American Press Goes Full Soviet

American Press Goes Full Soviet

American Press Goes Full Soviet

It used to be that even the most partisan organs of the American press gave lip service to the idea of open debate, neutral reporting and the airing of differing views. However, ostensible journalists are aggressively arguing against the First Amendment and, like Soviet press of old, demanding to both define CorrectThink and be gatekeepers of information.

1984-ism: New Truth

Reporters from several outlets supported calls to end “both-siderism” in media with even harsher treatment of Republicans after another columnist decried covering Democrats too critically.

Los Angeles Times writer, Jackie Calmes is shameless in her call to shutdown and shutout any dissent to her Owellian-coined “new truth”.

I started to chafe at false equivalence a quarter-century ago, as a congressional reporter amid Newt Gingrich’s Republican revolution. One party — his — was demonstrably more responsible for the nasty divisiveness, government gridlock and norm-busting, yet journalistic pressure to produce seemingly “balanced” stories — pressure both ingrained and imposed by editors — prevented reporters from sufficiently reflecting the new truth.

Ms. Jackie’s polemic is a tedious exercise vomiting forth stereotypes, lies and unsubstantiated claims we’ve heard before. It can be boiled down to Democrats-All-Good, Republicans-All-Bad. What makes this even more troubling than previous such ventures is the outright rejection that journalism should present differing views and let readers come to their own conclusions — and hers is not the only voice within the Media profession demanding that heterodox views be ignored and people who engage in WrongThought be silenced.

Blue-check Media Members agree

Heaven forbid that Ms. Jackie receive even one peer’s caution on what her pro-Pravda argument portends —

The New Soviet Man is now an American journalist, happy to promote only the most loyal of Left cult members and eager to crush all dissent. Let’s remember NBC anchor Lester Holt’s pernicious proclamation that “fairness is overrated” and “providing an open platform for misinformation, for anyone to come say whatever they want … can be quite dangerous”.

These are the same people who say the Cancel Culture doesn’t exist while promoting the shutdown of any dissent to the orthodoxy by any means necessary.

American Media’s Attempt at Soviet One-Party Orthodoxy

Writer Matt Taibbi, a liberal journalist who became alarmed at the direction of American journalism several years ago wrote earlier this year

Instead of appearing as props in a phony rendering of objectivity, Republicans in basically all non-Fox media have been moved off the legitimacy spectrum, and appear as foils only. Allowable opinion is now depicted stretching all the way from one brand of “moderate” Democrat to another. (snip)

Where it gets weird is that the move to turn the bulk of the corporate press in the “moral clarity” era into a single party organ has come accompanied by purges of the politically unfit. In the seemingly endless parade of in-house investigations of journalists, paper after paper has borrowed from the Soviet style of printing judgments and self-denunciations, without explaining the actual crimes.

Taibbi, like Glenn Greenwald and Bari Weiss — all liberals who ran afoul of Jackie Calmes’ New Truth — have moved to Substack as independent writers. Of course, that meant the Substack platform itself was ripe for attack …

Because when you go all Soviet, dissent is not allowed in any form. This is the media equivalent of Obama’s Operation Chokepoint where the Feds pressured financial institutions to kick out and close their doors to legal businesses that Obama and Democrats didn’t like (e.g. firearm retailers).

We discussed before how corporate media gets a case of the ickies when dealing with citizens outside the urban coastal areas. However, this push to isolate and silence The Otherside in any policy or political debate is worse. It is about treating people as unPersons. It is Orwell’s Ministry of Truth operating in newsrooms, editorial boards and in BigTech boardrooms across the country.

This cannot be allowed to stand.

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers!

featured image composite for Victory Girls by Darleen Click

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  • GWB says:

    Sorry, Darleen, but your illustration fails a bit for once. The New Soviet American should be rainbow colored, not red and yellow.

    prevented reporters from sufficiently reflecting the new truth
    I keep telling y’all it’s a religion. Which in Marx’s formulation makes these people high.

    Soviet One-Party Orthodoxy
    It’s a religion. Of course they want orthodoxy. And for those who don’t believe they desire at least dhimmitude.

    Allowable opinion is now depicted stretching all the way from one brand of “moderate” Democrat to another.
    From left of center to way left of center. Because you must believe (or at least go along) in order for them to immanentize the eschaton – to bring their heaven on earth.

    Operation Chokepoint
    Anyone know how much money is required to start a Credit Union? I want to start one specifically for gun owners and businesses. How about a Paypal alternative?

  • […] Landings, also, “If SpaceX Were an Oil Exploration Company…” Victory Girls: American Press Goes Full Soviet, also, Bari Weiss Mashes The Potato On CNN Volokh Conspiracy: Qualified Immunity Reform Stalls In […]

  • Humility says:

    Even Pravda had its beginnings. Maybe at first, that media celebrated the power they were drunk on. But, like all drunken parties, the hangover left them feeling like and realizes how badly they up. 🙂


    Awesome article my friend! Sarah is right though… At least the Pravda had guns at their head!

  • […] in the USA she takes a look at how this is playing out with the loss of old-fashioned journalism in American Press Goes Full Soviet, where she starts with Los Angeles Times writer, Jackie […]

  • […] It’s good to see the press taking it easy on the aging Secretary Brezhnev in his dotage: American Press Goes Full Soviet. […]

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