Biden: A Joking Clown In White House Is No Laughing Matter

Biden: A Joking Clown In White House Is No Laughing Matter

Biden: A Joking Clown In White House Is No Laughing Matter

Joe Biden strikes again. What did the old geezer in The White House do this time? Well, in past write-ups, we have taken a comical look at Joe’s missteps but this isn’t even the least bit funny.

The useless houseplant president was asked yesterday about the motivation of the 28 year-old former student who took aim at a Nashville Christian school. The conversation on The White House Lawn went something like this:

(When Asked whether he agrees with the theory that Christians were specifically targeted in Monday’s shooting rampage):

Biden ‘I have no idea.’

(When one reporter told the president that Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., believes that the shooting was in fact a hate crime against Christians)

Biden (smiling): ‘Well, I probably don’t then.”

Biden again: ‘No, I’m joking, I have no idea.'”-Yael Halon, Fox News

This was after Biden mentioned he only made a public appearance because “he heard there would be ice cream” in his first statement after the attack.

A whole fridge of Jenny’s ice cream? Who the hell is he channeling? Nancy Pelosi? Wonder if Joe’s got a Sub-Zero fridge, too. Honestly, this makes Pelosi’s outright elitist display of chomping her dentures through some ice cream look comedic. Because Joe Biden even joking about ice cream yesterday before discussing a “sick” and “heartbreaking” event goes to show America what a soul-less, heartless SOB he truly is.

Let’s wrap our brains around this for a skinny minute here. Joe Biden is known for his old dad/grandpa jokes. There is a time and a place for these jokes. But in truth, there was no need for a laugh track yesterday and, apparently, Joe Biden’s handlers did not brief President Poopypants on the simple fact that this was not a stand-up comedy gig. Not even close. WHO, I mean, WHO, in their right mind even cracks a joke or talks about ice cream leading into a tragedy such as this? The President of The United States, that’s who! Sadly, he’s our President of The United States!

I suppose it’s a good thing Vice President, Kamala Harris is in Africa. She’d be cackling right along with him.

I wrestled with writing this. The reason I wrestled is because while Joe Biden has thrown out some great material to illustrate his obvious dementia in the past, the out-of-touch behavior and inappropriate joking of the pastare just too much. The man is unfit and it is glaringly obvious. The man is also heartless, old and bitter and his remarks say it all. Six family members dead and not coming home to their loved ones and this guy walks on stage and talks about his favorite flavor of Jeni’s ice cream? Or he laughs and says “I’m only joking?”

To say that he misunderstood the moment would be an understatement.

There’s no way to talk about something like this except to say that for all of us who are parents, what we dread every day is the news about the health and life of our children,” Christie added. “And so there’s no room to joke in that circumstance at all. And certainly not from the President of the United States.”-Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie

Joe Biden is the picture of what parts of our country have become, sadly. A densensitized outlook on humanity. Disposable lives and precious loved ones who are only as important as the latest political agenda dictates. Joe Biden’s deteriorating physical and mental condition is a true picture of why we are in the current state of misery that we are in as a nation. Joe Biden’s disconnect is palpable. His disorientation is no longer amusing and those around him-family members, constituents, supporters are all feeding this utter dysfunction. He is not healthy and vigorous, he is emotionally bankrupt.

All of Tennessee was hurt yesterday, but some parents woke up without children, children woke up without parents and without teachers, and spouses woke up without their loved ones.”-Governor Bill Lee

And yet, some feel we need MORE of this in 2024? We have to do better. Our enemies wait to pounce as Joe Biden, the ice-cream-loving, little girl-sniffing clown, remains ambivalent. This has gone beyond buffoonery. And as the clown takes center stage, the onlookers realize this American comedy has indeed become an American tragedy.

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • Corrie says:

    “Joe Biden is the picture of what parts of our country have become, sadly. A desensitized
    outlook on humanity. Disposable lives and precious loved ones who are only as important as the latest political agenda dictates…And as the clown takes center stage, the onlookers realize this American comedy has indeed become an American tragedy.” This. 100% this. Thank you for your excellent appraisal.

  • Lloyd says:

    Face it….Biden is a JOKE !!!

  • Yeah-Me-Neither says:

    My Lord tells me not to hate anyone. But how can we not hate someone, Joe Biden, who is so filled with hatred and contempt for us?

    And what does it say about all the Dems who voted for him — yes, some did — and all the Dems who cheated to get him elected? How can we not hate them?

    And all the Dems in Congress and in the way-past-Blue states, who seek every day to repress their citizens? How can we give them even the time of day?

    Lord, I’m trying not to hate those people, but I really seriously need your help.

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