Campaign Spox Claims The Blue Falcon “Misspoke”

Campaign Spox Claims The Blue Falcon “Misspoke”

Campaign Spox Claims The Blue Falcon “Misspoke”

It was just a minor slip of the tongue. According to a Harris/Walz campaign spox, the Blue Falcon simply “misspoke.”

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz “misspoke” in a 2018 video circulated by the Harris campaign earlier this week that included the vice presidential candidate talking about his handling of weapons “in war,” a campaign spokesperson said Friday.

The clarification comes after Republicans, led by veteran and vice presidential candidate JD Vance, have attacked Walz over his military record.

“Governor Walz would never insult or undermine any American’s service to this country — in fact, he thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It’s the American way,” the Harris campaign spokesperson said in a statement.

“In making the case for why weapons of war should never be on our streets or in our classrooms, the Governor misspoke. He did handle weapons of war and believes strongly that only military members trained to carry those deadly weapons should have access to them, unlike Donald Trump and JD Vance who prioritize the gun lobby over our children,” the spokesperson added.

That’s it guys. Let’s drop the subject pretty please? He only misspoke just the one time in 2018. It’s not like the quitter has claimed any other time that he was in or near the combat zones of Iraq or Afghanistan.


Add to that, his endorsement of the Wellstone Project book that emphatically states he was deployed in a combat zone! 

The campaign has stealthily scrubbed all mention of him being a Command Sergeant Major. However, there ARE receipts!

They are hoping we will forget the fact that Walz QUIT before having to deploy for 22 months. 

And therefore, even with Democrats and media going to bat for him, Walz ‘retired’ with a rank of E-8. Why? Because he never and I mean NEVER completed the Sergeant’s course. If he had fulfilled that contractual obligation, he would’ve been permanently elevated to CSM. But he didn’t. 

That’s ok. Kamala is super supportive. 

On the campaign trail, Harris stood by her new running mate, telling reporters Thursday, “I praise anyone who has presented themselves to serve our country, and I think that we all should.” The campaign quietly edited its online bio of Walz to replace “retired command sergeant major” with “retired sergeant major.”

“Presented themselves?” No Kamala, that’s not how this works. One doesn’t “present themselves” to serve. They ENLIST. They CHOOSE to volunteer to be the tip of the spear to protect all of us and this great land. They don’t present themselves like it’s a freaking debutant ball! 

I’m absolutely amazed that CNN conducted this interview with Walz’s former commanding officer, Command Sergeant Major Doug Julin (Ret)! 

It’s well worth watching the entire thing. Julin bluntly states that Walz absolutely KNEW of the upcoming deployment in 2004! Others are coming forward saying the same thing. 

So again, ‘tampon’ Walz breaking military protocol to get out of deploying to an actual combat zone is a very real and serious issue as to Walz’s credibility. 

Yet, despite saying he was all in, Walz quit, and the method he used broke all sorts of military protocols. Too bad that Laura Coates didn’t like what she was hearing and cut the interview short. 

Evidently none of what Julin was saying fit their preferred narrative. And now they will be all over this statement, one issued by a campaign spox, and inform the world that all is good now! Let’s move along! Except that soldiers in Walz’s unit were injured and some were killed in action while he was safely in Minnesota. Kyle Miller is one who came home in a flag-draped coffin. 

In an emotional interview with, nearly two decades after 19-year-old Kyle’s death, Kathy Miller said: ‘I don’t think it’s fair that (Walz) takes credit when he didn’t step up to the plate.

‘Walz claims a rank he never earned. When he was called to serve, and protect our country he didn’t. 

‘To publicly present false prestige of his unearned rank an inaccurate representation, is a falsehood of who he truly is. 

‘My son stepped up to the plate. All our sons stepped up.

‘My son wasn’t even 21 years old. He couldn’t even buy alcohol. Yet he took the step to serve our country while Walz found the best way to run away.’ 

‘It was the coward’s way out.’

Except there’s another point to consider here. Walz himself, the grand Blue Falcon, is staying VERY silent. He’s not issuing statements or even speaking directly to the press. And heaven forbid he discuss the issue during his campaign stump speeches! Nope, this guy is having others talk on his behalf while he cowers behind them. 

Quitter then, quitter now. Speaks volumes that he and Kamala are in lockstep about hiding from the media and the American people. He just misspoke guys. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    Hey Reader, you claimed another poster here was lying when they said No Balls Walz abandoned his men.. Are you gonna claim that (ACTUAL) CSM Julin is lying too? Or are you gonna find some other way to defend this lying, cowardly fascist POS??
    My guess is you’re still waiting for the talking points to come down, because you’re not capable of rational, critical or individual thought..

    I agree Nina, it is surprising that even CNN brought on someone with the receipts to prove the duplicity of Walz

  • Mad Celt says:

    So he’s a lying piece of human garbage. Most politicians are. Most are draft evaders or got their required service bought out..

  • Edward Lunny says:

    Umm, a slip of the tongue huh ? Yea, there’s another term, much more accurate and incisive. Bullshit.

  • Scott says:

    Misspoke my ass! Check the video, at approx 24:30… This twatwaffle had a congressional coin with the CSM insignia on it. That is about as clear a proof of Stolen Valor as you can get.

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