Biden Implodes After Special Counsel Report Cites His Age

Biden Implodes After Special Counsel Report Cites His Age

Biden Implodes After Special Counsel Report Cites His Age

Special Prosecutor Robert Hur released his report on the investigation on the classified documents that were in the possession of Joe Biden. The Democrats were desperate for a victory lap that would allow them to one-up Donald Trump in HIS classified documents case in Florida. Instead, Biden now looks like what he is – a senile and angry old man.

Hur’s report lets Biden off the hook when it comes to the taking and storing of classified documents – but the reason why isn’t because Biden cooperated with the special prosecutor, despite his claim. In fact, the report actually SAYS that Joe Biden “willfully retained” the classified documents that he was never supposed to have. And they were stored just as “securely” as the Trump classified documents were stored.

But the bottom line? Hur declined to prosecute Biden because he’s so old that he simply can no longer be a witness in his own defense. THAT is the long and the short of it.

This characterization of Joe Biden is so devastatingly bad. Democrat operatives are drinking tonight. His lawyers are actually demanding that Hur rewrite the report to take out everything about Biden’s age and memory!

The White House initially released a statement regarding the report, which read:

The Special Counsel released today its findings about its look into my handling of classified documents. I was pleased to see they reached the conclusion I believed all along they would reach – that there would be no charges brought in this case and the matter is now closed.

This was an exhaustive investigation going back more than 40 years, even into the 1970s when I was a young Senator. I cooperated completely, threw up no roadblocks, and sought no delays. In fact, I was so determined to give the Special Counsel what they needed that I went forward with five hours of in-person interviews over two days on October 8th and 9th of last year, even though Israel had just been attacked on October 7th and I was in the middle of handling an international crisis. I just believed that’s what I owed the American people so they could know no charges would be brought and the matter closed.

Over my career in public service, I have always worked to protect America’s security. I take these issues seriously and no one has ever questioned that.

Ohhh, so it was ISRAEL’S fault that he was distracted during his interviews! Remember that at the time, the public had zero idea where Joe Biden actually was or what he was doing. It was only later that the White House admitted that Biden was being interviewed by Hur in that same period of time.

Well, the media exploded, and Team Biden decided to pump the old man up and send him out to give a statement to prove that he was still with it. This may have been the single biggest miscalculation of Joe Biden’s political career. The speech, to put it bluntly, was a train wreck. Because when Joe Biden gets mad, he exposes every single fault that he has, and unintentionally proved that that his brain is Swiss cheese.

“I’ve seen the headlines since the report was released about my willful retention of documents. These assertions are not only just misleading, they’re just plain wrong,” Biden defiantly said.

“In addition, I know there’s some attention paid to the language in the report about my recollection of events, there’s even some reference that I don’t remember when my son died. How the hell dare he raise that? Frankly when I was asked the question, I thought to myself it wasn’t any of their damned business.”

Biden raged against Hur’s description of him as likely to be let off by a jury on the grounds of perceived senility. “I am well-meaning, and I’m an elderly man and I know what the hell I’m doing,” Biden fumed. “I’ve been president and I put this country back on its feet. I don’t need his recommendation.”

“My memory is fine,” Biden snapped at one reporter, telling another, “My memory is so bad I let you speak.”

That reporter, as you may have guessed, was Peter Doocy. But here’s what made the presser such a disaster. First, Old Joe ranted about Hur asking about Beau’s death – and then promptly blanked on where Beau’s rosary came from. That is the worst possible thing to have happen when you are trying to convince people that you remember every detail about your late son – you know, the one that you constantly claim stolen valor about. Then Biden blamed his staff for all of the classified documents MAGICALLY ending up in his possession, which he has done consistently. Then he got loud and angry when taking questions from the press. He was visibly livid, and when he is mad, he comes across as a dementia patient who is losing his grip. And then came the coup de grâce.

My. God. As Nina talked about earlier today, this is no longer amusing. We are in DEEP shit, everyone. And now there is open speculation that perhaps Team Biden, in wake of Dean Phillips’s comments and this report, is getting ready to pull him right off the stage.

This entire report and the Biden speech is a political victory for Donald Trump. In one fell swoop, the classified documents case against Trump has been essentially de-fanged, and Joe Biden himself has validated every single concern that the American people have about his age and cognitive ability. If someone could take Trump’s phone away for a few days, in order to let the media digest what has just happened without any distractions, that would be great.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    But remember kids:

    No mean tweets, the world loves us again and norms are restored.

  • GWB says:

    I was pleased to see they reached the conclusion I believed all along they would reach – that there would be no charges brought in this case and the matter is now closed.
    Note that he did not expect to actually be exonerated. Just that there would be no charges brought.
    Said only slightly differently: “I always knew the fix was in, because I’m the President. You know, the Big Guy.”

  • GWB says:

    his brain is Swiss cheese
    And, really, I think you owe Switzerland and cheese apologies.
    (Remember God’s complaint about bananas in “Oh, God”?)

    How the hell dare he raise that?
    Yep. Slow Joe has always been an angry a**hole. He’s even an angry a**hole in his (fake) stories.

    I thought to myself it wasn’t any of their damned business.
    Heck, Joe, you‘re the one who’s always bringing him up. And lying about it.

    This entire report and the Biden speech is a political victory for Donald Trump.
    I’m not so sure about that. How much will the mainstream media let this be covered?

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