“Calibrating Her Policy Pitch” To Defeat Trump – Kamala Harris

“Calibrating Her Policy Pitch” To Defeat Trump – Kamala Harris

“Calibrating Her Policy Pitch” To Defeat Trump – Kamala Harris

In an effort to unburden herself from what has been, Kamala Harris is “calibrating her pitch” to win the Twenny-Twenny Fo Presidential Race. Because she has employed California word-salads to cover for her lack of knowledge AND her lack of accomplishments as a Senator and as Vice President, this unburdening is essential. Until the Dems jettisoned Joe Biden AND Democracy, Harris was thrilled with her positions. The media are the Democrats willing handmaidens in the recalibration.

The Republicans have only 97 days to expose Kamala for the phony baloney she is. Ninety-seven freaking days to save our nation from an untested, unvetted System-approved puppet. Another System-approved puppet.

The AP posted the “calibrating” article this morning: “Harris is calibrating her policy pitch for going to battle with Trump”

Vice President Kamala Harris is facing the delicate task of calibrating her policy pitch to American voters, a standard task for any White House hopeful but one that comes with additional challenges this year.

First, Harris is running for president while serving under President Joe Biden, meaning she’s linked to anything that happened — or will happen — on his watch. She inherits accomplishments like limiting the cost of insulin but also the administration’s struggle to prevent illegal border crossings.

Second, Harris has baggage from her own failed campaign for president before she became Biden’s running mate four years ago. During that Democratic primary, she backed an array of progressive proposals that Republicans have highlighted to paint her as “dangerously liberal.”

Harris has already disavowed some of her earlier positions, such as a ban on fracking and support for single-payer healthcare. And she’s pledging to keep some of Biden’s promises, including no tax increases on anyone making less than $400,000 a year.

When you are an opportunistic politician with no core values, disavowing everything you said previously (aka re-calibrating) is par for the course, all in a days work. More:

Unsurprisingly, Harris has embraced much of the same platform as Biden. In her stump speeches since jumping into the presidential race, she promotes affordable child care, paid family leave and expanded health care.

On Tuesday in Atlanta, she promised to target price gouging and hidden bank fees. She always emphasizes restoring the nationwide right to abortion, which was eliminated two years ago by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Oh yeah. Tuesday in Atlanta. Calibrating her twerk is more like it. Our Nina wrote about “Kamala Channels Hillary With Fake Accent And NSFW Rap Lyrics”. That was when Kamala said, with her “Gone With the Wind” house worker Pork” accent “Twenny Twenny Fo”.

Not her worst accent remember “The Plan, The Plan:

Kamala’s probably thinking “Holy Cocoanut Tree, how many accents am I gonna have to do to win this?”

Ben Shapiro noticed Kamala unburdening herself and calibrating her pitch:

Yes, Kamala is calibrating her pitch:

You know what is next. Go ahead. Come on, you can say it. Pounce!

I am ready to pounce.

Featured Image: Darleen Click for Victory Girls

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