he was Trump’s hit man and shill in 2016.

  • rbj1 says:

    “Settling scores?” Such as against the deep state that used every opportunity to oppose him and the 60+ million Americans who voted for him in 2016?

    I hope Trump does. The federal bureaucracy is America’s number one enemy, not China or Russia or Iran.

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