An Open Letter to the American Coward

An Open Letter to the American Coward

An Open Letter to the American Coward

A few days ago, a woman in New Hampshire named Sarah Chamberlain posted a letter on Medium. It was titled “Open Letter From an American Coward.” In it, she lays out the situation before us as Americans who love liberty. She is dead on, and her words underline just how terrifying a position we are in. Thomas Paine wrote that “These are the times that try men’s souls,” and while his words were written to a battle-worn, freezing, hungry Continental Army, they may just as well have been written to us…to you. And to me.

What makes Sarah’s letter so poignant, however, is that even in the face of this looming disaster, the nearly-guaranteed end of our nation if we do not rise up and stop it, Sarah says she cannot be among those who stand, because not enough people are standing — and standing alone now is to sign one’s own death warrant.

Unfortunately for me, the crisis has come either too late or too early. Our family has four young children, a single income, and a base of assets which could be easily lost but probably never replaced. We are maximally vulnerable to the sorts of attacks which collectivists bring against those who fight back…when I look around me, I see many people who are paralyzed as I am. We know that the fight for our republic is unavoidable, and that the time is now, but do not see a nucleus of resistance to which we can pledge our lives, fortunes, and sacred honors without it being tantamount to suicide. We are watching and waiting for someone else to be that nucleus.

She goes on, however, to say that for those who do choose to rise when she cannot, she wants them to remember something.

If you have the courage to act where I do not,
here is what I WILL do:
– If you speak out against them, I will listen.
– If you act against them, I will not stand in your way.
– If they portray you as uncool, cringey, old-fashioned, unintelligent, or low-class, I will not laugh at you or think less of you.
– If they call you a racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe, Nazi, granny killer, etc., I will not believe them, nor will I care.
– If they call you a terrorist or an extremist, I will not assume that you are in the wrong.
– When they ask me questions, I will lie, forget, or evade as I am able.
– When they tell me their version of history, I will smile and nod and know they are liars.
– If they dispossess you, I will share what I can.
– If they martyr you, my children will learn your name as that of a hero.
– If you have the courage to be shameless in opposing them, you will be honored in my house.


Dear Sarah,

I wonder how many in the current climate recognize the act of defiance it took for you to write your letter. There will be those who focus on your supposed “cowardice,” as if standing up in the current game of Whack-a-Mole is somehow bravery, and restraint is proof of spinelessness. In reality, it is not cowardice you possess, but a recognition that there are different roles to play in this war, and different times to play them. Not all roles require a rifle, and not all of them are being played right now. I cannot speak for anyone but myself, but I fear they will all be in much greater use sooner rather than later.

Anyone who has studied both the historical record and the current dilemma understands that unless we rise en masse, they will simply pick us off, one by one, taking what they can until we have nothing left to lose — or until there are none of us left. Whoever rises first will be vilified forever, their name seen as a synonym for “domestic terrorism” at best, and as an example of “pure evil” at worst. The atrocities around the world at the hands of Communism show us in no uncertain terms what our enemy is capable of…and willing to do to those who do not bow the knee. Ruby Ridge and Waco show us that it can and will happen here as well.

As I wrote a few days ago, the dehumanization of we who refuse to comply is already in full swing, and the screws tighten daily, leveraging citizen against citizen in a way that ensures we will become the hunted — not just by the tyrants, but by our own neighbors, and even our family and friends who see us as “the problem,” the bacteria infecting society. Your letter makes it clear you know exactly what is waiting for us on this path; it’s a familiar song, the ending of which too many have already forgotten. Those of us who are willing to rise sooner rather than later know the ending, but must wait a little longer for reasons too long for this reply. Our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor mean nothing if there is not liberty. Blindly throwing ourselves to the wolves, however, is not sacrifice; it is merely stupidity and an easy win for the enemy, who can then frame our actions in whatever way they see fit.

Your choice to raise your children and train them in freedom, to serve as a support mechanism instead of a front line partisan, is not a cowardly one. The time is coming soon when those fighting for freedom will need a place to hide, food to eat, and a way to communicate. You may be a conduit for supplies, information, and a safe place for a partisan to get a tiny bit of much-needed rest someday in the near future. This is all for naught if our children cannot live in freedom, but doubly so if they do not understand its cost.

