China Won’t Let SecDef Austin And Counterpart Meet

China Won’t Let SecDef Austin And Counterpart Meet

It all sounds so nice a meet and greet for the two top military officials for two superpowers at a confab for Asian security experts. The Shangri-la…

Memorial Day 2023: One Final Salute

Memorial Day 2023: One Final Salute

One thing about Memorial Day that is not often discussed is the work of the soldiers who are given the difficult honor of knocking on that door…

Memorial Day 2023: The Reasons for Today

Memorial Day 2023: The Reasons for Today

Today marks the second Memorial Day without my father- my personal hero, idol, and teacher of all that is both good and bad in life. He was…

Memorial Day 2023: Burial At The Battle Of Camden

Memorial Day 2023: Burial At The Battle Of Camden

It has been almost 243 years since the Battle of Camden was fought during the American Revolution.

Biden Backpedal: Al-Qaeda Leader Not Dead, Father Of Ten Is

Biden Backpedal: Al-Qaeda Leader Not Dead, Father Of Ten Is

Remember just weeks ago when we were treated to the news that a U.S. drone strike killed a senior Al-Qaeda leader?

Electrifying Military Vehicles Endangers Our Soldiers

Electrifying Military Vehicles Endangers Our Soldiers

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is dead certain that electrifying the military fleet by 2030 is not only doable, it’s a grand idea. Except it isn’t. It puts…

Taliban Kill ISIS Leader Behind Kabul Airport Bombing

Taliban Kill ISIS Leader Behind Kabul Airport Bombing

Well, better late than never. It seems the Taliban killed the ISIS leader who was the mastermind of the Kabul airport bombing that killed thirteen U.S. soldiers…

Arrest Raises More Questions Than Answers About Pentagon Leak

Arrest Raises More Questions Than Answers About Pentagon Leak

Yesterday an arrest was made concerning the Pentagon leak. It’s an arrest that has given rise to more questions than answers.

Veterans Furious Over Kirby Presser On Afghanistan

Veterans Furious Over Kirby Presser On Afghanistan

The veterans who went to combat are enraged. It’s too bad that the Biden administration, and press lackey John Kirby, are ignoring them while attempting to blame…

Biden: Afghanistan Withdrawal Mess Was Totally Trump’s Fault

Biden: Afghanistan Withdrawal Mess Was Totally Trump’s Fault

They’ll blame President Trump for everything. Including the Biden Administration’s complete and utter mishandling of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Defense Secretary Austin Regrets Nothing About Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

Defense Secretary Austin Regrets Nothing About Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

No regrets! NONE. Yes, the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin admitted that today, under oath.

Taliban Tout Equipment Left Behind In Afghanistan

Taliban Tout Equipment Left Behind In Afghanistan

The Taliban has really upped their social media game. It doesn’t matter how many jihadis they lost in the 20 year war with coalition forces. They gained…

CBO Suggests Means Testing And Taxing Veterans Disability Payments

CBO Suggests Means Testing And Taxing Veterans Disability Payments

The CBO, Congressional Budget Office, has some terrific suggestions on how to save money and lower the federal deficit. Those disability payments our veterans receive are in…

Nuclear Sub Pact Announced By Biden

Nuclear Sub Pact Announced By Biden

Preparing to write this post, I read a bunch of different articles about our Navy and submarines, shipbuilding, and nuclear powered subs. The quote in the poster…

No MSNBC, ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Isn’t A Sick Insidious Movie

No MSNBC, ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Isn’t A Sick Insidious Movie

According to MSNBC editor, Zeeshan Aleem, “Top Gun: Maverick” is a slick but very sick movie promoting insidious propaganda.

Moral Injury Of Afghanistan Withdrawal Noted In Hearing

Moral Injury Of Afghanistan Withdrawal Noted In Hearing

The House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing on the epically botched withdrawal, after twenty years, from war in Afghanistan. The official title of the hearing was…

Transgender Psychosis In The Department Of Defense

Transgender Psychosis In The Department Of Defense

Most of us were raised to believe that the purpose of the United States military was to defend our Country and to kick the living dickens out…

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Ava Gardner