Always Trumpers And How We Got That Way

Always Trumpers And How We Got That Way

Always Trumpers And How We Got That Way

Just who are these low-life Always Trumpers anyway? Sniffing at the air and wearing a mask of disgust that is the question that Politico asked in a column early this morning. The post “Just how big is the Always Trump component of the Republican Party?”. This represents the thoughts of Democrat Media Industrial Complex, the Never Trumpers (the Bulwark) and members of the Republican Party who still can’t figure out how the Barbarian Trump got past the gatekeepers. Let me out myself and confess I belong to the Always Trumpers and explain my own point of view.

Let us begin with the beginning of the Politico post:

Chris Sununu, the New Hampshire governor and potential presidential candidate who once joked that former President Donald Trump is “fucking crazy,” backpedaled and pledged recently to support Trump if he’s the nominee in 2024.
Nikki Haley, offered a similar chance to distance herself from the former president, insisted she doesn’t “focus” on him. Vivek Ramaswamy, the anti-woke entrepreneur and most recent entrant into the race, went so far as to say he’s “not running against President Trump” at all.

He is, of course. Every candidate in the emerging GOP field will be.
That they can’t quite acknowledge as much underscores one of the defining features of this very early primary and, more generally, GOP politics over the last six years: Trump’s base remains rigid, and even his critics believe it may be fatal to annoy them.

Chris Sununu is running to get a war chest. Nikki Haley wants to be Vice President. Vivek Ramaswamay (love him) is running because he is rich and can afford it and has some fact based ideas. Where have I heard that before? And, if we are “rigid”, it’s because the Democrat Media Industrial Complex, the Bulwark and establishment Republicans will not shut the eff up about him. We are Always Trumpers by choice and as self-defense. Today, the insufferable and soulless Chuck U. Schumer blamed Trump, for the 751st time for the East Palestine Train Derailment.

Oh Chuck! You must have once had a soul. The East Palestine train derailment was not caused by the braking system. It was a wheel-bearing, you reeking, pox-marked fustilarian! Thanks to Trump’s visit last week, those “forgotten” men and women of East Palestine became Always Trumpers. This man was nearly brought to tears by Donald Trump thanking him:

That’s what the Never Trump and establishment Republicans never heard when they listen to Donald Trump. Yes, he sure can toot his own horn, but he loves to share the praise. He does it all the time. As the Politico opined:

But Trump, as polarizing as he is, can always expand his own base. Following Trump’s appearance at the site of a toxic train derailment in Ohio last week — a visit derided by the left and mocked on Saturday Night Live — Walker called it a “prime example of what got Trump elected in the first place.”
“If he does more of that, he’ll be the nominee and the president again,” Walker said. “But as you and I both know, too, he has moments like that that are both wonderful and brilliant politically, as well as just decency-wise. And then he’ll have other moments where other things happen, where he’s taking on fellow Republicans or God knows what.”

Here is a hint for the establishment Republican types. Trump means what he says. You cannot fake it for this long. And, he has worked among those forgotten men and women his entire career. How do you think those big, beautiful buildings got there. I volunteered for both Bush 41 and 43 and Romney. The scales have fallen from my eyes. I see them for the elitists they are. They were owed the Presidency for who they were. We smelly Walmart types were just a means to an end.

Trump never had the backing of most of the elected servants from the Republican Party. They were always hedging their bets. They would stand with him when it suited their purposes and pretend they didn’t know him when it didn’t. The Always Trumpers saw. We may have a patina of society on us. Note that patina is very thin. Our families come from places like East Palestine. In my case, it was Hazard, Kentucky. Poor, White Appalachians. We have more in common with Flint, Michigan and Jackson, Mississippi than we do the establishment Republicans.

You didn’t defend Trump against the obvious lie of the Steele Dossier and you let him twist with the Insurrection Narration. If we had had an Insurrection, Chuck Schumer, the folks at The Bulwark and the establishment Republicans would have known it.

I expect the people at Politico to not get it. But the rest of y’all, come on. Label me with the Always Trumpers. Establishment Republicans need to open your eyes.

Featured Image: Donald Trump/wikimedia commons/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • Cameron says:

    Going to be honest with you: I’m not 100% on board with him for President again. He did a lot of good work but had a lot of backstabbers in positions of trust. He needs a “no man” on his staff who can quietly take him aside and say “Don’t trust this person and here’s why.”

    But with all that said, he could at least be bothered to show up to East Palestine unlike Biden.

  • agimarc says:

    The always Trumpers are the modern equivalent of Lincoln’s view of US Grant: He fights.

    Republicans will rally around the next guy (or gal) who fights. And the next one will be worse, perhaps much, much worse. The left and the swamp have chosen the form of the Destructor (Ghostbusters reference). Cheers –

  • Toni Williams says:

    I love Ghostbusters references.

  • Terri says:

    Great article…I’m definitely an Always Trumper…you should hear me yelling at the TV when the turncoats start talking about “we’ve moved on”…nope Trump’s got unfinished business and I think he’ll do things much differently…you don’t fool him twice ✌ Terri

  • DC says:

    If someone had told me, in 2015, that DJT was going to fight the liberal and Republican orthodoxy I’d have laughed and questioned their sanity….yet here we are in 2023 and there are only two R’s that have what it takes to FIGHT for the Constitution. And both live in Florida! Must be the water….

    • 370H55V I/me/mine says:

      AlwaysTrumper here as well, but I do agree that he should stand aside. Revenge candidacies rarely are successful, and the case for DeSantis hinges on two considerations: first, that his positions are pretty much the same as Trump’s, and second (even more important) he defuses the age issue that Joe Biden has to face (and I’m hoping he won’t–either by his choice or God’s).

