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This is an entirely open letter. Why? Because you are entirely hidden.
My hope is somehow this letter finds you. Perhaps a stray tweet or a link will get to you. Or a hard copy, printed out and handed to you. Maybe you have a device that isn’t being monitored. Maybe it’s a long, dumb shot, but I have to try. I might even have to go into “hiding” after this letter is published. This is where we are, in our country today; citizens afraid to tell the truth or ask others to do the same.
I realize you’ve been coerced and threatened. You possibly had your names changed whether you wanted to or not. You are clearly deep in hiding though; probably more than afraid, most likely terrified. Possibly you’ve been well-compensated for “your troubles”. In some ways, you are no different than many Americans that don’t have the luxury of hiding. This is a country with a citizenry that is now coerced and threatened, afraid for our liberty and Constitutional freedoms.
Our government has gone off the rails. It seems we can no longer challenge the government without being labeled racist or terrorist.
One of you has the information that would possibly save this country from the abysmal future that awaits all of us, whether we are hiding or not. One of you has the facts and truth about Benghazi that will provide justice for Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty… and for the millions of Americans who have been lied to – repeatedly. It will also provide justice for you and your family; forced into an exile that I know you do not want.
One of you must be willing to come forward to start a sequence of events that will put this current administration out of the business of ruining our country – your country. It IS a business to them. One they work diligently at every day. This is a business that does not work for the best interests of this country or her citizens, including you. This business purposely lets Americans die at an Embassy and hides the truth and reason for it. This business strives for the government’s benefit and the advancement of an agenda that will provide no safety, prosperity or freedom for any American. You included. You surely must know this. At some point, the jig will be up for you, too. They will not let you keep the information you have. Regardless of what they’ve promised. Regardless of the rationale they used excusing themselves to you.
We’ve seen their promises and they stink.
So I ask you to not only be brave beyond what you think you can’t be, but also be angry. Be angry enough to come forward and tell the truth. Be courageous enough to bring those who purposely let Americans die to justice. Be supremely pissed off you are in this position.
Without your anger and bravery, it will continue unabated.
Because even if you are hidden from us, they know where you are. You, more than anyone, are the ones that are in danger.
Fight for yourselves. And for your country. Be a patriot.
Because there is no liberty in coerced safety. No peace. No dignity. No real assurances you won’t be the next Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty.
Do it. Tell the truth. Now.
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