#NoCollusion: Mueller Indicts 13 Russians For 2016 Election Interference, Hillary Hardest Hit [VIDEO]

#NoCollusion: Mueller Indicts 13 Russians For 2016 Election Interference, Hillary Hardest Hit [VIDEO]

#NoCollusion: Mueller Indicts 13 Russians For 2016 Election Interference, Hillary Hardest Hit [VIDEO]

When the news broke that the Mueller probe would result in the announcement of indictments today, you can just bet that the Democrats and media (I repeat myself) were ordering party trays and buying up all the champagne they could find. It was going to be PARTY TIME in DC! Then the bus showed up and flattened their gleeful expectations in glorious style.

A federal grand jury has indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged illegal interference in the 2016 presidential elections, during which they strongly supported the candidacy of Donald Trump, special counsel Robert Mueller‘s office said Friday.

The indictment says that a Russian organization called the Internet Research Agency sought to wage “information warfare” against the United States and to “sow discord” in the American political system by using fictitious American personas and social media platforms and other Internet-based media.

Hold on! Back up that bus! Where are the Americans who were colluding? Where are the members of the Trump team? Democrats frantically scan the indictment and find exactly zero zip NADA mention of any Americans colluding with Russia to help Trump win. Talk about a narrative dive bombing into the gutter…this is one for the record books!

Let’s take a look at what Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said today:

Well, alrighty then! Gosh that Democrat narrative of Trump! Russia! Collusion! is getting flatter by the minute!  You can read the entire indictment here. And it makes for some interesting reading. To summarize:

Russians operated a major troll farm.

Moved assets (meaning people) into the U.S. in 2014 nearly a year BEFORE Trump entered the race.


Stole identities and IP addresses to make people think the Russians were Americans.

Specifically worked against HILLARY CLINTON’s campaign.

Organized an Anti-Trump rally AFTER the election. Paging Michael Moore:

Didn’t start pro-Trump rallies until AFTER the November 4 election

“They engaged in operations primarily intended to communicate derogatory information about Hillary Clinton, to denigrate other candidates such as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and to support Bernie Sanders and then-candidate Donald Trump.” They encouraged “US minority groups not to vote in the 2016 US presidential election or to vote for a third-party US presidential candidate.” This meant pushing for Jill Stein and against Hillary Clinton. The only coordination seems to have taken place with Florida pro-Trump groups to put together rallies — and those groups didn’t know they were dealing with Russians.

Were successful enough trolls that the Russians fooled Black Lives Matter and Women’s March groups. Hmmm, I wonder if it was a Russian troll who came up with the idea for those hideous pussy hats?

You know when Rosenstein said this:

That sucking sound you heard was the air escaping out of the balloons the Dems had ordered for their Trump Was a Colluder We Knew It! party. Sad Trombone.

Adam Schiff (D-CA) tries to move the goal posts and fails.

Ben Rhodes took a swing and missed by miles.


Meanwhile, Powerline’s John Hindraker does point out a few oddities regarding the indictment here. Specifically that, at first glance, the Russian operation didn’t seem very sophisticated and had an incredibly small budget compared to the billions that Hillary ran through to end up in second place.

However, the biggest irony of this indictment? The goal was to work AGAINST Hillary Clinton. That’s pretty rich considering her RESET button schtick.

And considering that she was very much instrumental in the Uranium One debacle that handed over 20% of U.S uranium assets to Russia.

Seems that Russia liked what she could do for them, but wasn’t a fan of her becoming President. Boy howdy, I bet that just chaps her right in the pantsuit!

So there you have it. At present, the only collusion involved in the 2016 Presidential election was by the Russians themselves. All in order to make sure Hillary lost.

Grab your popcorn, ladies and gents. The spin through this weekend is going to be riveting.

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  • Brian Brandt says:

    Don’t fall for it. Rod Rosenstein is a very smart guy. After all the Right-wingers praise him for being such a fair, unbiased straight shooter, he will come out with a second indictment naming Trump or his close associates.

  • Scott says:

    “Were successful enough trolls that the Russians fooled Black Lives Matter and Women’s March groups. ” Hmm.. somehow that strikes me as being about as difficult as taking candy from a baby… And Brian, might want to reread things, “The only coordination seems to have taken place with Florida pro-Trump groups to put together rallies — and those groups didn’t know they were dealing with Russians.” is a pretty clear statement, for those that are not challenged in the reading comprehension field… just saying

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