Biden: The Last Name “Doesn’t Hurt”

Biden: The Last Name “Doesn’t Hurt”

Biden: The Last Name “Doesn’t Hurt”

As we embark upon our hump day, here comes another tale of Biden deep corruption. Before Joe Biden had Hunter holding the bag, wheeling and dealing for “The Big Guy”, he had his brother Jim.

According to this, as hired to help a Philadelphia construction company resolve a decades-old dispute with the Saudi government because he was the sibling of then-Vice President Joe Biden.

The affidavit.

The affidavit was filed in a dispute between the construction company, Hill International, and one of three law firms it hired to help claw back approximately $140 million the Saudis owed for a desalinization plant built by a Hill subsidiary in the 1980s.

That firm, Lankford & Reed, claims that Hill International also hired James Biden, now 73, in 2011 to negotiate a secret deal with the Saudis to settle the dispute – and get out of paying Lankford the 40% cut outlined in their contract.”-Emily Crane, The New York Post

Apparently, James Biden was hired to handle Hill’s “business development” and had been assigned to help with the company’s interests in Saudi Arabia because, after all “the name didn’t hurt”.

Jim and Joe Biden, apparently, “tell each other everything”. But Joe Biden has been known to say that he supposedly stays out of his family members’ (shady) dealings. Okay, Boomer.

Such a close family. Such great family values. A name like Biden “doesn’t hurt” to possess. Unless, you’re the illegitimate “love child” of a stripper who had sex with the President’s crackhead son. Then, that “influence” means nothing. Who would want to saddle a poor, innocent child with the Biden last name? Stop the madness! Someday, in hindsight, I hope this child thanks God for not possessing that last name. I hope she looks back and sees this family for who they are=unethical criminals and white-collar, white trash.

The vice president and his brother have always understood and agreed that James’ business ventures are separate from and independent of Joe Biden’s career in public life.”-Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates

Oh, please! James is nothing but an entrepreneur. A stand-up guy, for sure, who was overdue on his taxes multiple times and used law firm funds to fund a consulting company and take multiple trips with first-class travel accommodations for him and his wife. Jimbo also participated in many a failed business venture with shady characters and has links to the Chinese Communist government. Need we go on?

James Biden, 72, received $65,000 a month from the Chinese-linked consulting group throughout 2018, totaling $780,000. The cash was given to his Lion Hall Group.

Meanwhile, the same firm – which has links to China’s ruling communist party – paid Hunter a cool $100,000 a month for the same year, as well as a $500,000 retainer – meaning he earned a cool $1.7 million from the firm in 2018.”-Melissa Koenig, Daily Mail

It certainly “does not hurt” (the wallet) to be a Biden with a salary like that. Wonder how much he shared with the “Big Guy”?

And, hell…speaking of the “Big Guy”…he isn’t even worried about it! In fact, according to his interview with PBS a few days ago, “the public is not going to pay any attention at all.” If all they can do is make up things about his family, they are not going to go very far. Nothing but a “political stunt“, they say. It’s all a bunch of Malarkey. Now, back to Murder, She Wrote reruns and pudding cups. Tomorrow will be another day of being “the best communicator” we have in The White House.

Nothing to see here, folks. Just Joe and Jimbo doing some dealings with Hunter in tow. Jim and Hunter both cashed in on the Biden name. Make no mistake (to quote the decrepit old rat), “Big Guy” Joe has reaped the monetary rewards. The only individual who will not did not earn the influence of the Biden family name is some young child who was unfortunate enough to have Hunter as a father, Jimmy as an uncle and Joe as a grandpa. The Biden family is all about “family” except in this case. But between brothers? It’s all “fierce family loyalty“.

Hmm. I’m Italian. I’m from Jersey. I had a grandfather who was a two-bit gangster with a “store” he never sold anything in and heard stories about family members in “construction”. Not only have I suffered the stereotype and have heard stories and have watched the mob movies, I know enough to be dangerous about how crime families work. There is a motto, what they say, FOE-which means Family Over Everything. The Bidens are no exception to this rule. It is all FOE as far as the Biden (Crime) Family is concerned. Their last name may not end in a vowel, but the premise is the same. More money, more influence, protect the “Big Guy”, give kickbacks to the “Big Guy” and throw every one else under the bus (that’s us Americans, by the way). Perhaps a family-sized, prison cell for all of them? What would that hurt?

Photo Credit: VG Original Artwork by Darleen Click

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