Every time I wonder about the narcissism of Donald Trump and his ability to bring everything back around to himself, Barack Obama then pops up to remind me that he truly was the master at making everything about him. It was just that the media let him get away with it.
And while the press is covering Obama’s message to Democrats in Politico today…
… there is this little moment where Obama laments that the Democrats just loved him too much.
Obama has a regret, everyone https://t.co/iMHH7KKvYD pic.twitter.com/YpPLy8N0U4
— David Rutz (@DavidRutz) June 29, 2018
"I was so awesome that I made you forget about everyone else." Classic problem.
— Charles Chemtob (@CharlieChemtob) June 29, 2018
He drained the DNC coffers to the point of nothing. They thought they would be able to fill it back up under shady deals while Hillary was president.
What a narcissist.— Bailey Olson (@B75434425) June 29, 2018
"Your resume seems to be in order. One last question: what are biggest faults?"
"Well, I'm just so damn wonderful that everyone focuses on me."— Norwegian Blue (@StunnedParrot) June 29, 2018
"I made everything about me, and it's your fault that you bought in while I gutted your party of 1000 seats"
— ☠Problematic AF™ ☠ (@EF517_V3) June 29, 2018
"people were so focused on me"
We let him down again guys.— Burn It All Down (@TimHaas70) June 29, 2018
They Loved Me Too Much: The final installment in the Obama Trilogy https://t.co/AYB3NXDs3y
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) June 29, 2018
That’s really it. Obama understands why he was adored, but the Democrats need to move on… and he’s so disappointed that they are too in love with him to do that.
Amazingly, he still blames everyone… making sure they know he is still disappointed in all of them while he made it all about him https://t.co/gd1A0k8WbW
— Mujahed (@kebejay) June 29, 2018
No comment from Hillary Clinton on this, but it’s okay. Chris “we don’t root for a side” Cizzilla is still carrying a torch for Obama, and he’s not afraid to show his love.
Thursday night was a reminder: Barack Obama is still the best messenger Democrats havehttps://t.co/imk4pc7yAE pic.twitter.com/hVheVvMMXE
— Chris Cillizza (@CillizzaCNN) June 29, 2018
Obama: "Everything was your fault nothing was mine"
— Mujahed (@kebejay) June 29, 2018
By all means, keep on idealizing Obama, Cizzilla.
Democrats lost 1000 seats (House, Senate and the WH) while he was POTUS.
So, by all means, more cowbell https://t.co/EyvpD6664w
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) June 29, 2018
Please Democrats AND media. Keep going with that narrative and see how far that gets you in November. Much less 2020.
— GLM (@glmedford) June 29, 2018
And Democrat leadership is only too happy to continue the lovefest.
Tom Perez, in his introduction of Obama, did not mince words on Donald Trump: "Let’s give it up for the real President of the United States, Barack Obama." https://t.co/fdfVOQx6oW
— Dan Merica (@danmericaCNN) June 29, 2018
The 22nd Amendment would like a word with the DNC.
Also, the Resistance seems to have lost their narrative.
Thought that was Hillary https://t.co/UAhSyEaych
— Allahpundit (@allahpundit) June 29, 2018
Burn. No one tell her that the Democrats have been able to quit her, but not Obama.
Well, the deomnrats sure as hell deserve that jackass, I’m just wondering what the rest of us did that was so bad that WE deserved 8 years of his BS…
The arrogant mosquito was floating on a piece of driftwood…as it drifted closer to the drawbridge the mosquito shouted out that he had a hard on and that the drawbridge needed to be raised.