The cause of liberty has been served by many who will forever remain nameless and faceless. They put their lives on the line in other ways, and while we will never know them all, we live in their debt just as deeply. Their sacrifice is no less, and their gift to us no less treasured.

There are those who are willing to be on the proverbial tip of the spear, and they see you as well. If they are students of their own role, they understand that yours is crucial too. Paine wrote that “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace; and this single reflection, well applied, is sufficient to awaken every man to duty.” Duty doesn’t always mean a rifle, and I have no doubt that you, and many others like you, will find a way to serve in the coming trouble.

Your letter did not fill me with a sense of superiority or judgment for your position, and I do not believe that you are somehow worth less in the cause of freedom. If anything, it made me take heart, because I see you. I see your heart and your willingness to be part of the fight for liberty, if only as a “mere” cog in a larger system, one that is bigger than any of us.

There will be a time when you are needed to take up your role, and that day is coming so much faster than any of us would ever wish for. Perhaps a wounded patriot will find your door in desperate need of help. Maybe you will find a way to get supplies to those who are fighting. Maybe your role is simply to stay alive long enough to tell our story to your children. And if all else fails, in a time when there is seemingly no hope, someone has to pick up our rifles and keep fighting. Your letter says that you will, and that is all we can ask for.

In Liberty,

A Fellow Patriot
Incepto ne desistam
Joshua 1:9


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  • Ron Reed says:

    Thank you for your greatly appreciated efforts.From a 77 year old combat veteran from Vietnam.

  • Chas says:

    My only question is, when those of us do initiate operations, how many of you will still be supportive? How many will feel the burn from the response to our actions and stand up to join us? I’m reminded of a quote from Ayn Rand:
    “You can ignore reality, but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” Whether you fight now or not, there will come a time when you will have no choice. Know where you stand now and if you choose to hide, remain hidin for ever…

  • 173dVietVet says:

    Kit – – Well said, young lady !!

    Thank you for your wisdom and guidance to all those reluctant patriots who are being influenced by your assurances..

    They will do their part and our Nation will remember their efforts and sacrifices.

  • ensitue says:

    Deeds, not Words

  • I think for the time being all anyone can do is draw our line in the sand. If the PTB come to confiscate guns, put handcuffs on, or inject the latest ChiCom potion; you take as many as you can with you. If everyone adopts this idea of “orneriness” it will become too “expensive”. I refer to the gulag archipelago on this manner. I hail from the far north in the land of Prime Sinister “twinkle toes” Troodoo. We have no 2nd amendment, and our “bill of rights” has a “not withstanding” line in it that basically gives the guvmint a right to ignore our “rights” at will.

  • GWB says:

    – If you speak out against them, I will listen.
    How about you applaud, instead?
    – If you act against them, I will not stand in your way.
    How about you make a hole in the crowd so we can escape?
    – If they portray you as uncool, cringey, old-fashioned, unintelligent, or low-class, I will not laugh at you or think less of you.
    How about you give us a thumbs-up, instead?
    – If they call you a racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe, Nazi, granny killer, etc., I will not believe them, nor will I care.
    How about you talk back and let them know what a racist they are? Or how intolerant they are?
    – If they call you a terrorist or an extremist, I will not assume that you are in the wrong.
    How about you argue against it, and not let them warp the language?
    – When they ask me questions, I will lie, forget, or evade as I am able.
    That one at least is taking part.
    – When they tell me their version of history, I will smile and nod and know they are liars.
    How about you tell them they are liars? Let them know you know?
    – If they dispossess you, I will share what I can.
    That one is taking part, too. I will try not to assume your “what I can” will be your leftover pittance.
    – If they martyr you, my children will learn your name as that of a hero.
    How about you step up and take my place? Or your children won’t be allowed to learn my name.
    – If you have the courage to be shameless in opposing them, you will be honored in my house.
    I really don’t care about you honoring me. Your honor of me doesn’t provide beans or bullets. It doesn’t do anything to actually stop the destruction of the freedom of you and your posterity.

    No, I’m sorry, but I will quote Paine here:
    “I call not upon a few, but upon all: not on this state or that state, but on every state: up and help us; lay your shoulders to the wheel; better have too much force than too little, when so great an object is at stake. Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it.”