  • — Oh Chuck! You must have once had a soul. —

    You can’t possibly mean the Dishonorable Charles Schumer, can you? He sold his soul for a seat in Congress and guaranteed access to the media a lot of years ago. Take it from a lifelong New Yorker who’s had to sit through FOUR Schumer monologues at four separate graduation ceremonies.

  • Kim Hirsch says:

    Toni, love ya as my fellow blogging sister.

    But no. No more Trump.

    • Taylor says:

      He is “Yesterday’s Man” and is now completley unelectable. Referring to Ron DeSantis as Ron DeSanctimonious and Meatball Ron shows him to be at heart a real guttersnipe.

      • Turtler says:

        “He is “Yesterday’s Man” and is now completley unelectable.

        I half agree, especially on the former part.

        “Referring to Ron DeSantis as Ron DeSanctimonious and Meatball Ron shows him to be at heart a real guttersnipe.”

        Agreed, and I have never claimed Trump was a stellar saint of a human being. He obviously isn’t. But I do think he is much better than he’s often given credit for, and frankly sometimes you need a Guttersnipe.

        I am leaning more towards DeSantis now, but I still hold significant fondness for Trump.

  • Liz says:

    My spouse held a command position his last two years on active duty, under Trump. It was glorious. I will always be grateful, and a Trump supporter. I think he did a spectacular job (on everything, but foreign policy in particular…essentially he was the anti-Biden).
    However, I do not want him to run again.
    He is too old. His ego is too big…that was beneficial in his first run for office, when his ego was invested in a legacy of greatness for our country (which would in turn reflect greatness on him). Now his ego is invested in revenge, and that isn’t going to be good for the country.
    – my .01

  • Taylor says:

    Sorry Toni but the Forever Trump people are completley delusional if they think that the American voters yearn for the Return of Domald Trump with his foul mouth, childish tantrums, juvenile insults, idiotic boasts etc. Independents can’t stand him and so do many people (such as myself) who voted for him in 2020. Even a Drooling Idiot such as Joe Biden would beat him easily in a rematch. For many the dinner with Kanye West, Milo, and Nazi sympathizer Nick Fuentes was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back but for me it was his constant bellyaching about the 2020 election and his wretched choice of people to run such as Mehmet Oz and Herschel Walker.

    • Turtler says:

      “Sorry Toni but the Forever Trump people are completley delusional if they think that the American voters yearn for the Return of Domald Trump with his foul mouth, childish tantrums, juvenile insults, idiotic boasts etc.”

      Firstly: You’re not doing much favors with “Domald” rather than “Donald.”

      Secondly: People steadily watched their freedom and autonomy collapse in the face of “genial” go-along-to-get-along bipartisan consensus hacks. I know because I saw it under Dubya (a man I still have mixed feelings over and who I think is personally somewhat upright but who could not be bothered to defend his own legacy in Iraq). People will put up with far worse than Trump if they think he is the lesser evil and they will remove far better than him if they think they are not.

      Thirdly: Who in the US with basic situational awareness is happier in 2023 than they were in 2018?

      “Independents can’t stand him and so do many people (such as myself) who voted for him in 2020.”

      Ok, and you can stand Biden and co better?

      ” Even a Drooling Idiot such as Joe Biden would beat him easily in a rematch.”

      Color me skeptical. I’m pretty sure Biden didn’t beat Trump at all in 2000 given the suspicious actions and anti-statistical trends.

      “For many the dinner with Kanye West, Milo, and Nazi sympathizer Nick Fuentes was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back”

      That was hardly his finest moment (especially given Fuentes; at least the other two have redeeming moments) but the fact remains that the main reason people focus on it to such a degree is because of relentless coverage. Obama palled around with LITERAL TERRORISTS WITH BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS such as the Ayres-Dorn clan and got less pushback.

      “but for me it was his constant bellyaching about the 2020 election”

      I’m sorry, but if widespread fraud and clearly irresponsible, partisan, and corrupt handling like what we saw out of Baltimore, Millwaukee, and so on are not worth constant bellyaching about, then what IS?

      I can complain plenty about how Trump handled it, as well as what I view as inadequate battlespace prep. But the collapse of faith and integrity in US elections is one of the sucking body wounds in the US and of paramount importance. Moreover, DeSantis’s skill and dutiful nature in addressing this in his is one of the main reasons I prefer him.

      “and his wretched choice of people to run such as Mehmet Oz and Herschel Walker.”

      I have plenty of issues with both, but both were much more responsible than their alternatives. They also did not backstab him and us unlike some people I can think. And anybody here who thinks the likes of Fetterman or Warnock got power primarily because the other candidates were just so “bad’ has not been observing the sewers of municipal politics in Atlanta and its ilk recently.

      There’s a lot to dislike about Trump and I’m increasingly disliking him, but the idea that Biden could “easily” defeat him does not hold water. As does the idea that it is somehow not important to keep banging on about the 2020 shenanigans.

  • Taylor says:

    Obviously ‘Domald’ was a typo since ‘m’ is next to ‘n’ on the keyboard, however ‘Covfefe’ (do you remember that word from one of Trump’s after midnight tweets?) is a highly literate term to post on twitter, isn’t it? It was an unnecessary comment by you and I have no idea what you were trying to prove by pointing it out. In the future instead of trying to ‘Fisk’ me just respond directly to what you agree or disagree with. Yes bitching about 2020 is a real winning strategy as the 2022 midterms with its Red Wave that never happened proved.

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