Biden Says He Will “Do Something” While In Uvalde

Biden Says He Will “Do Something” While In Uvalde

Biden Says He Will “Do Something” While In Uvalde

Joe and Jill Biden are visiting Uvalde, Texas, today, in the aftermath of the Robb Elementary School shooting.

Waukesha, Wisconsin, was unavailable for comment.

Regardless, the situation in Uvalde has currently united people from all across the political spectrum on one singular issue: the police decision that had local law enforcement standing around outside instead of aggressively trying to engage the shooter.

Reportedly, even the law enforcement on the scene objected to the decision that was made by Chief of Police Pete Arredondo to not move in and engage the shooter. He is the head of the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Police Department (yes, the school district has its own police department) and was the commander on the scene who made that call. That was the same call that the BORTAC agents eventually ignored and went in to take out the shooter themselves.

An off-duty BORTAC agent was the first to arrive. The agent “basically said let’s get this done” and began planning a way into the room, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection official told the Washington Post. More BORTAC agents arrived around 15 minutes later, and within minutes of getting a key to unlock the door, a variety of law enforcement officers followed a leading BORTAC agent holding a ballistic shield provided by a U.S. marshal.”

The same source said the shooter was hiding in a closet at the time and burst out firing at the officials, who returned fire and killed Ramos. One BORTAC agent received minor injuries after his head was grazed by a bullet and his foot struck by shrapnel.”

Nineteen children and two teachers were killed. The report noted that agents saw children piled up and huddled together around the room, some of them alive and others dead.”

This would also explain how some of the children in the room were able to survive the massacre. The shooter was no longer paying attention to them – he was lying in wait for law enforcement by hiding in a closet. Law enforcement has been scrambling to explain the decision to not storm the school ever since, not to mention those LEOs who were “upset” but still didn’t go in.

Well, those in charge are going to have a lot of time to think about their decisions, now that the Department of Justice has announced that they will be conducting a “Critical Incident Review” of law enforcement’s actions.

And now here comes Joe Biden, who is in Uvalde to pay his respects and talk with the survivors. There were plenty of demonstrators out there, too, and the message was loud. “Do Something™!”

Reportedly (and it’s not clear that the crowd heard it, at least not in the above video) Biden said “We will.”

At Robb Elementary School, Biden stopped at a memorial of 21 white crosses — one for each of those killed — and the first lady added a bouquet of white flowers to a pile in front of the school sign. They viewed individual altars erected in memory of each student, and the first lady touched the children’s photos as the couple moved along the row.”

After visiting the memorial, Biden attended Mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, where some victims’ families worship. As he departed to meet privately with family members, a crowd of about 100 people began chanting “do something.” Biden replied, “We will,” as he got into his car.”

It was not immediately clear what the president was suggesting. He also planned to meet with first responders before returning to his home in Delaware.”

Do Something™ is always a bad reaction, because no two people can agree with what the Something™ is. Kamala Harris has already decided what the Something™ should be – she’s pushing for an “assault weapons ban.”

Vice President Kamala Harris called for a ban on “assault weapons” on Saturday after she spoke at the funeral of a woman killed in the Buffalo, New York grocery store mass shooting earlier this month.

She called the firearm a “weapon of war” that has “no place in civil society.”

“We are not sitting around waiting to figure out what the solution looks like. You know, we’re not looking for a vaccine. We know what works on this,” she told reporters outside of Air Force Two at the Buffalo Niagara International Airport, referring to the series of mass shootings that have plagued the U.S. “Let’s have an assault weapons ban.”

Yeah, that ban worked so well the first time, right?

If Do Something™ means the DOJ calls the police chief and other law enforcement onto the carpet and holds them accountable for their actions that day, fine. I think that everyone wants answers to why the police failed to act swiftly and decisively when children were bleeding out inside that classroom. Passing gun control legislation or an “assault weapons ban” is not a “Something™” that will actually bring about change.

So what did Biden mean when he said “we will”? He means whatever his staff tells him it will mean, after they poll-test it.

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Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • American Human says:

    I could have told you six months ago what Biden’s “Do something” would be today. Make that 6 years or even 20 years ago.

  • Lloyd says:

    “Joe and Jill Biden”….I’d sooner listen to Ma & Pa Kettle..!!

  • […] Joe Biden says he is going to “Do something”. It won’t help you, whatever he […]

  • […] and they especially hate the 2nd Amendment. They want to ban it all as that is, according to their rationale, much easier to do than to address the REAL elephants in the room, which includes fractured […]

  • Humility says:

    Wow, great! Is he going to :

    Reopen the asylums and work out the necessary difficult rules and laws for involuntary commitment? Establish suggested minimum procedures for active shooter and hostage situations? Establish a resource for state and locals to reach out to for help when dealing with mentally handicapped people?

    or just:

    Rant about controlling an evil inanimate object that is allowed for all his military, DHS Police, DOJ Police, and private security? Political grandstand? Get an ice cream?

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