Nikki Haley Is Not a Cheating Type of Gal [video]

Nikki Haley Is Not a Cheating Type of Gal [video]

Nikki Haley Is Not a Cheating Type of Gal [video]

New rumors have surfaced, courtesy of the illustrious author of Fire and Fury, Michael Wolff, that U.N Ambassador Nikki Haley is having an affair with President Donald Trump. Apparently he drew this conclusion from the fact that Haley has been in the same room at some time with Trump. Well, if that’s the standard, he’s got a whole lot more books to write doesn’t he?! No, he just doesn’t know Nikki Haley very well, and how ridiculous this charge really is.

“It is absolutely not true,” Haley said, arguing that Wolff not only has his facts wrong, but that his insinuation is similar to other attacks that she and other successful women have faced when they’ve been forced to swat down suggestions they’ve slept their way to the top.

“I have literally been on Air Force One once and there were several people in the room when I was there,” she said in an interview Thursday for POLITICO’s Women Rule podcast, referring to a flight from Washington to Long Island in late July. “He says that I’ve been talking a lot with the president in the Oval about my political future. I’ve never talked once to the president about my future and I am never alone with him.”

Haley is the former Republican governor of South Carolina. She was the first ever female  governor of the deep south state. She was previously elected to the state legislature three times, and was the first Indian-American to hold state office in South Carolina. She grew up there, daughter of Indian immigrants. She’s more brown than white, but she’s married to a pretty typical white guy. They met in college. They had a Sikh wedding ceremony and a Methodist one. Michael Haley serves full time in the South Carolina Army National Guard. He deployed in 2012 to Afghanistan – the first ever spouse of a governor to do so. They have two children.

On the whole Nikki Haley was a fantastic governor most Republicans would agree. She oversaw economic development in a state that has focused its attention on bringing in manufacturers and boosting the capacity of the port. Her only stumble in the eyes of a few (mine included) was being a little too opportunistic during the Confederate flag issue. Shortly following the horrific Mother Emanuel shooting in Charleston in 2015, race baiters from all over were intent to start up some riots in the town that’s been voted Most Friendly travel destination for years. They were unsuccessful as the people of Charleston were having none of it. At that point in time there was much discussion of presidential running mates, and it has always been my position that Nikki Haley choose that precious moment to bring down the flag, so that the action might aid her if in fact the Republican nominee were to look her way. But, well, she is a politician after all, so in light of the rest of her performance, particularly as UN Ambassador, I’ve let it slide. And make no mistake, she is rocking it at the UN.

As to these allegations of an affair, not only does Wolff have no clue about who Haley is, but he must never have heard about the very well known animosity between her and Trump. Out of all the Republicans, she took it to Trump in probably the most classy way possible during the campaign. And in my opinion he rewarded her tenacity and class with a darn good job. From this perspective it appears they have mutual respect for each other and a very good working relationship. She has proved to be a strong and judicious colleague at the UN, and I am pleased to have her representing the US.

The other thing Wolff must not know is that Haley has been attacked with the same kind of ridiculous allegation before as governor. She was rumored to have had an affair with a political consultant. To avoid libel I won’t comment on that person, but suffice it to say, the match up was nearly as ridiculous as the one between Haley and Trump.

Michael Wolff is simply trying to stretch out his 15 minutes of fame that ended about 14 minutes ago. He’s a hack and not worthy of a book sale much less television airtime. Don’t believe the rumors and give Wolff what he deserves: Don’t pay him no mind, as we say in the south.

On the other hand, do pay attention to Haley. She proves daily that she is diplomatic and tough, intelligent and empathetic. She would be a great candidate for president if she ever decides to run.

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  • Dana says:

    She’s more brown than white? I have a problem with that formulation. Yes, both of her parents were Indian Sikhs, so her ethnicity is more Sikh than anything else, but ‘brown’ and ‘white’ are very imprecise, and looking at her, especially in photographs, people aren’t somehow thinking ‘brown.’

    Her ethnic group are actually considered Caucasian. Caucasian refers to ethnic groups which are phenotypically similar, but not necessarily ‘white’ skinned. Mrs Haley appears, in photographs — I have never met her personally — well within the ‘norms’ for people who would be considered ‘white’ in America.

    I believe that your phraseology was poor in your statement.

    • Jenny North says:

      I wasn’t looking for precision – I was using the term by liberal rules. If they liked Haley they would be all over her as a woman of color.

  • an ol ex Jarhead says:

    The Press (MSM) has been telling us that, “War is peace, freedom is slavery, bad is good,…” for over 70 years. Nothing new in these lies about PDT + NH!

  • George V says:

    Why is it that every utterance of a left-wing nut job is given consideration or treated as gospel, and the considered speech or writing of conservatives is dismissed as the utterance of a right-wing nut job?

    Mr. Wolff needs to retrace his steps, looking at the floor, in order to find the cheese that fell off his cracker.

  • John C. says:

    I’d vote for her for President; she has both executive experience (something Obama lacked) and foreign relations experience, and has no problems with kicking @$$ and taking names. And it would be delicious watching the Democrats having to oppose someone who checks all the boxes they claim to take so seriously…

  • Skillyboo says:

    There must be a coven of leftists somewhere whose sole task is to fabricate stories and then put them out there early enough to keep the story running all weekend to see if it gathers any traction.

  • GWB says:

    not only does Wolff have no clue about who Haley is
    FIFY 😉

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