Cheerleaders Get Probation For Trump Sign Picture

Cheerleaders Get Probation For Trump Sign Picture

Cheerleaders Get Probation For Trump Sign Picture

Cheerleaders from Stanly County High School in North Carolina have been placed on probation for posing with a Trump 2020 sign before a football game on August 30, 2019. Students had been encouraged to dress in red, white and blue in celebration of “American Night”. The Superintendent of the school system has claimed this is a warning.

Todd Starnes has published an article about the probation and the Trump sign on his website. The cheerleaders and a couple of other students posed with the Trump 2020 on the track of the football stadium before the game started. The photo went viral and, apparently, there were people who viewed the photo and got their widdle feelings hurt. The day after the game, the school released this statement:

“We are currently investigating this matter but as of this morning we have determined this was not an act planned or endorsed by the school or its staff. A student attending the event brought the flag into the game, which was not present when entering the gate. The picture was taken prior to the event starting. Stanly County Schools respects the rights of its students, staff and visitors to express their opinions in a respectful manner on their own time, however, Stanly County Board of Education policy prohibits the display or distribution of political advertisements on campus or at school events. Further, Stanly County Schools never makes political campaign endorsements. These policies ensure that all students, staff and visitors are able to attend school events in an environment that promotes students and not a particular political viewpoint. Stanly County Schools’ investigation into this matter is ongoing and we will take appropriate action as necessary to ensure Board of Education policy is followed in the future.”

After the investigation, the cheerleaders were placed on probation for the rest of the semester. You read that right, the rest of the semester! WMBF News reported:

Stanly County Schools Superintendent Jeff James told The Associated Press in an email Monday that the warning was levied by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association.

It happened before the Aug. 30 game at North Stanly High School, northeast of Charlotte. News outlets reported that the banner read: “Trump 2020: Make America Great Again.”

The superintendent said the probation simply means “don’t do it again.” He says all North Carolina schools have a policy against displaying political signs.

Let us grant that students should not be holding up political banners on school ground. But, also let us grant that in the big scheme of things this is a vegetarian nothing burger. What the heck is going on at that school that a picture with a political message gets probation a day, let alone the entire semester? And, how does that mean “don’t do it again”? How about call them into the office and say, “Don’t do that again.”? Then, send their happy backsides back to class. To me, that is a warning.

And, where are the parents? They would have had to drag me out of the school before I would let them punish my child like that.

I don’t agree with everything this guy says, but at least he is taking this on:

There is nothing in the North Carolina High School Athletic Association rules that covers political banners and probation. Couldn’t really find it in the Stanly County Schools Code of Conduct either.

I would bet you that, for sure, there are political messages on school grounds when a bond issue comes up. I would guess that they have all kinds of political messages all over the school.

I have a message for all the parents: Time to step up and stop this whale caca. I would give living in that school district a hard pass.

Photo Credit: License

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  • cirby says:

    Anyone want to bet on how many “Obama is great” signs were displayed by students and teachers from 2008 to 2016 in that district?

  • Harlan says:

    “The Superintendent of the school system has claimed this is a warning.”

    The superintendent should be fired forthwith. Anti-American leftists should be rooted out of every institution in which they are embeded. Not for their political beliefs, but for interfering with the beliefs of OTHERS.

  • alanstorm says:

    “Further, Stanly County Schools never makes political campaign endorsements.”

    You mean this is the only school district in the country that muzzles lefty teachers?

  • GWB says:

    Let us grant that students should not be holding up political banners on school ground.
    Absolutely. And that’s all this ‘probation’ is about.

    But, also let us grant that in the big scheme of things this is a vegetarian nothing burger.
    Yes, it is. So, why are you writing about it? The kids did wrong (see below), and they were put on probation.
    Probation isn’t a big deal (unless you plan on screwing up again). It’s a way of saying “You’ll be off the team if you pull something stupid again.” It’s not suspension. It’s not even detention. It’s just official notice that you might lose your privileged position (oh yes, there is definitely “cheerleader privilege” in high school) if you break the rules again.

    What the heck is going on at that school that a picture with a political message gets probation
    Here’s your answer (but, see below):
    Stanly County Board of Education policy prohibits the display or distribution of political advertisements on campus or at school events
    And here’s also your answer:
    Let us grant that students should not be holding up political banners on school ground.
    That really isn’t hard, now, is it?

    How about call them into the office and say, “Don’t do that again.”?
    That’s exactly what they did. Except doing it again will have consequences – getting booted off the team.
    That’s a warning.
    (But “probation” sounds scarier than “warning”, and has actual repercussions if the behavior continues.)

    when a bond issue comes up. I would guess that they have all kinds of political messages all over the school.
    On what would you base that? We NEVER saw that stuff in my schools growing up, and, there are still lots of school districts that actually do muzzle their teachers on actual, straight-up political advertising. (Indoctrinating our kids into progressive PC idiocy is a whole other matter. It’s still a fundamental problem, but if it doesn’t say “Vote for Joe!” then it doesn’t cross this line.)

    There is nothing in the North Carolina High School Athletic Association rules
    FINALLY. This would be the only basis for your complaint. If the cheerleaders didn’t know it was against the rules, then you can’t hold them accountable to those rules.
    And, yes, they should include that in their Student Conduct guides, or apologize to these students.
    This should have been up front, and the only point on which you based an objection.

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