Buckle Up, Trump’s Campaign Trail Is Going To Be Glorious

Buckle Up, Trump’s Campaign Trail Is Going To Be Glorious

Buckle Up, Trump’s Campaign Trail Is Going To Be Glorious

Well, dear little love bunnies, we can focus on what’s next now that the expected Trump verdict is in. The campaign trail and what that might look like is rather exciting, in my opinion.

And while, yes, this is a travesty, putting your political opponent on trial and having a former president found guilty of felony charges, which we all know is totally bogus, it will not stop the Trump Train. In fact, it probably just gave it some fuel.

Karoline Leavitt, spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, sent a warning.

“Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrats confined President Trump to a courtroom for more than eight hours a day for more than six weeks, and he’s still winning,” Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt told Fox News Digital. “Now that he is fully back on the campaign trial, Biden and the Democrats better buckle up.” – Fox News

So yes, dear friends, chin up. The Democrats have been put on notice. Within minutes of the ridiculous verdict handed down yesterday, the donation site for the RNC went down for a while because everyone and their mother were trying to give money to the campaign.

Show Me The Money

Also, the campaign has raised just over 34 million dollars since Donald Trump became a felon nearly 24 hours ago.

On Friday morning, his campaign announced it had raised $34.8 million as donations poured in after the verdict. That’s more than $1 million for each felony charge and more than his political operation raised in January and February combined. – AP News

Sidenote: Don’t be surprised if Joe Biden withdraws from the debates with a statement about not wanting to debate a felon. CBS News is already floating the bait. The first debate is scheduled for June 27th.

Being constrained to campaign in New York did not hurt Trump, but now what? The Biden Times explains what happens now.

Trump will be sentenced on July 11th, four days before the Republican National Convention starts and when they officially nominate Donald J. Trump as their candidate.

So, is Donald J. Trump headed for jail or the campaign trail? I seriously doubt that Trump will ever see the inside of a jail cell. But I could be wrong. The Democrats have proven their propensity for hatred and not having a problem with election interference.

The gag order for Trump is apparently still in effect. When, or if, that will be lifted is undetermined right now. It’s okay, though; Donald can still campaign and not need to talk about jurors, witnesses, judges, or daughters of judges.


He should focus on Biden’s failings as a president. Period. Focus all the ire upon the old ghost of a man in the White House. Of course, let us also keep in the back of our minds that all of the illegals that were let in by Biden and the Democrats possibly have had them registered to vote.

Whether Donald is confined to Mar-a-Lago or allowed to travel across the United States until November, the campaign trail will be a fantastical display of politicking.

When Donald becomes the 47th President of the United States, this time, let us hope he will drain the swamp.

Feature Image: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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  • I noted on another blog that Merchan is a prime example of “active/stupid” – his behavior all through this farce shows that.

    We know that he is going to sentence Trump just as harshly as he possibly can (or even more). I think it is likely that he will also remand him to custody straight from the courtroom.

    He will think that this will derail the nomination four days later – when, if anything, it may make it unanimous.

  • Cameron says:

    Trump may be a convicted felon but unlike Biden, he was mentally fit to stand trial.

  • Whitehall says:

    The best news of late is Senator Joe Manchin defecting from the Democrat Party to be “independent.”

    As Congress will need to get involved, the GOP could see 50 votes with Manchin and 51 if Senator Fetterman can be persuaded.

  • DC says:

    If someone had told me 10 years
    ago I’d be donating $ to a politician,
    I’d have laughed.
    And if they told me it was DJT I
    woulda said, “No way!”
    That all changed this past week!

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