Biden’s Sleep Apnea And CPAP Use Is A Red Flag

Biden’s Sleep Apnea And CPAP Use Is A Red Flag

Biden’s Sleep Apnea And CPAP Use Is A Red Flag

Joe Biden recently started using a CPAP machine for his sleep apnea. That revelation surfaced after seeing indentations on his face earlier this week. And the media quickly went on an explainer bender. 

President Biden has begun using a CPAP machine in recent weeks to help deal with sleep apnea, a common disorder in which one’s breathing is interrupted as one sleeps, White House officials said Wednesday.

When Mr. Biden left the White House on Wednesday morning for a speech in Chicago, he had indentations across both sides of his face from having worn the device, known as a continuous positive airway pressure machine.

“Since 2008, the president has disclosed his history with sleep apnea in thorough medical reports,” said Andrew Bates, a White House spokesman. “He used a CPAP machine last night, which is common for people with that history.”

CPAP machines are among the most widely used treatments for sleep apnea. The machines deliver a continuous stream of air into masks worn during sleep, helping to keep breathing passages open and ensuring that people receive the oxygen they need.

ABC News glossed over the issue entirely, finishing their report with the following:

The CPAP machine is used by millions of Americans with similar problems.

Biden, 80, has faced questions about his health as part of his reelection campaign.

Over on Twitter many are chiming in with ‘so, what’s the big deal? Tons of Americans use a CPAP these days.’ 

It is a VERY big deal for a number of reasons. Reasons that the media isn’t really addressing. 

Yes, Biden was diagnosed with sleep apnea in 2008. It’s likely it was a mild form at that time and thus, he didn’t need a CPAP then. However, once diagnosed, sleep studies need to take place on a regular basis. I’m not talking once or twice a year initially, but every few years for certain. 

Furthermore, a diagnosis of sleep apnea means that you STOP BREATHING while sleeping. The more severe cases mean you stop breathing multiple times within an hour during the night. Which means one’s brain has been deprived of OXYGEN. This is a problem.

It’s a big problem when it’s the President of the United States. Why? Because lack of sleep due to sleep apnea leads to excessive tiredness during the day, the inability to track key information, short temperedness and more. Biden’s health issues of sinus, gastro reflux, and atrial fibrillation are also exacerbated by sleep apnea. 

Then there is the dementia issue. Multiple studies have found that sleep apnea, gone untreated or not treated well for elderly patients pose an increased risk of dementia. 

That’s because untreated sleep apnea leads to intermittent oxygen deprivation in the brain, causing certain brain cells to die. Those brain cells are among the same cells “that we know die in dementia,” according to Australian neuroscientist Elizabeth Coulson. As a result, Coulson and her coauthors found in a recent study, untreated sleep apnea can lead to increased risk of dementia.

A 2022 study published in the National Library of Medicine came to a similar conclusion: “Sleep apnea is associated with a significantly increased risk of dementia, particularly for Alzheimer’s disease,” the study says. A third study, published in the American Academy of Neurology’s medical journal in May, found that people “with sleep apnea who spend less time in deep sleep are more likely to have brain health problems that could lead to dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or a stroke.”

This is a problem folks. We are talking about the President of the United States. Someone who is supposed to be dealing with a multitude of complex national and international issues on a daily basis. Yet if he is sleep-deprived after episodes of sleep apnea and only JUST RECENTLY started using a CPAP… even after we’ve all noted his multiple lapses, gaffes, calling a lid in the mornings, and campaigning from his basement for the last 3 1/2 years, there’s a problem. 

What is ALSO notable and very concerning is the February 2023 physician’s report on Biden’s health. What is missing from this report?

That’s correct, not one scintilla of a mention of sleep apnea. NONE. In fact, as The NY Times reports deep in its article, there was zero mention of sleep apnea in the 2021 or even 2019 health reports!

Yet we are supposed to wave this off as no big deal when Joe claims twice this week that Putin is losing the war in …IRAQ 

And abruptly walked off the set during a MSNBC interview yesterday…

Continually has to be directed where to sit, stand, move, along with regularly mixing up simple facts such as the Declaration vs the Constitution. 

Biden’s health is a concern for all Americans. The fact that his sleep apnea wasn’t addressed during his February 2023 health report is a problem. The fact that we are supposed to shrug off his use of a CPAP and not ask how severe his sleep apnea is, is a red flag. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • SFC D says:

    I’ve been on a CPAP for about 13 years. I’m 60. My “strap marks” disappear in about 15 minutes. My question is, did Joe wake up just before this appearance? Are we needing naps that badly? That concerns me more than apnea.

  • Robin H says:

    This is just like his “stutter” that we all should just leave the poor man alone! /s They’re gaslighting us about these health issues. He’s had 2 aneurisms which can cause brain damage as well as the sleep apnea (if it really is that, someone suggested it was a nebulizer that’s giving him some medication) and he obviously is not all there anymore.

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