Most of America holds guttural disdain for the media. And there’s a reason for that. Watch this video, and then tell me the media isn’t in the tank for Hillary:
Hillary “rarely” has dehydration/fainting episodes. If you were a casual viewer, you might think that was the complete statement from Mr. Clinton to CBS’ Charlie Rose on Hillary’s health…except, it’s not.
When asked, Bill Clinton initially said that Hillary “frequently” has these episodes, before catching himself and backtracking. Presumably to assist their candidate, CBS deceptively edited that very telling word out of both their broadcast of the interview, and the promos for it found on YouTube. Here’s the transcript, complete with the missing word:
“Well if it is, it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors,” he responded.
“Because frequently,” Clinton began, according to CBS’ website, before correcting himself, “well not frequently, rarely — but on more than one occasion, over the last many, many years, the same sort of thing happened to her when she got severely dehydrated.” [emphasis added]
As is par for the course for the Clintons, they always include a nugget of truth in their complex explanations of simple issues. And the compliant, complicit media—apparently itself suffering from a pneumonia pandemic—stands always ready to assist. Shame on you, CBS. This is why America distrusts the media.
UPDATE [1:00 pm PT] Here’s the unedited video:
Way to take one for the team, CBS.
The caption under the photo of Hillary being put into the van should be Stronger Together.
Yes! Perfect!
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