The Russians Trolled the NFL and Black Lives Matter

The Russians Trolled the NFL and Black Lives Matter

The Russians Trolled the NFL and Black Lives Matter

Those pesky Russians are at it again. Reuters reports that Senator James Lankford, (R) Oklahoma, claims that Russian trolls pushed the NFL kneeling story to divide the United States of America. Whut? Like we need the Russkies for that? Oof. From the article:

”We watched, even this weekend, the Russians and their troll farms, their internet folks, start hashtagging out #TakeAKnee and also hashtagging out #BoycottNFL,” Lankford, who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said during a hearing on threats faced by the United States.

“They were taking both sides of the argument this weekend … to try to raise the noise level of America and make a big issue seem like an even bigger issue as they are trying to push divisiveness in this country,” Lankford said.

Senator James Lankford, (R) Oklahoma

Bless their hearts. Bless the Russian hearts and Senator Lankford’s heart and the NFL’s hearts (if they have any) collectively. Are we little sheeple waiting around for the Russian wolfhounds to lead us in whichever direction they wish? Are we Russian puppets with Vladimir Putin pulling our strings?

More from the Reuters article:

Facebook this month revealed that suspected Russian trolls purchased more than $100,000 worth of divisive ads on its platform during the 2016 election cycle. Twitter is expected to privately brief the Senate panel on Thursday, and the House Intelligence Committee said Wednesday technology companies would testify about Russian interference in an open hearing next month.

Doggone, those Russian trolls are A-MAZ-ing. The Russian trolls bought “more than $100,000 worth of divisive ads” for the 2016 Election. What did they spend on the NFL trolling? Like $5,000, maybe. Do they sponsor Colin Kaepernick or is he just a “useful idiot”? Don’t answer that. We already know he is an idiot, useful or not. The Russians buy a few ads or fly a few false flags on Facebook and we get this-

The Dallas Cowboys in Arizona kneeling as a group, before the National Anthem, and being booed by the fans. Wow, epic work by Vladimir and his Russian Trolls.

Wait, those clever Russian trolls are the puppet masters for Black Lives Matter, too. Business Insider reports:

On Wednesday evening, CNN followed up with a separate report with details about a Facebook ad bought by Russians during last year’s election that was centered on the Black Lives Matter movement and targeted specifically the cities of Baltimore and Ferguson, Missouri.

The ad was bought by the Internet Research Agency, a Russian troll factory based in St. Petersburg.

Russian Troll Factory

So, let’s pretend that I buy that Russian trolls are stirring up trouble in Ferguson and Baltimore and that it had nothing to do with former President Barack Obama’s arrogant hatred of the cops, let’s pretend that for a moment. Did Vlad and the trolls get the city officials to tell the cops to stand down? Did Vlad and his dark webmasters tell Michael Brown’s friend to lie about “Hands up, Don’t Shoot!”?

Here is the 411: We are racially divided and Barack Obama poked that festering sore. The NFL has big problems and the kneeling gives them social justice points. And, Hillary Clinton was a bad candidate and lost to a barbarian troll named Donald Trump.

Now, how’s about a little turnabout. It’s fair play after all.

My favorite Russian ballerina, Alina Somova, Marrinsky Ballet.

Russian ballerinas have elevators in their point shoes and Vladimir Putin wears frilly women’s underwear under his suits. Let the Russian riots begin.

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  • Nina says:

    Brilliant takedown of the entire Russian troll kerfuffle!

  • GWB says:

    to try to raise the noise level of America and make a big issue seem like an even bigger issue

    Oh no! We can’t have that! That’s the MSM‘s job!

    Facebook this month revealed that suspected Russian trolls purchased more than $100,000 worth of divisive ads on its platform during the 2016 election cycle.

    Which, it has been revealed now, supported HRC! Now *that* is an epic level troll!

    (BTW, if that Trump troll doll is real, I *want* one!)

  • Toni Williams says:

    GWB- The Russian trolls just lead us around.

    That Trump troll doll is anatomically correct. The one that is for sale is not nearly that cool.


  • AlecRawls says:

    ESPN directs it’s entire billion dollar network to agitating about poor Colon Crappernick not having a job but it was a few Russian trolls on facebook that made the difference. Umm hmm.

    CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, all lying for years about about black criminals shot while committing attempted murder, pretending these perpetrators were the victims. Half the black population of the country sides with the attempted murderers and against the people they were trying to murder.

    So here’s the deal: if we shut down the two-bit Russian operation we also shut down the multi-billion dollar rotten lying Democrat operations. Would almost be worth it.

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