Lauren Boebert Goes Carpetbagging in Colorado

Lauren Boebert Goes Carpetbagging in Colorado

Lauren Boebert Goes Carpetbagging in Colorado

Rep. Lauren Boebert must’ve seen the proverbial handwriting on the wall. In 2022 she barely squeaked out re-election to Colorado’s 3rd District, so she announced that’s she’s moving on to the 4th District.

It’s obvious why. Not only did she win re-election by a paltry 546 votes, but in September, 2023, a Denver theater ejected Boebert and a “male companion” during the musical “Beetlejuice” for disruptive behavior.

Consider, too, that her theater shenanigans occurred while she was still legally married to her estranged husband (she filed for divorce in May). Plus, she heckled Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address earlier in the year. As a freshman she announced that she would openly carry a firearm on the House floor.

Oh, Boebert has her supporters, to be sure. They like her bombastic, in-your-face style. But would her lack of restraint doom her in 2024 among the voters in the 3rd? That’s the problem she faced.

In addition, she would also face opposition in her own party. One of those who would have been primarying Boebert is Grand Junction attorney Jeff Hurd. Not only does Hurd have the support of major CO Republicans, including former Gov. Bill Owens and former U.S. Sen. Hank Brown, the conservative editorial board of the Colorado Springs Gazette recently endorsed Hurd.

So now it’s on to the CO 4th District for Lauren Boebert. She doesn’t live there, mind you, nor will she move. But Colorado law allows carpet-bagging. Question is — will the voters of the 4th accept her, warts and all?


Lauren Boebert Wants to Replace Ken Buck

Currently CO 4th is held by Rep. Ken Buck, who announced his retirement in November. While Buck is far more moderate than Boebert, his district is the most Republican in Colorado with a +26 lean to red. Not only that, but it also went for Donald Trump in 2020 by +16 points. That’s in comparison to Boebert’s current 3rd district, which went for Trump by +6 points. So it should be a slam-dunk for Trump darling Lauren Boebert, right?

Lauren Boebert Ken Buck

Ken Buck (32339088653).jpg” by Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Not so fast. There’s already a field of six contenders for Buck’s seat, including a conservative radio talk show host, plus a rancher and Army veteran, along with business owners and a real estate investor. The group also includes current members of the Colorado statehouse, as well as a former state senator. So this may not be the smooth sailing that Lauren Boebert hopes it will be.

But she’s hopeful. Announcing her intentions in a Facebook video, Boebert said:

I did not arrive at this decision easily. A lot of prayer, a lot of tough conversations and a lot of perspective convinced me that this is the best way I can continue to fight for Colorado, for the conservative movement and for my children’s future.

She also tried to explain that in her current 3rd District, she was up against nefarious dark forces. “Hollywood elites and progressive money groups” are out to buy her district, she claimed:

I will not allow dark money that is directed at destroying me personally to steal this seat. It’s not fair to the 3rd district and the conservatives there.

However, Boebert has tried to recast herself as a serious member of Congress. She passed her first bill — the Pueblo Jobs Act — as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. She also voted against the ousting of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

But it may be too little, too late.


Reaction to Boebert’s Bombshell

Conservative Denver radio talker Ross Kaminsky is not enthusiastic about Lauren Boebert running for the Buck seat.

I’ve supported Lauren in the past but she didn’t rise to the job as I’d hoped or at least started down that road far too late. I’m not down with carpet-bagging, even within a state. And of course the idiotic behavior at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. Ugh. In a crowded primary, name recognition is worth a lot but I think CD4 isn’t looking for this. I like Lauren personally but she needs to figure out what her next career is, not what her next move in this career is.


A group calling themselves “Republicans Against Trump” announced the Lauren Boebert district switch as a “desperate attempt.”

Meanwhile, Bonchie at Red State provided his usual clear-eyed assessment:

It’s simply a commentary on the reality of the situation she found herself in. It’ll be very interesting to see how she does in the primary in district four and what kind of resources are marshaled for and against her. No doubt, Donald Trump will endorse her, but will it matter in a district with that makeup? We’ll see. 

And, in the end, Boebert ditching CO 3rd may end up to be beneficial for Republicans in the long run:

As to the broader electoral implications, there is an argument that Boebert is helping the GOP by making this move, as cynical as it may be on her part (she essentially admits in the video she is moving to better her chances of remaining in power). By allowing a fresh face to run in district three, Republicans will have a better-than-even chance of holding the seat now. That wasn’t true as long as Boebert remained in place.

I don’t live in Colorado, so I’m not familiar with its political proclivities. But I’ve seen enough of Lauren Boebert to know that if I lived in the CO 4th District I would be voting for one of her Republican opponents in the primary. She’s accomplished little in Congress, other than serving as a brazen bomb thrower and overall clown. The Republican party in Colorado, as well as nationally, would be best served by the voters of the 4th District in denying her the House seat, and never allowing her to return to power.


Featured photo: Photoshop alteration of 1872 Thomas Nast cartoon; Brand X Studio.


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Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

  • Kate says:

    Yes, we have a razor thin margin in the House, but this move? Fight for your seat. Give your people a reason to send you back.

    No, Lauren. You’re a hot mess. And it’s not all because you got divorced.

  • Taylor says:

    There was always osmething creepy about her and Trump enmdorsing her says a lot aobut tghe two of them. She also is a Putin fan.

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