    And, Sam Adams:
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”

  • Jim K says:

    I’m really getting too old for this shit, and I abhor war in all of its guises, but if it knocks at my front door, I’ll be home. Thank you President Garfield (I think)

  • ken says:

    Anyone remember Joseph Stack??
    2010 Austin Texas ring a bell?
    IRS kamikaze???

  • Ten Donners in each state. 500 pipe-hitters should do it.

  • mickey d says:

    The author is correct for as Mao said the revolutionary must swim as a fish among the populace. We need people like this lady as this is the support system and the sea in which we will swim. Do not overlook that patriots will need the help or at least our presence to be secretly supported by the populace at large.

  • WSB says:

    Abigail Adams.

    Get to know her. Quickly.

  • 15Fixer says:

    Well said Kit!
    What would Michael Collins do?

  • Roscoe says:

    Me thinks the same, my friend…..

  • Traditional.US.Citizen says:

    The figure heads who represent the “Steal” need to be taken out. Publicly made example and removed permanently. As well as their croonies within their numbers. As more and more are publicly removed (By any means) Traditional Americans will gain a momentum to stand up. Yes people will die, but it is necessary. Until this happens nothing will change the “Steal”. Enough talking.

  • Piper says:

    Spoken like a true Nazi.

  • Piper says:

    Spoken like a true Nazi.

  • Patti Housley says:

    I am sickened by this blatant attack on American values and am willing to stand up and fight to the death. You may print my name and email!

  • Longbow says:


    Well done.


  • DA says:

    And thus spake brave Horatius,
    the captain of the gate
    to every man upon the earth,
    death cometh soon or late.
    Is there a better way for man to die
    than facing fearful odds
    for the ashes of your fathers
    and the temples of your gods.

    • SDN says:

      “But you and all the kind of Christ
      Are ignorant and brave,
      And you have wars you hardly win
      And souls you hardly save.

      “I tell you naught for your comfort,
      Yea, naught for your desire,
      Save that the sky grows darker yet
      And the sea rises higher.

      “Night shall be thrice night over you,
      And heaven an iron cope.
      Do you have joy without a cause,
      Yea, faith without a hope?”

      G K Chesterton “The Ballad of the White Horse”

  • daniel says:

    Outstanding, Kit.
    you are one of damned few things I miss about being permabanned on FB.

  • Sean says:

    I don’t think anyone should be ashamed because they cannot actively fight in the coming spiciness. It will take millions supporting thousands to get victory against the collectivists. Any one who supports us, even in only little ways, is a good thing, and is NEEDED. Most of you have forgotten the WW2 poster that showed a woman tending her children and home, alone. It said at the bottom, “They also serve who wait.” It takes about 10,000 people and their efforts, to field and support one infantryman and his needs. Sure, they support more than one, but it still takes many thousands of them, many doing only little things, to field that one infantry soldier. To those who support us, Many Thanks.

  • Gunga Din says:

    Excellent article. Look no further than Leon Uris’ Exodus to understand the premise of your article. There are no unknowns in the fight for freedom. You may not be the tip of the spear, but having lived through it, you may serve as the author to write our history.

  • Jim Boyer says:

    I am reminded of a quote from Winston Churchill during WWII —

    “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may even be a worst case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory because it is better to pressure than to live as slaves”.

    We are in a very dangerous time because we are paying the debt owed for decades of complacency while democrats ran roughshod over the RINOs and grifters we elected because they called themselves republicans.

    • GWB says:

      You ran into the “critical error” and thought your comment didn’t post, huh? That really needs to be fixed.

      And, one of my favorite quotes.

  • Jim Boyer says:

    I am reminded of a quote from Winston Churchill during WWII —

    He said – If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may even be a worst case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory because it is better to pressure than to live as slaves.

    We are in a very dangerous time because we are paying the debt owed for decades of complacency while democrats ran roughshod over the RINOs and grifters we elected because they called themselves republicans.

  • Jim Boyer says:

    If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may even be a worst case. You may have to fight when there is no Hope of victory because it is better to pressure than to live as slaves. – Winston Churchill

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  • Locke says:

    The important thing right now, I think, is to accept that this is not the world we knew, this is not the social contract we were born into, and the one that we probably observed and contributed to faithfully all of our lives.

