Activist Reverend Jennifer Butler Hired By Harris/Walz To Counter MAGA

Activist Reverend Jennifer Butler Hired By Harris/Walz To Counter MAGA

Activist Reverend Jennifer Butler Hired By Harris/Walz To Counter MAGA

12 And I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about.
13 For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ.
14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

2 Corinthians 11 (12-15)

Are Kacklin’ Kamala Harris and Tampon Tim Walz still doing that whole “JOY” thing? Because their most recent “consultant” hire screams anything but joy. Angry? Yes. In need of talk therapy? Definitely. Joy? Uh, naw. The campaign has hired “Activist Reverend” Jennifer Butler. Fox News reported:

Vice President Kamala Harris recently hired a director on her campaign who has attacked swaths of White Christians and claimed that America is an imperial “cult” and “bloodthirsty… beast.”

Progressive Rev. Jennifer Butler was brought on to court people of faith onto the Harris-Walz ticket. Butler has argued that White supremacists have “hijacked” the Christian faith, and now runs a program seeking to root out purported White nationalism from Christians.

This ^ is how Kamala courts people of faith? Miss Butler runs a program “seeking to root out purported White nationalism from Christians”. Oh yes. She has dedicated thirty years of her life to this “mission”. From her website:

In 2005, she founded Faith in Public Life (FPL) to amplify progressive faith voices and forge multi-racial, multi-faith and ideologically diverse faith coalitions to work for justice and the common good. In founding FPL, Rev. Jen drew on her decade long experience countering religious extremism with a faithful argument for democracy, the rights of women and LGBTQ people. Her book Born Again: The Christian Right Globalized (Pluto Press) remains a go-to resource for those tracking white Christian nationalism globally.

Speaking of her book, “Born Again”, this is from her own blurb:

Butler reveals how today’s most powerful Christian Right organizations are building interfaith coalitions. At the United Nations, groups like Focus on the Family and Concerned Women for America are working with Catholic, Mormon, and Muslim allies to advance a conservative social policy agenda. The United States has recently joined that alliance. President George W. Bush has given them a significant voice in shaping U.S. positions on issues including women’s rights, reproductive health, human cloning, children’s rights, and AIDS.

In short, the Christian Right is globalizing—a phenomenon that promises to challenge progressive social policy on a worldwide scale—as well as transform the Christian Right itself.

Oh my stars! Focus on the Family and Concerned Women for America are Conservative, who knew? And, Jen has a real bee in her bonnet about President Donald Trump.

If Focus on the Family and Concerned Women for America are White Nationalist, Christian groups, you can color me shocked. The Christian Century has more from Miss Butler:

Butler, whose official title is national faith engagement director, said in an interview on Wednesday that while her past work often involved issue-oriented campaigns that allowed her to be a “bridge-builder” between conservative and liberal religious groups, she is excited to support the Democratic presidential campaign.

“I also recognize that we’re at a pivotal moment in American democracy where faith voices for justice are needed now more than ever,” she said. “The Harris-Walz campaign is a really unique opportunity to shift the debate, to engage all of those who are concerned about what a Trump presidency would mean, the work of this campaign and what it can do to transform America.”

She added: “It feels very exciting and full of possibilities.”

That’s rather mild from bloodthirsty, right? She hates Whites, Christians and Jews:

Yes, she is an anti-Semite and a friend of Linda Sarsour:

Like Tampon Tim, this activist Reverend was not well vetted. You know that else is missing from her message: Jesus of Nazareth and his message as a personal Savior.

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