Biden: Creepy And Strolling The Streets Of Nantucket

Biden: Creepy And Strolling The Streets Of Nantucket

Biden: Creepy And Strolling The Streets Of Nantucket

There once was a man from Nantucket, who ate his pudding by the bucket. While he campaigned he was a-hidin’, but to young, innocent girls, he’s known as hair-sniffing, Joe Biden.

After a long pre-winter’s nap and some turkey, Joey Biden took to the streets of Nantucket to go a-lurky. In his aviators, with Dr. Jill in her matching floral mask, Old Joe Biden was up to the task. He strolled by the small shops taking little glancies, but came upon one where he found something he fancies.

“There’s Joe! Oh my God, hi!”-cried a young girl when she saw Biden, sipping through a straw. Like seeing Santa Claus, but only the POTUS, the young girls were in awe.

And then, all of sudden, there arose a clatter, people gathered around the window to see what was the matter. Through the glass and squatting outside, was Creepy Joe Biden, leering at the inside. The girls raised up their phones to take a snap, before Biden walks away because Dr. Jill and Secret Service think he may have taken a crap.

The Nantucket Current caught this moment that did not last too long, and Democrat Liberals burst out in song:

“This is what leadership looks like,” said someone on Twitter. “He so loves the babies, he wants to be their sitter!”

“The future is so promising,” says yet another. This, from the same group of people who want to use the title of “birthing person” to replace “mother”.

Others said the photos were “cute”. Biden can peer into windows at little girls but on foreign policy and inflation, he is still mute. Oh, what fun it is to see an old man peering in a window at the young-it’s like the first two lines of Jethro Tull’s Aqualung:

Sitting on a park bench
Eyeing little girls with bad intent”-Jethro Tull, Aqualung

Too cold to lure the girls with some ice cream, the 81,284,000 people who voted for Biden think this is a realized dream. How Joe Biden loves these delicate little flowers! The twinkle in his eyes means he is thinking about hot showers:

Be careful what you say about old Biden, oh naysayers of the land! You may be the next to be canceled, blacklisted or banned! Biden loves the little children, all the little children of the world. Red or yellow, back or white, they are precious in his sight, Joey loves the little children of the world.

Especially the little girls in their oh-so fragrant curls. Some can be thankful that at least there was glass. Therefore, old Joey Biden could not make a pass.

But the winter shall come to pass and summer in Nantucket will arrive. Where Joe Biden and all of the white, rich people who voted for him will summer and thrive. There will be ice cream and bicycles to fall off of, and, of course swimming in the pool. And then, the little girls can reach out and grab the hairy legs of this old, senile fool.

And Biden’s voters will say this is sweet, their daughter sat on the (dirty old) man’s lap, they will say…it was such a treat!

And the media will fawn, praise and swoon. The 2020 “win” that put Biden in The White House still has them over the moon. They will say there is wisdom in his wee, little beady eyes. Wisdom beyond compare that will take the world by surprise. What a sweet, little, old grandpa Joe Biden is! There will be no more of this Big Guy/Hunter biz! Inflation, inflation is just a vapor…time to get student loan forgiveness on that paper. And fuel prices will continue to rise, while Creepy Joe Biden looks at young girls with his wee, little, beady eyes.

Biden’s selfie was a Christmas miracle to the devoted masses, oh, how he loves the young, little lasses! Bringing joy to the elite in coastal Nantucket town, ne’er will they view his antics with a raised eyebrow or a frown. Joe Biden is warm, fuzzy and funny. It might be time to yank him off-off stage.

Where’s the Easter Bunny?

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG, Darleen Click

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