    This is a world in which the social contract so arduously forged in 1776 has been unilaterally torn up by those who simply do not accept the idea that all men are created equal, that they have inalienable rights, including life, liberty, and property. These are people who do not believe in the individual, or individual rights. These are people who believe in a world of competitive thievery, not competitive prosperity. People have to let that sink in.

    But decent people also have to understand that by that same act of tearing up the social contract, the socialists have also terminated any obligations that we have to observe the terms of that contract toward them.

    And, I am NOT talking about violence. There are a million ways to hurt the beast that are not violent, or even illegal. Be Passive Aggressive. This is something you can do right now, that will leave the socialists with a pyrrhic victory and ashes in their mouths. Passive aggression drives authoritarians crazy for a reason: it works.

    Don’t speak to law enforcement. Don’t give the socialists or their corporate cronies your money in any way you can avoid, deny them your good faith, and your good samaritanism. Give your charity directly to people that you know are patriots, not to charities you are not intimately familiar with. Don’t abide by that whole “if you see something, say something” crap. Don’t bring edible food to the mandatory “social” events. ” Don’t be a patsy.

    And if you work for the state, or in any capacity that can enable the state in any way…well, it’s a shame, but the stress of all this has been really hard on you. Perhaps it has made you terribly forgetful, and sick. Stress is a terrible thing, and it’s very well documented. Stress can make you forget to order important supplies, or make you accidentally order too many. It can make you forget to file things, or forget where you filed them, or where you put them. Stress can make you forget how to repair things properly. It can also make you clumsy, and accident prone.

    There are a thousand different ways that you can deny the socialists the materials to preserve their facade of competence. Remember that time that old Joe down the hall forgot about his microwave popcorn, and they had to evacuate the whole floor? Stress is a terrible, terrible thing. Why, it’s a lot like death of a thousand cuts.

  • Joseph says:

    Hello from Yank in Ukraine. To “fight” for liberty today, in a country such as U.S.A., to effect true change of a system now developed over decades, would be tremendously difficult.

    In a country of such wealth and ease, with more than 50% of families receiving some sort of government entitlements, another 15% working in federal, state or local public service, etc., this vast multitude also connected with the remaining population (via family, social ties, business), almost everyone in the United States would have monetary “skin in the game” regarding any possible disruption to the status quo. Even those potentially sympathetic must gauge the effect on themselves and loved ones.

    In my opinion, the way forward in such a “battle” must be to get an overwhelming number of the public to support an overhaul and shine light on corrupt practices, to fight the supression of critics who speak out, plus resist all efforts to enfeeble citizens to an eventual staus of “subjects”.

    Such an effort would require able spokespersons, clear objectives, and perseverance. In my opinion, it would be worth the effort.

  • Paladin says:

    I AM SARAH. Yes, the Spartacus Ref — see Paladin’s column shortly. I AM SARAH. From a coming column:
    “Let those who do not sympathize awake one day to I AM SARAH bumper stickers on every other automobile bumper and back window. Write it in the snow, on the sand on a beach. Buy some colored chalk and write it on a sidewalk or a wall. Write it as a closing salutation on your emails. Say it as a form of greeting, say it as form of farewell. I AM SARAH. “

  • Frank Nitti says:

    I wonder what kind of personal protection the Soros-funded prosecutors in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and St. Louis enjoy. Do they have taxpayer funded bodyguards 100% of the time? Do they think they are untouchable?

  • Johann Amadeus Metesky says:

    “The whole world, all of it, is a very narrow bridge,
    and the essential thing, is not to fear at all.” – Rebbe Nachman of Bratslav

  • Anna D says:

    I may be too old (68) for the tip of the spear, but I’ll gladly help to drive it in.

  • […] This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Ranger Training Battalion CO Relieved Victory Girls: An Open Letter To The American Coward, also, The Collapse Of The American Education System Volokh Conspiracy: Ted Cruz’ Terrible […]

  • Alberticus says:

    The biggest Slap in the Face to blacks is standing in New York Harbor.
    How come Marxist BLM– and their Marxist-Jewish HANDLERS, analfag,
    have not torn down the STATUE of Liberty?
    By their account it should be THE target …. White immigrants “welcomed by it but dem po oppressed slaves forced here in chains.
    They need to GET ON THAT.

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