Cat Memes And J.D. Vance Beat CNN

Cat Memes And J.D. Vance Beat CNN

Cat Memes And J.D. Vance Beat CNN

Senator J.D. Vance tuned us into brilliant way to get the media to pay attention to any subject that needs attention but isn’t sexy enough to warrant the legacy media’s attention: cat memes. Necessary attention was garnered after Vance alleged that cats were being eaten in Springfield, Ohio by Haitian immigrants and President Trump mentioned it in the gawd-awful ABC debate.

Cat memes are the answer.

The people of Springfield have been having problems for a few years. Since there population of about 60,000 was expanded by 15-20,000 Haitian immigrants the services in the city have been stretched to the breaking point. Listen to this NewsNation reporter as he lays out the problems faced by longtime residents of Springfield. Problems that Governor Mike DeWine knew about when the Feds started dumping Haitians in the small city.

The reporter had trouble speaking with the Haitians because they don’t speak English. The crime rate is up 140% and no was listening to the residents. The commissioners and the Governor won’t return calls.

Then there is the 911 call about the geese abducted from a city park the reporter speaks of. The city manager says there are no credible reports. Right. The media can tell us that something is a conspiracy theory, but it rarely holds. From conspiracy theory to fact is down to about one week now. Until a reporter walks the streets and talks to the residents, the truth cannot be known and reported.

Cat memes enter the chat:

What if…it really has only been a couple geese or ducks taken and eaten from the local park. Or maybe only a couple chickens taken from someone’s coop. Those are not our values. That is not our culture. That can destroy a community.

Like this woman mentioned in The Telegraph. The problem for this woman, originally from New York is that the locals are yokels/bigots:

“They’re in double-trouble here because they’re foreign and they’re black in a closed-minded section of the country that is expanding maybe too quickly,’ said Valerie Hinch, a retired community worker who was dining at the Rose Goute Haitian restaurant in Springfield’s southside.

“My New York friends are sending me messages, ‘Val, be careful of your cats.’ But it’s not funny, it’s sad and ignorant.”

The locals did not ask the Feds to send them Haitians. Jobs are being lost. Wages are going down. Schools and hospitals are being overcrowded. The community culture is being destroyed.

Then J.D. Vance dropped a truth bomb on Kaitlin Collins:

From Townhall:

“Health care costs are up, housing costs are up, communicable diseases, like HIV and TB, have skyrocketed in this small Ohio town—this is what Kamala Harris’ border policies have done,” he said.

He added how the media didn’t care about the carnage of the Biden-Harris immigration agenda until there were cat memes.

Maybe we could ridicule the next “Russia, Russia, Russia” hoax with cat memes.

Well done, J.D. Vance.

Featured Composite: X AI/Official Portrait/wikimedia Domain

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  • GWB says:

    But it’s not funny,
    So, a NY carpetbagger, who is probably a cat-lady feminist, actually did the meme? Does she know she’s playing to stereotype?

    The locals did not ask the Feds to send them Haitians.
    I’m going to throw out a believable rumor that they did ask for something to help them get their economy going again. And, naturally, those who believe the claims that illegal immigrants help the economy said, “I got just the thing for ya!”

    Also, that top pic should have a caption that says, “Yeah, this is why we have the 2d Amendment. Meow.”

  • GWB says:

    BTW, it really irks me when people talk about how awful and deplorable we are because we’re not “cosmopolitan” and “worldly”. I have probably been more exotic places and “interesting” locales than that woman ever has. It was an adventure for her to move to Ohio. I’ve visited all 50 states in this lovely country, and two territories and a protectorate. I had to fly in a little bug smasher to get to one part of that protectorate. I’ve been to 30 foreign countries – where I’ve actually mingled with the locals. I lived in one for 2 1/2 years on the economy (not isolated away on a military base). And I’ve studied several more countries, including their basic cultures – not just food and tourist sites, but what the people believe and how they live, and how that informs things like politics. I’ve lived on a ship for months, and in tents and trailers. She’s maybe been to Paris or Bali. And she’s read Howard Zinn.

    So, hie thee to a [Progressive] nunnery, Cat Lady. And leave the rest of us to live our lives without the comfort of your bogus luxury belief systems.

  • SCOTTtheBADGER says:

    I wonder how I could get hats for Peaches, my 11 year old Rescue Cat, and Gandalf, my 5 month old tomkitten?

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