Biden Admits To Almost Nodding Off During Debate

Biden Admits To Almost Nodding Off During Debate

Biden Admits To Almost Nodding Off During Debate

Now that the docs have figured out the correct formula to keep Joe Biden (somewhat alert) and the pResident’s family has decided to inflict another four years upon us, Joe Biden is doing what he can…

…to save face. To keep Jill living in The White House. Whatever. During remarks yesterday, Sleepy Joe admitted to being sleepy. It was all of that international travel…or something…

I wasn’t very smart. I decided to travel around the world a couple of times … shortly before the debate. I didn’t listen to my staff … and then I almost fell asleep on stage.”-Joe Biden

Well, you’re not very smart Joe, nor were you ever but that is besides the point. And, “listen to your staff?” Is this to mean that his staffers actually thought this was going to be the disaster that it was? What Biden probably did not mention here was how the senile fool himself went off unhinged on some of these staffers who were warning him about crossing multiple time zones ahead of the most important debate of the year. Toni spilled the tea on this yesterday.

Where was Biden the week before the debate? “Prepping” at Camp David, apparently. Same time zone. But the media darlings, like Mika Brazezinski, came to his rescue:

It’s all his staffers’ fault, according to Mika. Where, oh where is the discipline? Side Bar: I wonder if anyone in the Biden family has ever asked that of Hunter who was so addicted to crack that he was willing to snort parmesan cheese? Unbelievable.

Back to Joe Biden and his “almost” nodding off.

“It’s not an excuse but an explanation,” said Joe Biden. Let’s play “Spot the lie”, shall we?

I mean, the Big Guy can only do so much. From glitzy Hollywood fundraisers with George Clooney, to going to France, to going to Raleigh (which was after the debate), and to Wilmington to be near his Parmesan-cheese-sniffing son as he got handed a “guilty” verdict, all of this was just too much for the old guy to take. All of this activity and jet-setting would get the best of us mumbling unintelligibly about Medicare.

If you’re in Mika Brazezinski’s camp, this is unfair. It is unfair, the demands that are placed on this elderly man, who, out of the kindness of his heart, (that is sarcasm) wants to be President of our free nation for another four years.

I think it’s a legitimate question to say, ‘Is this an episode or is this a condition’,”-Nancy Pelosi

You know it’s bad when those who lack mental acuity themselves are actually questioning the mental acuity of someone else in their camp. Hey, Nancy? This is a rerun of several episodes we have seen over the past four years of Joe “I’m going to bed” Biden’s presidency. Believe us when we say that we do not wish to view any more of these episodes and this is what we are going to get if Joe Biden gets re-elected. And, yes. This is a condition. It’s called dementia. We do not need Joe Biden and his condition of dementia: the 2024 episodes renewed for another season, Nancy. Please go back to your bottle of Tito’s.

We think it’s too little, too late for Joe Biden’s lies-I mean-“explanations” that are not “excuses”. And, if only Democrats thought with their brains about this: Joe Biden is offering the explanations now for his poor performance at Thursday’s debate but cannot seem to offer up ANY semblance of an explanation as to he sucks as a president. Joe Biden cannot offer up any explanation of why Americans are struggling-physically, relationally, mentally and monetarily and are even more politically divided than ever before. He has no clue. Joe Biden cannot offer up a valid explanation as to why there are wars churning on the other side of the world. He can’t admit his foreign policy has been a disaster. Joe Biden also cannot explain why illegal criminals are breeching our borders and drugs are coming over both the southern and northern (let’s not neglect Canada) borders. He only offers up one excuse:

Donald Trump.

So much for the “cheap fakes”:

Biden can delude himself by blaming his horrific debate performance on jet lag and fatigue but the jig is up.

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG, Darleen Click

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